Seminars of Evolutionary Biology have two major aims. First, to provide an opportunity for students to present their own results and progress of their master theses. Second, experts from both Czech and foreign research institutes present current trends in evolutionary biology and other related sciences.
Last update: Pusztai Martin, Mgr., Ph.D. (19.03.2018)
K předmětu není třeba žádná specifická literatura. Last update: Pusztai Martin, Mgr., Ph.D. (19.03.2018)
Zápočet je udělován za aktivní účast na seminářích a prezentaci postupu diplomové práce. Last update: Pusztai Martin, Mgr., Ph.D. (19.03.2018)
The program of seminars varies each year. Following types of presentations are usually included: 1. communication of students on their MSc theses 2. short communications on newly initiated theses 3. reports on ongoing projects, conferences and other events of interest 4. lectures of experts in evolutionary biology Last update: Pusztai Martin, Mgr., Ph.D. (19.03.2018)