The course is focused on deepening knowledge of the Czech modern and contemporary artistic scene. It will take place in various places in Prague – independent artist’s spaces, galleries, public areas, etc. Last update: Pech Milan, PhDr., Ph.D. (26.09.2023)
The aim of the course is to provide students with a direct experience with Czech modern and contemporary art. It is based on site walks to significant art institutions and historical monuments in Prague. Last update: Pech Milan, PhDr., Ph.D. (26.09.2023)
1. Attendance 80% 2. 2 art exhibition reviews (sent via email in PDF format, deadline 1. 5. 2024) 3. Colloquium on the discussed topics and reviewed exhibitions Last update: Pech Milan, PhDr., Ph.D. (22.01.2024)
Czech Cubism Švestka Jiří - Vlček Tomáš - Liška Pavel (eds.), Czech cubism 1909-1925 : art, architecture, design, Praha: Modernista 2006. Vegesack Alexander von (ed.), Czech Cubism : Architecture, Furniture, and Decorative Arts 1910-1925, London: Laurence King 1992. Vegesack Alexander von, Cubismo checo : arquitectura y diseño, 1910-1925 : diciembre 1991 - febrero 1992, Museo Español de Arte Contemporáneo, Weil am Rhein : Vitra Design Museum 1991. Švácha Rostilav, The pyramid, the prism & the arc : Czech cubist architecture 1911-1923, Prague : Gallery 2000. Tschechischer Kubismus 1912 - 1916 : Rupertinum, Museum für moderne Kunst Salzburg = Czech cubism 1912-1916, Salzburg : Rupertinum [2001]. Lahoda Vojtěch - Uhrová Olga,Vincenc Kramář : from the old masters to Picasso : National Gallery in Prague, Collection of Modern and Contemporary art - Veletržní palác 13.10.2000-28.1.2001, Prague : National Gallery in Prague 2000.
Czech Surrealism Švankmajer Jan, Jan Švankmajer : transmutace smyslů = transmutation of the senses, Praha : Středoevropská galerie a nakladatelství 2004. Srp Karel, Toyen : City Gallery Prague, House of the Stone Bell, 12 May - 6 August 2000, Prague : Argo : City Gallery Prague 2000.
Modern and Contemporary Czech Art 1890-2010 Dolanská Karolína et al., Modern and Contemporary Czech Art 1890-2010 Modern and Contemporary Czech Art 1890-2010, Prague : National Gallery 2010. Morganová Pavlína, Czech action art : happenings, actions, events, land art, body art and performance art behind the iron curtain, Prague : Karolinum 2014. Morganová Pavlína (ed.), Začátek století = The beginning of the century, Plzeň: Západočeská galerie 2012. Knížák Milan - Vlček Tomáš (eds.), 155 uměleckých děl 20. století z Národní galerie v Praze = One hundred fifty-five artworks of the 20th century from the National Gallery in Prague = 155 œvres d’art du 20ème siècle de la Galerie nationale de Prague = 155 Kunstwerke des 20. Jahrhunderts aus der Nationalgalerie in Prag = 155 opere d’arte del XX secolo della Galleria Nazionale di Praga, Praha : Národní galerie 2009. Vlček Tomáš, Aktuální nekonečno : konflikty a souvislosti baroka v moderním a současném českém umění = Actual infinity : baroque conflicts and continuities in modern and contemporary Czech art, Praha : Galerie hlavního města Prahy 2000. Ševčíková Lucie - Žáková Eva (eds.), Czech contemporary art guide, Praha : Arts and Theatre Institute 2012. Machalický Jiří et al., České ateliéry : 71 umělců současnosti = Czech studios : 71 contemporary artists, Praha : Art CZ 2005. Bydžovská Lenka - Lahoda Vojtěch - Srp Karel, Czech modern art : 1900-1960 : [catalogue of the modern art collection at the National Gallery in Prague, Prague : National Galery 1995. Musilová Helena (ed.)m