The course focuses on the interpretation of modern "isms" before the First World War and pays attention to the situation of interwar art in the world and in the Czech lands. It then focuses on the description, characterization and interpretation of the development of art after World War II and the various artistic tendencies in the postmodern situation, extending to the present.
Consultations in English available. Last update: Pech Milan, PhDr., Ph.D. (14.11.2022)
The aim of the course is to introduce the student to the basic tendencies in the art of the 20th and early 21st century in a broader cultural and social context. Last update: Pech Milan, PhDr., Ph.D. (14.11.2022)
The examination has a written form. It focuses on Czech and foreign art between 1780 and 1980. The test consists of three parts: factual (15 marks), contextual (35 marks), and pictorial (50 marks). A total of 100 points can be obtained. A minimum of 60 points is required to pass the exam. 100-90 points - excellent, 89-75 points - very good, 74-60 points - good. The pictorial part will be based on the required literature, MS Teams presentations and taking into account the collections of the National Gallery in Prague. Last update: Pech Milan, PhDr., Ph.D. (11.12.2024)
Basic mandatory literature: Anděl, J. (ed.), Czech Modernism 1900-1945 (kat., The Museum of Fine Arts Houston). Houston 1989 Benevolo L., Geschichte der Architektur des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, I-II. München 1964 Blau E. - Platzer M. (eds.), Shaping the Great City. Modern Architecture in Central Europe 1890-1937. London - New York 1999 Brettell, R. R., Modern art, 1851-1929 :capitalism and representation. Oxford 1999 Cassou, J.; Langui, E., Pevsner, N., The Sources of Modern Art. London 1962 Causey, A. (ed.), Sculpture since 1945. Oxford 1998 Clark, T. J., Farewell to an Idea. Episodes from a History of Modernism. London 1999 Curtis, P., Sculpture 1900-1945: after Rodin. Oxford 1999 Hopkins, D. (ed.), After modern art, 1945-2000. Oxford 2000 Rosenblum, R., Modern Painting and the Northern Romantic Tradition: Friedrich to Rothko. New York 1975 Schapiro, M., Modern Art. 19th&20th Centuries. New York 1968 Walther I.F. (ed.), Art of the 20th Century. Köln a.R. 1998 Additional source. http://duoppa.ff.cuni.cz/inovace_kmenovych_predmetu.html
Recommended literature: Foster, H., Compulsive Beauty. Cambridge, Mass. 1993 Gordno, D. E., Modern Art Exhibitions 1900-1916. Selected Catalogue Documentation. München 1974 Hartley, K., The Romantic Spirit in German Art 1790-1990. Edinburgh 1994 Hitchcock, H.-R., Architecture: Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Harmondsworth 1958 Hofmann, W., Das Irdische Paradies. Kunst im 19. Jahrhundert. München 1960 Joachimides, Ch. M. - Rosenthal N. (eds.), Die Epoche der Moderne. Kunst im 20. Jahrhunderts. Berlin 1997 Kotalík, J., Tschechische Kunst 1878-1914. Auf dem Weg in die Moderne (kat., Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt). Darmstadt 1984 Krauss,R. E., The Originality of the Avant-Garde and Other Modernist Myths. Cambridge 1985 Krauss, R. E., The Optical Unconscious. Cambridge 1993 Krauss, R. E., Passages in modern sculpture. Cambridge 1981 Lemagny, J. C., Visionary Architects. Houston 1968 Les Avant-Garde Tcheques (kat.). Arles 1990 Nebeský, V., L'art moderne tchéchoslovaque. Paris 1937 Seibt, F. (ed.), Böhmen im 19. Jahrhundert. Vom Klassizismus zur Moderne. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin 1995 Stanislawski, R. - Brockhaus, Ch., Europa, Europa: Das Jahrhundert der Avantgarde in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Bonn 1994 Szeemann, H., Der Hang zum Gesamtkunstwerk. Europäische Utopien seit 1800. Frankfurt am Main 1983 Zeitler, R., Die Kunst des 19. Jahrhunderts. Propyläen Kunstgeschichte Bd. XI. Berlin 1984
Literature on Czech art in English: Czech Cubism Švestka Jiří – Vlček Tomáš – Liška Pavel (eds.), Czech cubism 1909-1925 : art, architecture, design, Praha: Modernista 2006. Vegesack Alexander von (ed.), Czech Cubism : Architecture, Furniture, and Decorative Arts 1910–1925, London: Laurence King 1992. Vegesack Alexander von, Cubismo checo : arquitectura y diseño, 1910-1925 : diciembre 1991 - febrero 1992, Museo Español de Arte Contemporáneo, Weil am Rhein : Vitra Design Museum 1991. Švácha Rostilav, The pyramid, the prism & the arc : Czech cubist architecture 1911-1923, Prague : Gallery 2000. Tschechischer Kubismus 1912 - 1916 : Rupertinum, Museum für moderne Kunst Salzburg = Czech cubism 1912-1916, Salzburg : Rupertinum [2001]. Lahoda Vojtěch – Uhrová Olga,Vincenc Kramář : from the old masters to Picasso : National Gallery in Prague, Collection of Modern and Contemporary art - Veletržní palác 13.10.2000–28.1.2001, Prague : National Gallery in Prague 2000.
