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Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Excursion in Biology Education - MDPSBI015
Title: Exkurze ve výuce biologie a přírodopisu
Czech title: Exkurze ve výuce biologie a přírodopisu
Guaranteed by: Futher Education Centre (31-643)
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Actual: from 2023
Semester: summer
E-Credits: 2
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:0/36, C [HS]
Capacity: 16
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Is provided by: MB180C11
Explanation: Minimální počet studentů pro výuku předmětu je 5.
Guarantor: RNDr. Irena Chlebounová
Teacher(s): RNDr. Irena Chlebounová
RNDr. Jan Mourek, Ph.D.
Annotation -
The course is focused on the use of biologically interesting Prague sites and facilities (ecological education centre, zoo, botanical garden, natural sites,
Faculty of Science, Charles University, Faculty of Medicine, Charles University) as suitable goals for half-day excursions, which can be used in teaching biology at high school or natural history at elementary school.
Excursions are a welcome activating and motivating element of teaching, which can develop each of the key competencies interactively. Being able to prepare an interesting, interactive and interdisciplinary excursion becomes a necessity for future teachers. own teaching materials, which they will then use not only in pedagogical practices but also in future teaching careers. They will meet elements of research-oriented teaching, project-based teaching, problem-based teaching and locally grounded learning. In group work, they measure their data, which they then evaluate and discuss with others. They will try some didactic games usable in the field. Students have all necessary information in Google Classroom.
Last update: Chlebounová Irena, RNDr. (11.07.2023)
Literature -

Altmann, A 1972. Organizační formy ve výuce biologii. Praha: SPN 1972.

Daniš, P. 2016. Děti venku v přírodě: ohrožený druh? MŽP ČR 2016. ISBN 978-80-7212-610-1.

Daniš, P. 2023. Klima je příležitost - Opravdová řešení pro naši budoucnost na Zemi. Praha: TEREZA 2023. 

Jirásek, I. 2019. Zážitková pedagogika, Praha: Portál 2019. ISBN 978-80-262-1485-4.
Solfronk, J. 1994. Organizační formy vyučování. Praha: SPN 1994. 
Švecová, M. 2002. Exkurze - propojení teoretické a praktické složky výuky na vysoké škole. In: Dlouhá, J. [ eds.].: Aktivizující formy práce na vysoké škole, Praha, CUK. 
Vašutová, J. aj. 1999. Vybrané otázky z vysokoškolské pedagogiky. Praha : UK PedF 1999. ISBN

Dobroruková J., Dobroruka L. J. 1989. Malá tajemství přírody. Praha: Albatros 1989, 175 s. 

Kolektiv autorů, 2015. Bádáme, objevujeme a zkoumáme svět kolem nás. Biologie I. díl. Praha: Nakladatelství P3K s.r.o., 2015, 153 s. ISBN 978-80-87343-50-0

Krajhanzl, J. 2014. Psychologie vztahu k přírodě a životnímu prostředí. Brno: Lipka 2014, 198 s. ISBN 978-80-87604-67-0

Last update: Chlebounová Irena, RNDr. (11.07.2023)
Requirements to the exam -
1) active participation (one absence is allowed, compensation can be arranged for another) 2) fulfillment of assigned tasks during the semester In the case of online tuition, the information will be in the Google Classroom. You can use excursion Petřín (or another specified place) or weekend stay in Říčany (Museum, geopark) as a compensation of some missing excursions. You are allowed to have 3 more absence if you fulfill the teaching pedagogic training at the same time.

