Practical classes and field trips in teaching of the Earth Sciences - MDPSGE012
This course is focused to technology of organisation of excursions, field trips and additional excercises for secondary school pupils. The students make a proposal to and guide their own excursions using by them projected teaching aids as work sheets etc.
Last update: Řehořová Kamila (20.07.2023)
Chlupáč, I. 1993: Geology of the Barrandian. A field trip guide. Verlag Waldemar Kramer, Frankfurt am Main. Last update: Řehořová Kamila (20.07.2023)
Organization and realization of geological excursion for students from secondary schools Last update: Řehořová Kamila (20.07.2023)
Field trips from Earth Sciences - preparation, realization and evaluation of excursion Interdisciplinary field trip Using of educative trails, geoparks, museums in teaching of Earth Sciences Practical classis in the Earth Sciences Last update: Řehořová Kamila (20.07.2023)