Czech Surrealism Švankmajer Jan, Jan Švankmajer : transmutace smyslů = transmutation of the senses, Praha : Středoevropská galerie a nakladatelství 2004. Srp Karel, Toyen : City Gallery Prague, House of the Stone Bell, 12 May - 6 August 2000, Prague : Argo : City Gallery Prague 2000.
Modern and Contemporary Czech Art 1890–2010 Dolanská Karolína et al., Modern and Contemporary Czech Art 1890–2010 Modern and Contemporary Czech Art 1890-2010, Prague : National Gallery 2010. Morganová Pavlína, Czech action art : happenings, actions, events, land art, body art and performance art behind the iron curtain, Prague : Karolinum 2014. Morganová Pavlína (ed.), Začátek století = The beginning of the century, Plzeň: Západočeská galerie 2012. Knížák Milan – Vlček Tomáš (eds.), 155 uměleckých děl 20. století z Národní galerie v Praze = One hundred fifty-five artworks of the 20th century from the National Gallery in Prague = 155 œvres d’art du 20ème siècle de la Galerie nationale de Prague = 155 Kunstwerke des 20. Jahrhunderts aus der Nationalgalerie in Prag = 155 opere d’arte del XX secolo della Galleria Nazionale di Praga, Praha : Národní galerie 2009. Vlček Tomáš, Aktuální nekonečno : konflikty a souvislosti baroka v moderním a současném českém umění = Actual infinity : baroque conflicts and continuities in modern and contemporary Czech art, Praha : Galerie hlavního města Prahy 2000. Ševčíková Lucie – Žáková Eva (eds.), Czech contemporary art guide, Praha : Arts and Theatre Institute 2012. Machalický Jiří et al., České ateliéry : 71 umělců současnosti = Czech studios : 71 contemporary artists, Praha : Art CZ 2005. Bydžovská Lenka – Lahoda Vojtěch – Srp Karel, Czech modern art : 1900-1960 : [catalogue of the modern art collection at the National Gallery in Prague, Prague : National Galery 1995. Musilová Helena (ed.)m František Kupka : the road to Amorpha : Kupka’s salons 1899-1913 : [The National Gallery in Prague - The Collection of Modern and Contemporary Art, Salm Palace, November 30, 2012 - March 3, 2013], Prague : National Gallery 2012. Matějček Antonín – Wirth Zdeněk, Modern and contemporary Czech art, London : George Routtledge & Sons 1924. Karel Srp and Lenka Bydžovská (eds.), New formations : Czech avant-garde art and modern glass from the Roy and Mary Cullen Collection, Houston [Tex.] : Museum of Fine Arts ; New Haven : Yale University Press [distributor] 2011. Vloemans John A., Czech Avant-garde Books 1922-1938 = Knihy avantgarda - XX. století : Devětsil - Poetism - Constructivism – Surrealism, Hague : Vloemans Antiquarian Books 1994. Adlerová Alena et al., Czech art deco 1918-1938 : [6 May - 4 October 1998, Exhibition halls of the Municipal House / organized by the Municipal House in cooperation with the Museum of decorative arts in Prage], Prague : Municipal House 1998. Born Robert / Janatková Alena / Labuda Adam (Hrsg.), Die Kunsthistoriographien in Ostmitteleuropa und der nationale Diskurs, Berlin 2004. Malinowski Jerzy (Hrsg.), History of Art History in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, 2 Bde., Toruń 2012. Explizit mit der tschechischen Kunstgeschichte in der sozialistischen Zeit befasst sich Milena Bartlová: Czech art history and Marxism, in: Journal of Art Historiography 7/12 (2012), http://arthistoriography.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/bartlova.pdf
