Ecological methods II - MB120C36B
Title: Kurs ekologických metod II
Czech title: Kurs ekologických metod II
Guaranteed by: Department of Botany (31-120)
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Actual: from 2017
Semester: summer
E-Credits: 7
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:0/7, C [HT]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: not taught
Language: Czech
Additional information:
Note: enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Ivan Suchara, CSc.
Opinion survey results   Examination dates   Schedule   
Annotation -
Please note, the lectures are given in Czech language only.
Determination of selected macro-nutrients in soil and plant samples, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur. Microclimatic station and measuremets. Measuring of cellulose decay in soils. Introductory to phytocenological records (relevés). Determination of tree heights and declines of slopes. Standard operation procedure. How to get samples analysed in a commercial laboratory (data/evaluation demand).

Suchara I. (2007): Praktikum vybraných ekologických metod.- Karolinum, Praha, 136 pp.
Last update: Suchara Ivan, doc. RNDr., CSc. (22.11.2011)
Requirements to the exam - Czech

Požadavky ke kontrole studia

K udělení zápočtu se požaduje:

1. Docházka na praktikum ca 80%

2. Předložení protokolů z jednotlivých cvičení

3. Krátké ústní přezkoušení znalosti metody a podstaty stanovení u 2 náhodně vybraných úloh.

Last update: Suchara Ivan, doc. RNDr., CSc. (01.12.2011)
Syllabus -

I. Fundamental laboratory practice

1. Determination of selected nutrients: Nitrogen and its forms in soils, digestion of soil and plant materials in mineral acids, determination of nitrogen through distillation (Büchi appliace) and titration, meaning and evaluation of the C : N ratio. Phosphorus and its form, wet digestion of samples, extraction of phosphorus, determination of total and available phosphorus (phosphoantimonylmolybdenum blue complex). Sulphur and its forms, determination of extractable sulphates using turbidimetric and gravimetric methods.

II. Field and laboratory exercises

1. Detection of a biological activity of soils, measuring of a speed of cellulose decomposition in soils, litter bags, determination of cellulose sample decay along a moist gradient in an alluvial plain. (Soil seed bank, seed separation methods, determination of seeds and seedlings - maintained by an external expert).

III. Field exercises

1. (Micro-)Meteorological station: Manipulation with basic instruments: normal reading, minimal, maximal and soil thermometers, Leonard Hill's katathermometer, Assmann aspiration psychrometer, anemometers, Albert Piche's evaporimeter, heliograph, Bellani distillation pyranometer, Abbot pyrheliometer, daily course of the measured variables, meaning and construction of climate diagrams (Walter).

2. Introduction to carrying out vegetational relevés: Training of the assessment of abundance and dominance of plant species, phytocenological relevés, and point quadrat method.

3. Other measurements: Determination of heights of trees, determination of declination of slopes (SILVA Clino Master), trunk cores and determination of age of trees (dendrobohrer).

IV. Comparability of results

1. Subjective mistakes in semi-quantitative methods, standard operation procedures, reproducibility, successive measurements and time trends, regulation diagrams.

2. How to order analyses of samples in other or commercial laboratory, how to specify desired methods and their parameters and which complementary information to the determined means should be asked for.

Textbook: Suchara I. (2007): Praktikum vybraných ekologických metod.- Učeb. texty UK v Praze, Karolinum, Praha, 134 s.

Recommended textbooks:

Kubíková J. (1970, 1971): Geobotanické praktikum.- Učení texty, Př.F UK v Praze.

Rychnovská M., Balátová E., Úlehlová B.,Pelikán J. (1985): Ekologie lučních porostů.- Academia Praha, 291 pp.

Steubing L., Fangmeier A. (1992): Pflanzenökologisches Praktikum.- Verl. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart, 205 pp.

Requirements for credits:

Attendance at least 80%

Records from the individual exercises

Knowledge of the demonstrated methods

Last update: Suchara Ivan, doc. RNDr., CSc. (22.11.2011)