SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Sociobiology and behavioral ecology I - MB170P0A
Title: Sociobiologie a behaviorální ekologie I
Czech title: Sociobiologie a behaviorální ekologie I
Guaranteed by: Department of Zoology (31-170)
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Actual: from 2024
Semester: summer
E-Credits: 3
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:2/1, C [HT]
Extent per academic year: 2 [days]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: 8
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: not taught
Language: Czech
Note: enabled for web enrollment
the course is taught as cyclical
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Daniel Frynta, Ph.D.
Incompatibility : MB170P00A
Is incompatible with: MB170P00A
Opinion survey results   Examination dates   Schedule   
Annotation -
Please note, the lectures are given in Czech language. English version of the course can be requested in advance
if there are at least 3 students.
History and basic ideas of sociobiology; genetics of behaviours;
advantages od sociality, reciprocal altruism and co-operation; kin
altruism, helpers, family; individual and kin recognition, origin of
eusociality: Hymenoptera, termites, other insects, mammals;
infanticide; parental conflict; siblicide; brood parasitism; communication, honest signals; territoriality and its
consequences; mating systems - monogamy,
polyandry, polygyny, lek, promiscuity, reproductive systems in insects,
ungulates, rodents, carnivores; foraging and feeding behaviour; learning
and evolution
Last update: Peterková Jindřiška, Ing. (25.05.2015)
Literature -

Krebs J.R. & Davies N.B., 1993: An introduction to behavioural ecology. Third edition. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 420 pp.

Krebs J.R. & Davies N.B. (eds), 1997: Behavioural ecology. Fourth edition. Blackwell Sciencee Ltd., 456 pp.

Wilson E.O. 1975: Sociobiology - The New Synthesis, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 900 pp.

Trivers R. 1985: Social evolution. Menlo Park: Benjamin Cummings, 462 pp.

Estes R.D. 1992: The behavior guide to African mammals.

Berkley: University of California Press, 611 pp.

Last update: Peterková Jindřiška, Ing. (25.05.2015)
Requirements to the exam - Czech

Zápočet se uděluje za samostatné vystoupení studenta, který vyučujícímu a lépe i ostatním studentům představí výsledky vlastního studia vědecké literatury na zadané téma, nejlépe doplněné představením vlastní analýzou videozáznamu příslušného chování.

Last update: Peterková Jindřiška, Ing. (25.05.2015)
Syllabus -

1. Introduction, history and theory
Williams G.C. 1992: Natural selection: domains, levels, and challenges. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 208 pp. Kennedy J.S. 1992: The new anthropomorphism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 194 pp.
Dawkins R. (1982): The Extended Phenotype. Oxford-San Francisco, 307 pp.

2. Individual, kin, group and species recognition
Acomys cahirinus, Mus domesticus, Ambystoma tigrinum,
3. Evolution of eusociality in Hymenoptera
Phylogenetic pattern of eusociality in Hymenoptera, Polistes, haplodiploidy, coefficients of relatedness and sex ratio, alternative teories concerning eusociality, Formica truncorum.

4. Life history and eusociality in ants
Phylogeny of ants, species with primitive social organisation, castes, arm ants, Eciton, Dorylus.

5. Cooperation and conflict within the nest and social parasitism
Evolution of inquilinism and dulosis, Formica sanguinea, Polyergus rufescens, Epimyrma, aj. pleometrosis. Azteca.

6. Sociality and eusociality in termites
Single-site nesters, central-site nesters, life-history, ontogenetic pathways and casts, reproductive skew.

7. Euociality in other insects, behavioral ecology of cockroaches
Eusocial insects an overview, Cryptocercus.

9. Behavioral ecology of birds

10. Brood parasites I.
Evolution of cuckooldry, Crotophaga sulcirostris, Struthio; Intraspecific parasitism. Obligatory interspecific parasitism: Cuculus canorus, Clamator glandarius. Mafia hypothesis.

11. Brood parasites II.
Molothridae, Indicatoridae, Vidua; Phylogenetic pattern.

12. Communication, honest signalling, conflict
13. Territoriality and its consequences
14. Optimal foraging theory
Optimal foraging, time and energy budgets.

15. Specialisation
Ecological conservatism versus exploratory behaviour, personality, features of migrants, play and neotenia, cultural evolution. Cities as islands, synanthropic way of life, domestication, coevolution of animals and humans.

Last update: Frynta Daniel, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (23.05.2019)
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