In the basic course are the graduates to the ore microscopy were introduced. It is talk about principles of the optics in reflected light, sample preparation, mineral and structure-textural relation determination. The main accent is in the identifying of character and relations of the studied phases with genetic interpretation possibilities.
Last update: Zachariáš Jiří, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (06.10.2009)
Kašpar P. (1988): Rudní mikroskopie. Academia. Praha. 225s. Pracejus B. (2008): The Ore Minerals under the Microscope. Atlases in Geosciences 3, Elsevier. 875p. Last update: Goliáš Viktor, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (25.10.2019)
Požadavky: pro zápočet účast na cvičeních a vypracování a obhájení nákresu rudní makrotextury s odevzdáním do konce zkouškového období aktuálního semestru; pro zkoušku poznávací test a ústní zkouška. Last update: Goliáš Viktor, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (09.09.2021)
1. Importance of ore microscopy in geology, the principle of reflection microscopy, a bit of optical theory. Practice: Introduction to microscope, adjustment, calibration and size measurement. 2. Preparation of preparations: cutting, impregnation, choice of polished / polished ground, grinding, polishing, mineral response to grinding, relief, grinding hardness, Beilby layer, chemical polishing, maintenance and revitalization of polished sections. 3. Properties of minerals in reflected light: reflectance, color, bireflexion (pleochroism), optical anisotropy, internal reflexes, shape, zonality, cleavage and separation, twinning. 4. Textures and structures of ore minerals: terms structure and texture, overview of terms used, the way from macro to micro, differentiation of genetic relationships between minerals, pushing, growth limits, solid solution decay, succession scheme. Exercise: drawing of ore vein macrotexture (Mineralogical Museum or Deposit Collections). 5. Reflections of mineralogical system: several exercises: examination of selected ore and non-ore minerals and artificial phases in a reflection microscope, basic optical properties, warning of textural features in relation to paragenesis, construction of succession for important preparations and paragenesis 6.Quantitative methods of ore microscopy: microhardness (VHN, microhardness tester, VHN / Mohs relationship), reflectance (measurement method, reflectance curves, chromatic triangle, color calculation), diagnostic schemes for differentiation of minerals by quantitative methods. Credit will be awarded after defending a copy of the ore vein macrotexture drawing. The condition for passing the test is successful microscopic determination of minerals, recognition of paragenesis and completion of succession scheme for unknown typical preparation. Last update: Goliáš Viktor, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (25.10.2019)