Advanced Structural Geology - MG440P46
Advanced course in structural geology designated to graduate students in structural geology and other related fields. Basic knowledge of Python-Numpy is assumed, so for novices, the Data analysis in R and Python (MG440P44) course is recommended.
Last update: Lexa Ondrej, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (24.09.2019)
Ramsay, J.G. and Huber, M.I., 1983. The techniques of modern structural geology. Volume I: strain analysis. Academic Press, New York
Means, W.D., 1976. Stress and Strain. Basic concepts of continuum mechanics for structural geologists. Springer-Verlag, New York Last update: Holub Tomáš, ThLic. Mgr., Th.D. (18.04.2006)
Kombinovaná ústní a písemná zkouška v rozsahu probírané látky. Last update: Lexa Ondrej, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (05.04.2012)
Finite strain tensor and its application to homogeneous deformation. Displacement field, velocity strain field. Applications to natural deformations. Complex strain regimes: Transpression, transtension and combined deformation regimes. Heterogeneous deformation. Stress tensor. Mohr circle for stress. Paleostress analysis of fault populations. Last update: Lexa Ondrej, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (09.05.2013)