František Kupka : the road to Amorpha : Kupka’s salons 1899-1913 : [The National Gallery in Prague - The Collection of Modern and Contemporary Art, Salm Palace, November 30, 2012 - March 3, 2013], Prague : National Gallery 2012. Matějček Antonín - Wirth Zdeněk, Modern and contemporary Czech art, London : George Routtledge & Sons 1924. Karel Srp and Lenka Bydžovská (eds.), New formations : Czech avant-garde art and modern glass from the Roy and Mary Cullen Collection, Houston [Tex.] : Museum of Fine Arts ; New Haven : Yale University Press [distributor] 2011. Vloemans John A., Czech Avant-garde Books 1922-1938 = Knihy avantgarda - XX. století : Devětsil - Poetism - Constructivism - Surrealism, Hague : Vloemans Antiquarian Books 1994. Adlerová Alena et al., Czech art deco 1918-1938 : [6 May - 4 October 1998, Exhibition halls of the Municipal House / organized by the Municipal House in cooperation with the Museum of decorative arts in Prage], Prague : Municipal House 1998. Born Robert / Janatková Alena / Labuda Adam (Hrsg.), Die Kunsthistoriographien in Ostmitteleuropa und der nationale Diskurs, Berlin 2004. Malinowski Jerzy (Hrsg.), History of Art History in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, 2 Bde., Toruń 2012. Explizit mit der tschechischen Kunstgeschichte in der sozialistischen Zeit befasst sich Milena Bartlová: Czech art history and Marxism, in: Journal of Art Historiography 7/12 (2012), http://arthistoriography.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/bartlova.pdf
Architecture Benešovská Klára et al , Architecture in the Czech Republic, Prague : Society of Czech Architects in cooperation with the Czech Chamber of Architects and Zlatý řez 1993. Švácha Rostislav, Czech architecture and its austerity : fifty buildings 1989-2004, Praha : Prostor - architektura, interiér, design 2004. Kratochvíl Petr - Halík Pavel, Contemporary Czech architecture = Tschechische zeitgenössische Architektur, Prague : Prostor 2000. Ševčík Jiří - Mitášová Monika (eds.), Česká a slovenská architektura 1971-2011 : texty, rozhovory, dokumenty, Praha : Akademie výtvarných umění, Vědecko-výzkumné pracoviště ve spolupráci se Slovenskou národnou galériou v Bratislavě, Úsekom výskumu a rozvoja a Vysokou školou výtvarných umení v Bratislavě, Centrom výskumu 2013. Beran Lukáš - Valchářová Vladislava (eds.), Industrial Prague : technical buildings and industrial architecture in Prague : a guide, Prague : Czech Technical University 2006. Švácha Rostislav (ed.), Naprej! : Czech sports architecture 1567-2012, Prague : Prostor - architektura, interiér, design 2012. Hnídková Vendula, Národní styl, kultura a politika = [National style, arts and politics], Praha : Vysoká škola uměleckoprůmyslová 2013. Pařík Arno, Symbols of emancipation : nineteenth-century synagogues in the Czech lands : [exhibition of the Jewish Museum in Prague 21.3.-4.8.2013, Robert Guttmann Gallery Prague, Prague : Jewish Museum in Prague 2013. Primus Zdenek, Kunst ist Abstraction : die tschechische visuelle Kultur der 60er Jahre, Praha : KANT : Arbor vitae 2003.
Gender Pachmanová Martina (ed.), Behind the velvet curtain : seven women artists from the Czech Republic : Erika Bornová, Milena Dopitová, Lenka Klodová, Zdena Kolečková, Alena Kotzmannová, Michaela Thelenová, Kateřina Vincourová : [American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center, Washington, D.C., April 3 - May 18, 2009], Prague : Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design 2009.
