During the semester each student will try to prepare and subsequently also teach a specific biology lesson, in the framework of the so-called micro-teaching, and thanks to the feedback of his/her classmates and the teacher gain valuable experience with possible guidance and preparation of teaching; we will learn how to use the most common teaching methods, techniques and strategies, as well as the less common ones, suitable for biology lessons at secondary school; we will get acquainted with the preparation for the lesson of biology the implementation of teaching management at secondary schools; discuss textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic for teaching biology at secondary schools.
Last update: Řehořová Kamila (05.09.2022)
Altmann, A.: Přírodniny ve vyučování biologii a geologii. SPN: Praha, 1975. Čapek, R.: Moderní didaktika. Lexikon výukových a hodnotících metod. Grada: Praha, 2015. RVP ZV, RVP G - Educational Frameworks https://www.facebook.com/groups/uciteleprirodovednych/ http://www.nuv.cz/eqavet/online-vzdelavani https://www.ceskatelevize.cz/porady/13394657013-ucitelka/ https://www.facebook.com/prirodovedci.cz/ Last update: Řehořová Kamila (05.09.2022)
max. 2 absence, v turnusovém bloku pak max půldenní blok presentation of a part of the lesson (hereinafter referred to as VH) on a selected biological topic reflection shown by VH worksheet (10 items), written test (5 items for group A and 5 items for group B) and preparation for the lesson presented in electronic form (on Moodle) Last update: Rajsiglová Ina, RNDr., Ph.D. (14.02.2024)