Course provides students with advanced techniques of 3D geological modeling, which plays an increasingly
important role in basin analysis, reservoir geology, mining geology and engineering geology. Emphasis is given to processing and visualization of real 3D geological data – maps, well and seismic data, cross-section constructions, compaction, decompaction calculations in 1D, 2D and 3D, sedimentary and structural restoration and sedimentary processes numerical simulations. Students will acquire practical skills in data processing, visualizing and 3D modeling. Last update: Trnka Rudolf (14.05.2020)
Simon Houlding 1994 3D Geoscience Modeling. Computer Techniques for Geological Characterization. Springer.
P.A. Allen, J.R.Allen, 2005. Basin Analysis, Principles and Applications. 2nd ed., Blackwel, 549 pp.
Poppe de Boer, George Postma , Kees van der Zwan , Peter Burgess, Peter A. Kukla eds. 2008. Analogue and Numerical Modelling of Sedimentary Systems: From Understanding to Prediction, IAS.
Pär Weihed, 2015. 3D, 4D and predictive modelling of major mineral belts in Europe. Springer.
Jiyeong Lee, Siyka Zlatanova, 2009. 3D Geo-Information Sciences. Springer. Last update: Trnka Rudolf (13.05.2020)
credit - oral presentation of selected scientific paper, course work: student independent project exam - test - knowledge quiz Last update: Trnka Rudolf (14.05.2020)
1. Introduction to 3D modelling in geology, introduction to SW package MOVE - loading and visualization of surface, well and seismic data
2. Compaction, decompaction, 2D backstripping, pre-deformational restoration
3. 3D seismic conversion, decompaction, delta restoration
4. Low-density turbidity currents - Monte Carlo numerical simulation of sediment deposition
5. Digital Field Mapping - applications for smartphone and tablet. Collect data and build 3D model
6. 2D and 3D forward modeling
Various case studies from academic and industrial projects will be presented. Emphasis is on practical work in computer lab with MOVE software system (petex.com) or similar 3D geological modeling package. Last update: Trnka Rudolf (14.05.2020)