Basic geological endogeneoue processes as reflected in geochemical signatures of terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials. Starting from composition of cosmic material to the processes of formation and
differentiation of the Earth, composition of the Earths spheres - core, mantle and crust. Behaviour of chemical elements and their isotopes in the magmatic and metamorphic processes, processes in the core, zone D" and the mantle. Geochemical models of the formation of magma and the crust. Brown G.C. et al.: Understanding the Earth: a new synthesis, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1992 Faure G.: Principles of isotope geology, John Wiley&Sons, New York, 2nd edition, 1986 Henderson P.: Inorganic geochemistry, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1982 Wilson M.: Igneous petrogenesis, Chapman&Hall, London, 1989 Last update: ZACHAR (12.05.2005)
Doporučená literatura:
White, W.M. (2001) - Geochemistry Best G.M. - Igneous and metamorphic petrology (XXX) Wilson M. - Igneous petrogenesis Albarede F. - Introduction to geochemical modelling Menzies et al. - Mantle metasomatism
Treatise in Geochemistry, Elsevier-Pergamon (2004) Elements Last update: Ackerman Lukáš, doc., Ph.D. (06.01.2012)
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