Physical base of geothermics. Heat conduction, Fourier`s law, differential heat conduction equation. Heat convection, heat radiation. Heat balance of earth`s surface. Thermal proper-ties of rocks. Surface temperature field (periodic variations, normal and anomalous field). Shallow geothermal prospecting. Infrared thermometry. Heat flow, methods of determination, continental heat fow, heat flow in Bohemian Massif.
Last update: DATEL (30.04.2002)
Kappelmayer O., Haenel R., Geothermics with Special Reference to Application, Gebruder Borntraeger, Berlin/Stuttgart, 1974. Jessop A.M., Thermal Geophysics, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1990.
Last update: DATEL (06.05.2004)
Závěrečný test má písemnou a ústní část. S požadavky na zápočet jsou studenti seznámeni v úvodním cvičení. Last update: Fischer Tomáš, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (02.01.2012)
1. Introduction - physical base of geothermics - some necessary relations of thermics, quantities, units. 2. Heat conduction - Fourier`s law, derivation of differential heat conduction equation, its forms and properties, initial and boundary conditions. 3. Heat convection - mixed form of heat conduction equation, coefficient of surface heat transfer. Heat radiation - Kirchhoff`s laws, Stefan-Boltzmann`s law, emissivity. 4. Heat balance of earth`s surface - heat sources, solar constant, equation of heat balance. 5. Thermal properties of rocks - methods of determination (laboratory stationary and nonstationary methods), characteristic values of conductivity, diffusivity and heat capacity. 6. Surface temperature field - normal field (halfspace, horizontally layered medium), periodic temperature variations (solution of heat conduction equation, depth of penetration), step temperature change, normal and anomalous temperature field with respect to shallow geothermal prospecting, main causes of anomalies. 7. Shallow geothermal prospecting - principle, instruments, calibration, methodics of field measurements (in soil, under snow, in water), data processing, interpretation, examples of application. 8. Infrared thermometry - EM spectrum, radiation`s laws (Planck`s law, Wien`s law), radiation temperature, principle of infrared thermometers, methodics of measurement, radiation temperature of earth`s surface, temperature anomalies, application. Principle of thermovision. 9. Heat flow - determination of heat flow, interval method, Bullard`s method, heat flow and continental crust (radiogenic heat, reduced heat flow), heat flow in Bohemian Massif (distribution of temperature, map of heat flow, interpretation).
Last update: DATEL (06.05.2004)