Target students: bachelor and master level
Goals of this course are to become familiar with the function, adjustment, and use of the petrographic microscope, to understand crystal optics and practical methods of identification of rock-forming minerals (relief, pleochroism, extinction, birefringence, etc.). The student will become familiar with most common rock-forming minerals. The course material can be found at the following link: https://classroom.google.com/c/MjA0ODAxMDA0ODU2?cjc=bte25bs Last update: Fabbrizio Alessandro, doc., Ph.D. (07.04.2022)
The study material related to all lectures can be found at the following link: https://classroom.google.com/c/MjA0ODAxMDA0ODU2?cjc=bte25bs Raith MM, Raase P and Reinhardt J (2012, 2nd ed.): Guide to Thin Section Microscopy: http://www.minsocam.org/msa/openaccess_publications/#Guide UK Virtual Microscope: https://www.virtualmicroscope.org/content/uk-virtual-microscope video atlas of minerals in thin section: https://www.rockptx.com/ optical mineralogy videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_hMpllR88i2uZbQ4S1OPhQ/featured Interactive Michel-Levy Chart (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.barlowax.birefringenceandroid Interactive Michel-Levy Chart (iOS): https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/birefringence/id1354688131?mt=8 Mineralogy database: http://www.webmineral.com/ Petrographic data files: http://www.science.smith.edu/geosciences/petrology/petrography/mineral_list.html Deer WA, Howie RA and Zussman J. (2013): An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals 3rd edition.- 498 pp, The Mineralogical Society, London. Gribble CD et al. (1992): Optical Mineralogy - Principles and Practice. - Springer US, 303 pp. MacKenzie WS and Guilford C. (1980): Atlas of rock-forming minerals in thin section.-98 pp, Longman Scientific and Technical, New York. Last update: Fabbrizio Alessandro, doc., Ph.D. (13.09.2022)
The exam consists in the identification and description of various minerals by using the optical microscope or the online interactive video atlas. Last update: Fabbrizio Alessandro, doc., Ph.D. (21.09.2021)
Syllabus 1) Polarized microscope and its accessories, 2) Refractive Index and mineral relief, 3) polarized light and polarizers, 4) symmetry of minerals and optical properties of uniaxial minerals, 5) Uniaxial Indicatrix, 6) Optical properties of biaxial minerals, 7) Interference colours and interference colour figures, 8) birefringence , 9) Determination of mineral sign, 10) Microscopy of uniaxial minerals under polarized light (cleavage, relief, refractory index, shape, grain size, inclusions). 11) Optical study of minerals under cross nicols (extinction angle, interference colour, birefringence). 12) Practical determination of amphiboles, pyroxenes, olivines, feldspars, feldspathoids, quartz, oxides, apatite, micas, titanite, calcite, epidote, garnets, rutile, zircon. Last update: Fabbrizio Alessandro, doc., Ph.D. (05.04.2022)