This course provides detailed charcteristics of periods of the Precambrian and Palaeozoic. It is mainly focused on stratigraphic subdivision, index fossils, evolution of ecosystems, geotectonical and palaeogeographical events, development of main units of the Bohemian Massif, Western Carpathians and other important areas for each period.
Last update: Kraft Petr, doc. RNDr., CSc. (18.05.2012)
Salvador A. (ed.), 1994. International Stratigraphic Guide. IUGS and GSA, 213 str. Stanley S. M., 1989. Earth and life through time. W. H. Freeman and comp., New York, 690 pp. Dott Jr. R. H., Batten R. L., 1981 (a další vydání). Evolution of the Earth. McGraw-Hill Book Comp., 573 str. Rogers J. J. W., 1994. A history of the Earth. Cambridge University Press, 312 str. Last update: Kraft Petr, doc. RNDr., CSc. (18.05.2012)
Examination is oral with accent on understanding to processes. Requrements to credit is active presence at practices. Last update: Kraft Petr, doc. RNDr., CSc. (18.05.2012)
The course is divided after the geological periods: 1) Precambrian (ordinarily 6 lessons) 2) Cambrian (6 lessons) 3) Ordovician (7 lessons) 4) Silurian (3 lessons) 5) Devonian (7 lessons) 6) Carboniferous and Permian (10 lessons) A brief historical development and detailed current stratigraphical subdivision, index fossils, evolution of life and main ecosystems, mass extinctions, geotectonics, palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, facial development of central European regions and other features are mentioned for each period. Lithostratigraphical division is caracterised in detail for important basins. This course provides detailed and extended information to previous general lecture of historical and stratigraphical geology in bachelor degree. It needs that participants have a good knowledge of geotectonics and sedimantary geology. The course is followed by field excursion (G421T05). The obtained information is essential for good understanding of many aspects of the regional geology. The main object of practice is a demonstratioon of typical fossils and lithotypes from individual periods. Practice is organized into 6 two-lessons blocks. Last update: Kraft Petr, doc. RNDr., CSc. (18.05.2012)