Lectures - in Czech -
The first part of the lectures will be devoted to the development of new drugs and treatments. We will focus on the knowledge of intermediate metabolism as a tool for the regulation of pathological processes in the organism. We will also focus on the biochemistry of civilization diseases and the metabolism and biochemical nature of the effect of drugs. Last but not least, emphasis will be placed on understanding the principles of drug design based on intervention in key biochemical processes in the body. In the second part of the course we will focus on the second part of biomedicine on advances in laboratory diagnosis of pathological conditions, including the methodology and biochemical nature of laboratory tests and examinations. Last update: Martínková Markéta, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (30.12.2020)
K přednášce není k dispisici ucelený učební text (skripta). Studenti jsou determinováni informacemi, které jim jsou předávány na přednáškách.
DOPORČENÁ LITERATURA V PŘÍPADĚ NEÚČASTI NA PŘEDNÁŠKÁCH: ČAST I - vývoj nových léků a léčebných postupů - Ondřej Slabý - Molekulární medicína. Galén 2015 - Wen-Hao Li and Yan-Mei Li - Chemical Strategies to Boost Cancer Vaccines, Chemical Reviews 2020, 120, 11420 - Sandeep R.P. Kumar et al - Clinical development of gene therapy: results and lessons from recent successes, Molecular Therapy — Methods & Clinical Development, 2016, 3, 16034 - Luigi Naldini - Genetic engineering of hematopoiesis: current stage of clinical translation and future perspectives, EMBO Molecular Medicine, 2019, 11, e9958
ČAST II - laboratorní vyšetření (diagnostika) - metody a biochemické markery patologických stavů - Martin A. Crook - Clinical Biochemistry and Metabolic Medicine. CRC Press. 8th ed., 2012 - David White – Clinical chemistry. Garland Science 2017 - Thomas M. Devlin - Textbook of biochemistry with clinical correlations. Kindle Edition. 7th ed., 2015 Last update: Martínková Markéta, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (30.12.2020)
Písemný test v rozsahu přednášené látky. Na konci většiny přednášek budou diskutovány modelové otázky z písemného testu. Pro složení zkoužky je třeba být úspěšný v písemné zkoušce alespoň na 60%. V případě výsledku na rozmezí klasifikace nebo těsně kolem 60% úspěšnosti, bude student zkoušen ještě ústně. K přednášené látce a jejímu pochopení je doporučena znalost obsahu předmětů Biochemie I a Biochemie II. Last update: Martínková Markéta, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (30.12.2020)
PART I - development of new drugs and treatments 1. Cytostatics (treatment of oncological diseases, carcinogenesis) 2. Introduction to immunotherapy (treatment of oncological diseases, allergies and autoimmune diseases) 3. Gene therapy (treatment of genetic diseases, viral and oncological diseases) 4. Influence of diet on health and diseases (essential components of diet, obesity - cardiovascular diseases, ketosis) 5. Development of new drugs (goals of pharmaceutical intervention, three phases of clinical testing) - prof. Konvalinka 6. Antivirals (AIDS drugs, COVID-19, ZIKA, EBOLA…) - prof. Konvalinka
PART II - laboratory examination (diagnostics) - methods and biochemical markers of pathological conditions 7. Laboratory diagnostics, tumor markers (carcinogenesis) 8. Cardiomarkers (atherosclerosis) 9. Methods in laboratory tests (including different approaches for virus detection) 10. Reliability of laboratory diagnostics results (diagnostic sensitivity and specificity) Last update: Martínková Markéta, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (13.02.2023)
The student discusses the relevance of the biomedical approach to human medicine at two levels, providing examples from both (1) the design of new strategies for therapy (i.e., the area of new drug discoveries and therapeutic development) with a focus on anticancer and antiviral therapy, and (2) the early and reliable diagnosis of pathologies (with a focus on carcinogenesis, viral infection, and cardiovascular disease, including myocardial infarction).
Last update: Martínková Markéta, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (30.12.2024)