The course aims to provide a comprehensive overview of methodologies and modelling techniques for the analysis of slope stability, landslide movements, and landslide patterns at various scales. Focusing on individual slopes (specially in soil materials), we will learn to evaluate their stability using the methods of slices and will explore the importance of the safety factor concept. We will learn about stress-strain analysis and the need for advanced constitutive models. We will study the causes and mechanisms of landslide triggering and propagation, also with the aid of physical models in GIS environment. We will explore traditional and innovative monitoring techniques. Then, focusing on a larger scale, we will learn about methods of landslide mapping, susceptibility, and hazard assessment. We will discover how landslide hazard is connected to other hazards in intricate chains and multi-hazard scenarios. Finally, we will discover the role of our knowledge of physical processes in risk assessments, management, reduction, and adaptation strategies. The course is enriched by a number of exercises using various modelling software, as well as by guest lectures and seminars on state-of-the-art topics.
Last update: Scaringi Gianvito, Dr., Ph.D. (15.07.2024)
The course aims to provide a comprehensive overview of methodologies and modelling techniques for the analysis of slope stability, landslide movements, and landslide patterns at various scales. Focusing on individual slopes (specially in soil materials), we will learn to evaluate their stability using the methods of slices and will explore the importance of the safety factor concept. We will learn about stress-strain analysis and the need for advanced constitutive models. We will study the causes and mechanisms of landslide triggering and propagation, also with the aid of physical models in GIS environment. We will explore traditional and innovative monitoring techniques. Then, focusing on a larger scale, we will learn about methods of landslide mapping, susceptibility, and hazard assessment. We will discover how landslide hazard is connected to other hazards in intricate chains and multi-hazard scenarios. Finally, we will discover the role of our knowledge of physical processes in risk assessments, management, reduction, and adaptation strategies. The course is enriched by a number of exercises using various modelling software, as well as by guest lectures and seminars on state-of-the-art topics.
Last update: Scaringi Gianvito, Dr., Ph.D. (15.07.2024)
Literature -
Lecture notes (presentations, handouts, multimedia material) from the teacher Hungr O., Leroueil S., Picarelli L. (2014), The Varnes classification of landslide types, an update, Landslides, 11(2), 167-194. Clague J.J., Stead D. (2012), Landslides - Types, Mechanisms and Modeling, Cambridge University Press. Lancellotta R. (2009), Geotechnical engineering, 2nd ed., CRC Press. Highland L., Bobrowsky P. T. (2008), The landslide handbook: a guide to understanding landslides, Reston: US Geological Survey. Settles E., Göttle A., Von Poschinger A. (2008), Slope monitoring methods-a state of the art report, ClimChalp Interreg III B Alpine Space -Work package, 6. Abramson L.W., et al. (2002), Slope stability and stabilization methods, 2nd ed., Wiley Interscience. Cruden D. M. (1993), The multilingual landslide glossary, The International Geotechnical Societies UNESCO Working Party for World Landslide Inventory, 5. Bromhead E.N. (1992), The stability of slopes, 2nd ed., CRC Press.
Last update: Scaringi Gianvito, Dr., Ph.D. (15.07.2024)
Lecture notes (presentations, handouts, multimedia material) from the teacher Hungr O., Leroueil S., Picarelli L. (2014), The Varnes classification of landslide types, an update, Landslides, 11(2), 167-194. Clague J.J., Stead D. (2012), Landslides - Types, Mechanisms and Modeling, Cambridge University Press. Lancellotta R. (2009), Geotechnical engineering, 2nd ed., CRC Press. Highland L., Bobrowsky P. T. (2008), The landslide handbook: a guide to understanding landslides, Reston: US Geological Survey. Settles E., Göttle A., Von Poschinger A. (2008), Slope monitoring methods-a state of the art report, ClimChalp Interreg III B Alpine Space -Work package, 6. Abramson L.W., et al. (2002), Slope stability and stabilization methods, 2nd ed., Wiley Interscience. Cruden D. M. (1993), The multilingual landslide glossary, The International Geotechnical Societies UNESCO Working Party for World Landslide Inventory, 5. Bromhead E.N. (1992), The stability of slopes, 2nd ed., CRC Press.
