Basics of hydromechanics; groundwater; molecular, microscale and macroscale resolution levels; Darcy's law and equations of Darcian mechanics; hydraulics of aquifers; unsaturated zone and its characteristics; Richards' equation; phases and components; transport of polutants; sorption and decay.
Last update: Mls Jiří, doc. RNDr., CSc. (20.04.2022)
Bear, J., 1972, Dynamics of Fluid in Porous Media, Elsevier, New York
Bear, J., 1979, Hydraulics of Groundwater, McGraw-Hill Inc., New York
Bear, J. and Cheng, A. H-D., 2010, Modeling Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport, Springer; Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York
Bear, J. and Verruijt, A., 1987, Modeling Groundwater Flow and Pollution, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht-Boston- Lancaster-Tokyo
Hillel, D., 2004, Introduction to Environmental Soil Physics, Elsevier Academic Press
Luckner, L., Schestakow, W. M., 1991, Migration processes in the Soil and Groundwater Zone, Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie, Leipzig (also in English)
Mualem, Y., 1976, A new model for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated porous media, Water Resour. Res., 12, 513-522
van Genuchten, M. T., 1980, A closed-form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils, Soil. Sci. Am. J., 44, 892-898
Verruijt, A., 1982, Theory of Groundwater Flow, The Macmillan Press, London and Basingstoke
Last update: Mls Jiří, doc. RNDr., CSc. (20.04.2022)
Requirements to the exam
The course credit is awarded, apart from the exam, for written elaboration of the prescribed exercises. Written exam containing tasks and questions covering the subject in the extend lectured during the term.
Last update: Mls Jiří, doc. RNDr., CSc. (20.04.2022)
Governing equations; continuity equation, steady-state flow, evolution problems, specific storativity, general equation of saturated flow, 2D problems, initial and boundary conditions, free and movable boundaries.
Hydraulics of aquifers; the Dupuit-Forchheimer approach, discharge per unit width, transmissivity, storativity, the Girinskii potential.
Unsaturated zone; negative pressure head, water content, retention curve, van Genuchten's equation, the Darcy-Buckingham law, Mualem's equation, Richards' equation and corresponding boundary conditions.
Transport phenomena; phases and components, molecular diffusion, advection, dispersion, dispersivity, coefficient of dispersion, advection-dispersion equation, sources, degradation, decay, sorption, general transport equation.
Last update: Mls Jiří, doc. RNDr., CSc. (20.04.2022)