Basic equations of EM field, classification of geoelectrical methods. Resistivity method (sou-nding, profiling), multielectrode measurements, borehole variants of resistivity method. Mag-netotelluric method. Very low frequency method (inductive and resistivity variant). EM me-thods in frequency domain. Time domain EM methods. Georadar. Self-potential method. Induced polarization method.
Last update: DATEL (30.04.2002)
Reynolds J.M., An Introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics (kap. 3 a 4), John Wiley & Sons, N.Y., 1997. Karous M., Geoelektrické metody průzkumu, SNTL, Praha, 1989. Telford W.M., Geldart L.P., Sheriff R.E., Applied Geophysics (kap. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990.
Last update: DATEL (06.05.2004)
Závěrečná zkouška má písemnou a ústní část. K zápočtu je třeba odevzdat 5 vypracovaných protokolů. Last update: Fischer Tomáš, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (03.01.2012)
1. Introduction - basic equations of EM field, types of EM fields, sources of geoelectrical fields, general measurement techniques, classification of geoelectrical methods. 2. Resistivity method - resistivity of rocks, basic theory of stationary electric field. 3. Resistivity sounding - direct problem, geoelectrical section, basic types of sounding curves, computation of theoretical curves, inverse problem, interpretation procedures. 4. Resistivity profiling - electrode arrays, direct problems, characteristic model curves, methodics of measurement, data processing, interpretation. 5. Multielectrode measurements - principle, methodics, application. Borehole variants of resistivity method - principles, modifications. 6. Magnetotelluric method - sources and character of MT field, EM induction in homogeneous halfspace, principle of MT sounding, sounding curves, interpretation. 7. VLF method - sources, signal propagation, origin of anomalies, elliptic polarization, inductive variant (methodics of measurement, characteristic curves, data processing, interpretation), VLF-R (principle, measurement, 2D inhomogeneities, two horizontal layers). 8. EM methods in frequency domain - quasistationary normal field of VMD and HED, principle of frequency sounding (far and near zone), EM profiling (principle, large source, moving source, conductivity meters). 9. Time domain EM methods - principle, origin of secondary field, normal field of loop and HED, near and far zone, transient sounding and profiling. 10. Georadar - principle of impulse georadar, central frequency, wave number, reflection, attenuation, wave length, methodics of measurement. 11. Self-potential method - natural electrochemical activity, origin of potentials, field measurements (potential, gradient), data processing, interpretation. 12. Induced polarization method - polarization of rocks, IP phenomenon, time domain IP (principle, measured parameters, methodics of measurement, interpretation), frequency domain IP ( amplitude-phase mesurements, spectral IP).
Last update: DATEL (06.05.2004)