Photography Crossing borders - contemporary Czech and Slovak photography, New York : Aperture 1998. Birgus Vladimír - Mlčoch Jan, Czech photography of the 20th century, Prague : KANT 2010. Birgus Vladimír - Zuckriegl Margit, Maestri della fotografia dell’avanguardia ceca negli anni venti e trenta / Masters of the Czech avant-garde photography of the 1920’s and the 1930’s, Cinisello Balsamo (Milano) : Silvana 2001. Anděl Jaroslav, Příběh moderního média : česká fotografie 1840-1950 = [A story of a modern medium : Czech photography 1840-1950] : Galerie Rudolfinum 15.1-28.3.2004], Praha : KANT [2004].
Glass Petrová Sylva, Czech Glass, Praha : Gallery 2001. Petrová Sylva, Czech and Slovak glass in exile : [catalogue : The Moravian Gallery in Brno - Museum of Applied Arts, 31 August 2007 - 6 January 2008], Brno : Moravian Gallery ; [Praha] : KANT 2007. Ricke Helmut (ed.), Czech glass, 1945-1980 : design in an age of adversity [Museum Kunst Palast-Glasmuseum Hentrich in cooperation with Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, the Corning Museum of Glass, the Steinberg Foundation, Vaduz], Stuttgart : Arnoldsche Verlagsanstalt 2005. Morris Carra M. - Foulds Diane E. (eds.), A guide to Czech and Slovak glass, Prague : European Community Imports [1993]. Langhamer Antonín, Legenda o českém skle = The legend of Bohemian glass = Legende vom böhmischen Glas, Zlín : Tigris 1999.
Libraries http://www.udu.cas.cz/en/library/ - Library of the Institute of Art History at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic http://udu2.ff.cuni.cz/?q=node/18 - Library of Instute of Arth History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague http://www.ngprague.cz/knihovna-1 - Library of the National Gallery in Prague https://www.umprum.cz/web/en/library - Library of Academy of Arts, Architecture and Desing in Prague http://www.avu.cz/eng/library - Library of the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague http://www.techlib.cz/en/ - National Library of Technology http://www.en.nkp.cz/ - National Library of the Czech Republic https://www.knihovna.upm.cz/en/ - Library of the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague
Websites https://artlib.eu/#!/ - Czech Art Libraries Database http://www.artlist.cz/en/ - Database charting the development of contemporary Czech art http://www.artmap.cz/en - Platform to support and promote contemporary art in the Czech Republic http://vvp.avu.cz/en/idatum/search http://artycok.tv/lang/en-us/ http://www.monumenttotransformation.org/atlas-transformace/ http://cz.tranzit.org/en/about Last update: Pech Milan, PhDr., Ph.D. (26.09.2023)
3. Oct. Introduction 10. Oct. Bílka's Villa (https://www.ghmp.cz/en/buildings/villa-bilek/) 17. Oct. House of the Black Mother of God - Museum of Czech Cubism (http://www.czkubismus.cz/en/). 24 Oct. Visit an exhibition of your choice, write an art review; recommended gallery: https://www.dox.cz/en/whats-on, or check the web for exhibitions in Prague: https://www.artmap.cz/vystavy/?&city=Praha. 31 Oct. Meeting at school - reading art review and discussion. 7 Nov. Müller Villa (Adolf Loos, https://www.muzeumprahy.cz/objekty/mullerova-vila-5#) 14 Nov. National Gallery Prague, Veletržní palác 21 Nov. Visit the exhibition of your choice, write a review; some tips: http://www.meetfactory.cz/en/program/galerie, https://kasarnakarlin.cz/cs, https://nfa.cz/en/ponrepo-cinema/cycles/, https://www.museumkampa.cz/en/, https://display.cz/en. 28 Nov. Meeting at school - reading art review and discussion. 5 Dec. Hotel International Prague and surroundings (socialist realism and brutalism, https://www.prague.eu/en/object/accommodation/776/hotel-international-praha) 12 Dec. Visit an exhibition of your choice, write a review 19 Dec. Meeting at school - art review reading and discussion. 9 Jan. Meeting at school - final lesson, final test (multiple choice) Last update: Pech Milan, PhDr., Ph.D. (03.10.2024)