Last update: Scaringi Gianvito, Dr., Ph.D. (15.07.2024)
Requirements to the exam -
written exam + completion and evaluation of all assignments
Last update: Scaringi Gianvito, Dr., Ph.D. (15.07.2024)
written exam + completion and evaluation of all assignments
Last update: Scaringi Gianvito, Dr., Ph.D. (15.07.2024)
Syllabus -
* Syllabus: 1. Introduction and historical remarks: from the theory of earth pressures to the methods of slices. 2. Classification of slope movements and nomenclature. Classification by material, type, rate of movement, stage and state of activity (e.g., Cruden-Varnes, Hungr-Leroueil-Picarelli). Landslide evolution. 3. Causes of instability: triggering and predisposing factors. Decrease in shear strength, increase in external load. Slope-vegetation-atmosphere interaction. Cause-consequence relationship between precipitation and slope instability. Empirical hydrological models for the identification of rainfall thresholds. Cause-consequence relationship between seismic shaking and slope instability. Coseismic and post seismic landslides, spatial distribution, legacy effects. 4. Peculiarities of landslides in specific settings: pyroclastic covers and other volcanic materials, high-elevation landslides, structurally complex formations, mines and mine tailings, hydropower basins, embankments and cuts for linear infrastructures. 5. Conventional methods of stability analysis: infinite and finite slopes, drained and undrained conditions, planar and rotational failures. Limit equilibrium methods - methods of slices: Fellenius, Bishop, Janbu, Spencer, Morgenstern-Price; comparison. Importance and limitations of the concept of safety factor. Three-dimensional analysis. Progressive and retrogressive failures. Elements of stability of rock slopes. 6. Physically-based slope stability and deformation analysis. Constitutive modelling for landslide initiation, propagation, and deposition. Examples of numerical implementations (FEM, DEM, MPM, SPH, flow models), capabilities and limitations. Importance of coupled modelling: chemo-mechanics, thermo-hydro-mechanics. 7. Traditional and innovative monitoring and field investigation techniques. Boreholes, piezometers, inclinometers, geophysical surveys, optic fibres. Non-contact monitoring using earth observation techniques: ground-based, airborne, spaceborne (e.g., radar interferometry, infrared monitoring). 8. Criteria of intervention for the stabilisation of unstable or potentially unstable slopes. Structural and non-structural measures: retaining walls and anchors, slope reshaping, drainages. Importance of nature-based solutions. 9. Landslide susceptibility, hazard, and risk. Definitions. Residual risk and acceptable risk. Methods for landslide mapping: importance and limitations of automated techniques. Methods for susceptibility and hazard assessment and zoning: heuristic, physically-based, and data-driven approaches (geostatistics, machine learning). Spatio-temporal modelling. 10. Natural hazards and disasters. Definitions and types of natural hazards: earthquakes and tsunamis, volcanoes, mass movements, weather extremes (storms, floods, droughts, wildfires). Role of landslides within compounding hazards and hazard chains. Multi-hazard modelling. Landslides in a changing climate. Complexity of disasters. Social vulnerability, risk perception, and resilience. Multi-hazard risk assessment and management. Mitigation and adaptation strategies. 11. Exercises: Pore water pressures and stability analysis of an infinite slope (using a spreadsheet) Stability analysis of an artificial slope with the limit equilibrium method (GeoStudio) Back analysis of an unstable slope and estimation of the mobilised resistance (GeoStudio) Physically-based landslide modelling in GIS: triggering and runout (e.g., TRIGRS, r.avaflow, OpenLISEM) Regional-scale landslide susceptibility assessment in GIS (e.g., logistic regr., machine-learning) Quantitative risk assessment (e.g., a case study of debris flows or rock falls)
Last update: Scaringi Gianvito, Dr., Ph.D. (15.07.2024)
