Closing project - MDPSBI104C
Students prepare a written final work under the supervision of a supervisor. The topic of the thesis can be based on any one
the topic must be didactically, especially with the view of applicability in direct teaching biology in schools, interest groups or extracurricular education. Students choose from the current range of topics listed in the Study Information System (SIS) or they can work out their own topic in agreement with the supervisor. The work should bring new knowledge in pedagogy or didactics of biology or practical outcomes applicable in biology teaching. If the work contains practical outcomes to the lessons, then at least a part of them must be directly verified in teaching. The results of the work must be discussed with a sufficient number of relevant primary literary sources, including foreign languages. The work must meet the usual formal division of the thesis, the minimum extent is 30 pages (without attachments). During his / her studies, the student reports at least once at the seminar on solving his / her work. Credit awarded by the supervisor for the progress of the work and reporting at the seminar. Defense of the work before the committee is subsequently one of the final exams. The rules for writing this work are available at: Last update: Rajsiglová Ina, RNDr., Ph.D. (29.10.2019)
Specialized literature depending on the topic. Last update: Rajsiglová Ina, RNDr., Ph.D. (29.10.2019)
Credit is awarded for active solution and consultation of the final project based on the recommendation of the supervisor and for the presentation of the work progress in front of the plenum of the department at the appointed date. Last update: Rajsiglová Ina, RNDr., Ph.D. (29.10.2019)