Geophysical methods in environmental protection - MG452P01
Title: Geofyz. metody v živ. prostředí
Czech title: Geofyz. metody v živ. prostředí
Guaranteed by: Institute of Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology and Applied Geophysics (31-450)
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Actual: from 2021
Semester: winter
E-Credits: 4
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: not taught
Language: Czech
Explanation: Výuka probíhá s ohledem na situaci dle nařízení hyg. stanice hl.m. Prahy a MŠMT
Additional information:
Note: enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: Mgr. Jan Valenta, Ph.D.
Opinion survey results   Examination dates   Schedule   
Annotation -
Physical principles of geophysical methods (gravimetry, magnetometry, radiometry, geothermal methods, geoelectrical methods, seismic, borehole logging). Application of geophysical methods to investigation, monitoring and protection of the living environment: depth and relief of the bedrock, location of underground cavities, exploration of magnetic objects, archaeological survey, monitoring of environmental radioactivity, radon risk mapping of building sites, nuclear fallout detection, radioactivity of heaps, wastes and anthropogenic objects, location of tectonic lines, slope deformation, seismic investigation of rock massive disturbances, investigation of underground water dynamics and contamination, remote sensing of the Earth
Last update: DATEL (19.05.2005)
Literature - Czech

Mareš S. a kol. (1990): Úvod do užité geofyziky. SNTL Praha , 591 p.

Mareš S. a kol. (1996): Geofyzikální metody v ochraně a tvorbě životního prostředí. Skriptum

VŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava, 139 p.

Ward S.H. (Editor) (1990): Geotechnical and Environmental Geophysics, vol. I - III. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa.

Last update: DATEL (19.05.2005)
Requirements to the exam - Czech

zápočet: presence a aktivita v rámci cvičení

zkouška: písemná, případně i ústní

Last update: Dohnal Jiří, PhDr. RNDr. (18.11.2011)
Syllabus -
1. Physical principles, geophysical measurement, quantities and units
Gravimetry, magnetometry, radiometry and nuclear geophysics, geothermal methods, geoelectrical methods, seismic methods and geophysical borehole logging.

2. Application of geophysical methods to investigation, monitoring and protection of the living environment
2.1 Prospecting and location of underground cavities (types of underground cavities and weakend zones, application of gravimetry, radar geoprospecting, geoelectrical methods and geothermal methods and their limitation). Geophysical investigation of karst regions (tectonic zones, karstic alterations areas, cavities, quality of calcareous rocks).

2.2 Determination of basement relief (physical characterization of sedimentary cover, application of geophysical methods with respect to the depth and quality of the bedrock).

2.3 Geophysical prospecting of hidden subsurface objects (location of ammunition, safety of underground works, location of waste ferromagnetic objects). Protection of cultural heritage at building sites (location of covered relicts of archaeological objects).

2.4 Natural and man-made sources of radiation in the environment, radioactivity of the natural environment, the Atomic Law (2002) and limits of absorbed doses and radioactivity of objects in the natural environment, radioactivity of building materials, Radon programme of the Czech Republic, measurement and assessment of radiation in dwellings, determination of radon risk of building sites, radioactivity of anthropogenic objects (heaps and wastes), radioactivity of underground and surface water, monitoring of nuclear fallout.

2.5 Waste deposits and investigation of rock environment contamination by means of geophysical methods, foundation of new waste deposits, localization and determination of space and material parameters of waste deposits, monitoring of contaminants by means of geophysical methods

2.6 Prospecting for lines of disturbance in rocks (petrophysical features, application of geophysical methods and their limitation).

2.7 Seismic model of the Earth, slope deformations and their investigation and monitoring, geophysical methods in the soil quality study and the grade of disturbance of the rock massive. Determination of seismic risk for large buildings. Seismic methods in the survey and exploitation of raw materials.

2.8 The use and protection of underground and surface water, monitoring of contamination by means of geophysical methods, dynamics of underground water. Geophysical measurement in bore holes. Geothermal measurements.

2.9 Remote sensing of the Earth.

Last update: DATEL (19.05.2005)