SubjectsSubjects(version: 957)
Course, academic year 2023/2024
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Advanced methods in DNA sequence and mulilocus data analyses - MB120P143
Title: Pokročilé metody hodnocení sekvencí DNA a multilokusových dat
Czech title: Pokročilé metody hodnocení sekvencí DNA a multilokusových dat
Guaranteed by: Department of Botany (31-120)
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Actual: from 2019 to 2023
Semester: winter
E-Credits: 3
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:1/2, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Note: enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: RNDr. Filip Kolář, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): Juan Manuel de Gorospe Ballesteros
Mgr. Tomáš Fér, Ph.D.
Martha Kandziora, Dr. rer. nat.
RNDr. Filip Kolář, Ph.D.
Nelida Maria Padilla Garcia, Ph.D.
doc. Mgr. Pavel Škaloud, Ph.D.
Mgr. Eliška Záveská, Ph.D.
Annotation -
The main aim is to learn how to perform an independent analysis of a dataset of molecular markers in an extent faced by students during their research work. The core of the work is thus hands-on practical experience with analysis of empirical data, supervised by the teachers - the format is approximating real work on own data generated during their independent research work (e.g. during master or PhD project). Sample datasets will be always provided, an analysis of own data in the project work is possible and welcomed but not required. Previous experience with scripting / R environment is welcome but not strictly required.

Course will be taught in English, in six half-days blocks on Fridays 9:00-13:00. For more info incl actual schedule see
Last update: Kolář Filip, RNDr., Ph.D. (04.10.2023)
Literature -

Hall BG (2011) Phylogenetic trees made easy. 4th edition. Sinauer

Hartl DL & Clark AG (2007): Principles of Population Genetics. 4th edition. Sinauer


Last update: Kolář Filip, RNDr., Ph.D. (04.10.2023)
Requirements to the exam -

Every student selects a topic and will run such a "homework project" i. e. will process a provided sample/own dataset using the presented tools and share their results with others during a short presentation. Credits will be given for the presentation of such own project work.

Last update: Kolář Filip, RNDr., Ph.D. (14.09.2021)
Entry requirements -
Enrolled students should have basic theoretical knowledge of DNA sequence and multilocus molecular data analysis, phylogenetic tree construction and population genetics.
Before enrolling, it is advisable to have completed at least one of the following courses: Use of molecular markers in systematics and pop. biol. of plants (MB120P44, T. Fér),
or Cladistics and other methods of reconstruction of evolution (MB120P83, K. Marhold) or Molecular taxonomy (MB160P21, V. Hampl)
Last update: Kolář Filip, RNDr., Ph.D. (26.10.2019)
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