* Syllabus: 1. Introduction and historical remarks: from the theory of earth pressures to the methods of slices. 2. Classification of slope movements and nomenclature. Classification by material, type, rate of movement, stage and state of activity (e.g., Cruden-Varnes, Hungr-Leroueil-Picarelli). Landslide evolution. 3. Causes of instability: triggering and predisposing factors. Decrease in shear strength, increase in external load. Slope-vegetation-atmosphere interaction. Cause-consequence relationship between precipitation and slope instability. Empirical hydrological models for the identification of rainfall thresholds. Cause-consequence relationship between seismic shaking and slope instability. Coseismic and post seismic landslides, spatial distribution, legacy effects. 4. Peculiarities of landslides in specific settings: pyroclastic covers and other volcanic materials, high-elevation landslides, structurally complex formations, mines and mine tailings, hydropower basins, embankments and cuts for linear infrastructures. 5. Conventional methods of stability analysis: infinite and finite slopes, drained and undrained conditions, planar and rotational failures. Limit equilibrium methods - methods of slices: Fellenius, Bishop, Janbu, Spencer, Morgenstern-Price; comparison. Importance and limitations of the concept of safety factor. Three-dimensional analysis. Progressive and retrogressive failures. Elements of stability of rock slopes. 6. Physically-based slope stability and deformation analysis. Constitutive modelling for landslide initiation, propagation, and deposition. Examples of numerical implementations (FEM, DEM, MPM, SPH, flow models), capabilities and limitations. Importance of coupled modelling: chemo-mechanics, thermo-hydro-mechanics. 7. Traditional and innovative monitoring and field investigation techniques. Boreholes, piezometers, inclinometers, geophysical surveys, optic fibres. Non-contact monitoring using earth observation techniques: ground-based, airborne, spaceborne (e.g., radar interferometry, infrared monitoring). 8. Criteria of intervention for the stabilisation of unstable or potentially unstable slopes. Structural and non-structural measures: retaining walls and anchors, slope reshaping, drainages. Importance of nature-based solutions. 9. Landslide susceptibility, hazard, and risk. Definitions. Residual risk and acceptable risk. Methods for landslide mapping: importance and limitations of automated techniques. Methods for susceptibility and hazard assessment and zoning: heuristic, physically-based, and data-driven approaches (geostatistics, machine learning). Spatio-temporal modelling. 10. Natural hazards and disasters. Definitions and types of natural hazards: earthquakes and tsunamis, volcanoes, mass movements, weather extremes (storms, floods, droughts, wildfires). Role of landslides within compounding hazards and hazard chains. Multi-hazard modelling. Landslides in a changing climate. Complexity of disasters. Social vulnerability, risk perception, and resilience. Multi-hazard risk assessment and management. Mitigation and adaptation strategies. 11. Exercises: Pore water pressures and stability analysis of an infinite slope (using a spreadsheet) Stability analysis of an artificial slope with the limit equilibrium method (GeoStudio) Back analysis of an unstable slope and estimation of the mobilised resistance (GeoStudio) Physically-based landslide modelling in GIS: triggering and runout (e.g., TRIGRS, r.avaflow, OpenLISEM) Regional-scale landslide susceptibility assessment in GIS (e.g., logistic regr., machine-learning) Quantitative risk assessment (e.g., a case study of debris flows or rock falls)
Last update: Scaringi Gianvito, Dr., Ph.D. (15.07.2024)
Entry requirements -
Students should be familiar with the basics of soil mechanics or simultaneously enrol in Soil Mechanics I (MG451P55E).
Last update: Scaringi Gianvito, Dr., Ph.D. (15.07.2024)
Students should be familiar with the basics of soil mechanics or simultaneously enrol in Soil Mechanics I (MG451P55E).
Last update: Scaringi Gianvito, Dr., Ph.D. (15.07.2024)