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Course, academic year 2024/2025
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DNA diagnostics in clinical practice - MB140P90
Title: DNA diagnostika v klinické praxi
Czech title: DNA diagnostika v klinické praxi
Guaranteed by: Department of Genetics and Microbiology (31-140)
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Actual: from 2022
Semester: summer
E-Credits: 3
Examination process: summer s.:combined
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Level: specialized
Note: enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: RNDr. Lucie Benešová, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): RNDr. Lucie Benešová, Ph.D.
Annotation -
The lecture is focused on the most common DNA examinations, which are currently routinely performed in clinical laboratories ranging from prenatal and preimplantation diagnostics through examination of congenital genetic disorders up to molecular characterization of solid tumors. Part of the lecture are concrete cases from practice and one day practical course. After completing the lecture, students will have an overview of routinely work in clinical laboratories, what methodologies are used here and for what purposes.
Last update: Schierová Michaela, RNDr., Ph.D. (26.10.2019)
Aim of the course - Czech

Přednáška je zaměřena na nejčastější DNA vyšetření, která jsou v současnosti rutinně prováděna v klinických laboratořích a to od prenatální a preimplantační diagnostiky přes vyšetření vrozených genetických poruch až po nově nastupující molekulární charakterizaci solidních nádorů. Součástí přednášky jsou konkrétní případy z praxe, exkurze do klinické laboratoře a minipraktika. Po absolvování přednášky budou mít studenti přehled o tom, jak vypadá běžný provoz v klinických laboratořích a jaké metodiky se zde využívají a pro jaké účely.

Last update: Lichá Irena, RNDr., CSc. (10.05.2013)
Literature -

Presentations are available for enrolled students.

Last update: Schierová Michaela, RNDr., Ph.D. (26.10.2019)
Requirements to the exam -

The exam is oral. The evaluation reflects student activity during lectures and practical course.

Last update: Schierová Michaela, RNDr., Ph.D. (26.10.2019)
Syllabus -
1. Introduction

Possibilities and limits of molecular-genetic testing, ethical and financial aspects, communication with patients and interpretation of results.

2. Samples and molecular markers

Types of samples (blood, tissue, buccal swab, plasma, archived specimens, amniotic fluid, urine ...), their occurrence, properties and possibilities of examination.

DNA molecular markers, their properties, method of detection and possibilities of their use - mutations, polymorphisms, deletions, insertions, amplification, methylation ...

3. Techniques most often used in clinical laboratories - theoretical part

NA isolation, spectrophotometry, PCR, real time PCR, gel electrophoresis, capillary electrophoresis

4. Techniques most commonly used in clinical laboratories - practical part (Genomac laboratory)

5. - 6. Diagnostic methods, their use and limits, practical examples (AS PCR, MS PCR, qRT-PCR, RFLP, sequencing, hybridization, fragment analysis, LOH, MLPA, DCE, dHPLC, HRM, NGS....)

7. Prenatal and preimplantation diagnostics, IVF, congenital diseases in children and adults - theory and examples from clinical practice

8. Preventive diagnostics, genetic screening, pharmacogenetics, forensic testing - theory and examples from clinical practice

9. Congenital and acquired tumor diseases (tumor syndromes, leukemia, diagnostics and characteristics of solid tumors, estimation of disease prognosis and response to treatment) - theory and examples from clinical practice
Last update: Schierová Michaela, RNDr., Ph.D. (26.10.2019)
Entry requirements - Czech
Pro návštěvu přednášky není nezbytné absolvovat předchozí konkrétní přednášky, ale je s výhodou absolvovat:
Struktura a vlastnosti inf. biopolymerů - MB140P37, Genové inženýrství - MB140P36 a Molekulární biologie - MB140P41.
Last update: Schierová Michaela, RNDr., Ph.D. (26.10.2019)
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