Using R - MB120P164
Course is for students interested in R, who already have some experience and want to learn how to use useful tools as R markdown, R projects etc.
Basic knowledge of R corresponding to the level of course "R for life" (MB162P13; example final test in Czech: and interest to practise is assumed. [Course is in English.] Last update: Štenc Jakub, Mgr., Ph.D. (10.01.2023)
[Course is not running in 2021/2022]
Syllabus for 2019/2020
1) Data import - importing data from files into R and dealing with common complications 2) Apply functions - apply, tapply, sapply 3) Graphics - from simple data visualization to complex pictures 4) Manipulation with dataset - searching in datasets, merging and editing of datasets 5) Text functions - grep and regular expressions Last update: Klimeš Adam, Mgr., Ph.D. (02.02.2022)