Last update: Chlebounová Irena, RNDr. (11.07.2023)
Syllabus -

1) Use of games in school lessons Introductory practice in the classroom of the Faculty of Science. Students are acquainted with basic principles of experiential education (Kolb learning cycle, comfort zone theory, flow status), types of games and their possible use in teaching. Organizations dealing with experiential education (Outward Bound, Lipnice Holiday School, TEREZA, Pasque Flower) are not omitted either. 2) Visit the Toulcův dvůr ecocentre During the excursion, students will learn about the activities and operation of the ecocentre. The lecturer will present the environmental programs and projects that Toulcův dvůr offers schools as a content of the cross-cutting theme of Environmental Education and as a support for science education. This is followed by an excursion to the exteriors of Toulcova dvůr (farm, wetland, orchard). 3) Hrdlička Museum at the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague or the Institute of Anatomy Many institutions offer programs to schools, including excursions. One of them is the Faculty of Science of Charles University, which includes museums and collections accessible to schools. You will learn not only professional points of interest, but also the didactic aspect of organizing excursions to various institutions.
4) Comprehensive excursion to the Chuchel Grove The Chuchle Grove is one of the last preserved deciduous groves (hornbeam oak forests, remains of rosehip oak forests) in Prague. It is a nature reserve spreading between Malá and Velká Chuchlí above the left bank of the Vltava. The site is suitable for holding a half-day complex excursion focusing on grove flora, insects, geology (eg slate and limestone subsoil grows travertines), etc. In the Chuchle Grove there is also a mini-zoo (focusing on mammals and birds of Czech forests). use in class. During the excursion students will learn about commonly occurring grove / forest species of plants and animals (especially insects) and their possible interactive presentation to primary / secondary school students. An integral part will be not only ideas for didactic games (including simulation games) usable for acquiring / consolidating knowledge especially from ecology, but also ideas for experiential activities (eg landart). 5) Comprehensive hydrobiological excursion to the locality Modřanské tůně Vltavské tůně in Prague-Modřany is a very convenient and easily accessible location for hydrobiological excursions / field exercises with pupils of elementary and secondary schools. It is possible to hunt and observe many groups of aquatic invertebrates, to observe waterfowl and various species of aquatic and wetland plants. In an innovated form, this model field exercise will take the form of teamwork (groups of 3 students) on assigned tasks. The students will try various methods of catching aquatic invertebrates, their determination by means of simple keys and their use in bioindication. They will also observe water and reed birds. In addition, the measurement of water quality in individual pools (pH, conductivity, temperature) using portable measuring instruments will be included. The measured data will be recorded in the program and finally compared. Finally, the groups compare their overall results and discuss the differences.

5) Comprehensive hydrobiological excursion to the locality Modřanské tůně Vltavské tůně in Prague-Modřany is a very convenient and easily accessible location for hydrobiological excursions / field exercises with pupils of elementary and secondary schools. It is possible to hunt and observe many groups of aquatic invertebrates, to observe waterfowl and various species of aquatic and wetland plants. In an innovated form, this model field exercise will take the form of teamwork (groups of 3 students) on assigned tasks. The students will try various methods of catching aquatic invertebrates, their determination by means of simple keys and their use in bioindication. They will also observe water and reed birds. In addition, the measurement of water quality in individual pools (pH, conductivity, temperature) using portable measuring instruments will be included. The measured data will be recorded in the program and finally compared. Finally, the groups compare their overall results and discuss the differences. 6) Prague Zoo Prague Zoo offers a large number of opportunities for various excursions (from systematically conceived through ecology, morphology, ethology to biogeography and the issue of protection of animal and plant species). Teaching students will be divided into groups during the excursion in which they will try to lead the excursion. Using cameras, they document the excursion and selected animal species. Photographs will remain and serve for the creation of educational presentations, worksheets or aids for individual didactic games. Based on their work in groups, students create a presentation for an interactive whiteboard representing a virtual excursion to the Prague Zoo.

7) Excursion to the Prokop valley The Prokopské Valley PR lies on the south-western outskirts of Prague between Jinonice and Zlíchov. The area is particularly interesting from a geological and botanical point of view (karst caves, fossil deposits, dozens of protected plant species). During the excursion you will try to find your own fossils, which you can then use in your teaching practice, learn many botanical and geological points of interest, try some games, botanical mapping (adapted for schools), determining the types of clouds, etc. 8) Botanical Garden in Troja, Průhonice Park or Dendrological Garden in Průhonice - focused on the possibility of botanical excursions around Prague. 9) Vyšehrad - the connection between online didactic escape room and the real excursion 10) Conclusion at Faculty Evaluation of excursions and assignments, examples of the best photographs, games, worksheets, etc. Some excursions can be replaced by participation in so-called substitute excursions (Petřín, Divoká Šárka, etc., as agreed).

In the case of distance learning, the course will focus mainly on the quality of submitted tasks, which will be updated in the Google Classroom.  There is possibility to replace missing excursions by the field trip to Petřín or stay weekend excursion in Říčany - Excursion to the Geological Museum in Říčany with sleeping in Říčanská hájovna has the character of an adventure course focused on geology, mineralogy and paleontology, school gardens and mentoring. 


Last update: Chlebounová Irena, RNDr. (11.07.2023)
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