Architecture Benešovská Klára et al , Architecture in the Czech Republic, Prague : Society of Czech Architects in cooperation with the Czech Chamber of Architects and Zlatý řez 1993. Švácha Rostislav, Czech architecture and its austerity : fifty buildings 1989-2004, Praha : Prostor - architektura, interiér, design 2004. Kratochvíl Petr – Halík Pavel, Contemporary Czech architecture = Tschechische zeitgenössische Architektur, Prague : Prostor 2000. Ševčík Jiří – Mitášová Monika (eds.), Česká a slovenská architektura 1971-2011 : texty, rozhovory, dokumenty, Praha : Akademie výtvarných umění, Vědecko-výzkumné pracoviště ve spolupráci se Slovenskou národnou galériou v Bratislavě, Úsekom výskumu a rozvoja a Vysokou školou výtvarných umení v Bratislavě, Centrom výskumu 2013. Beran Lukáš – Valchářová Vladislava (eds.), Industrial Prague : technical buildings and industrial architecture in Prague : a guide, Prague : CzechTechnical University 2006. Švácha Rostislav (ed.), Naprej! : Czech sports architecture 1567–2012, Prague : Prostor - architektura, interiér, design 2012. Hnídková Vendula, Národní styl, kultura a politika = [National style, arts and politics], Praha : Vysoká škola uměleckoprůmyslová 2013. Pařík Arno, Symbols of emancipation : nineteenth-century synagogues in the Czech lands : [exhibition of the Jewish Museum in Prague 21.3.-4.8.2013, Robert Guttmann Gallery Prague, Prague : Jewish Museum in Prague 2013. Primus Zdenek, Kunst ist Abstraction : die tschechische visuelle Kultur der 60er Jahre, Praha : KANT : Arbor vitae 2003.
Gender Pachmanová Martina (ed.), Behind the velvet curtain : seven women artists from the Czech Republic : Erika Bornová, Milena Dopitová, Lenka Klodová, Zdena Kolečková, Alena Kotzmannová, Michaela Thelenová, Kateřina Vincourová : [American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center, Washington, D.C., April 3 - May 18, 2009], Prague : Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design 2009.
Photography Crossing borders - contemporary Czech and Slovak photography, New York : Aperture 1998. Birgus Vladimír – Mlčoch Jan, Czech photography of the 20th century, Prague : KANT 2010. Birgus Vladimír – Zuckriegl Margit, Maestri della fotografia dell’avanguardia ceca negli anni venti e trenta / Masters of the Czech avant-gardephotography of the 1920’s and the 1930’s, Cinisello Balsamo (Milano) : Silvana 2001. Anděl Jaroslav, Příběh moderního média : česká fotografie 1840-1950 = [A story of a modern medium : Czech photography 1840-1950] : Galerie Rudolfinum 15.1-28.3.2004], Praha : KANT [2004].
Glass Petrová Sylva, Czech Glass, Praha : Gallery 2001. Petrová Sylva, Czech and Slovak glass in exile : [catalogue : The Moravian Gallery in Brno - Museum of Applied Arts, 31 August 2007 - 6 January 2008], Brno : Moravian Gallery ; [Praha] : KANT 2007. Ricke Helmut (ed.), Czech glass, 1945-1980 : design in an age of adversity [Museum Kunst Palast-Glasmuseum Hentrich in cooperation with Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, the Corning Museum of Glass, the Steinberg Foundation, Vaduz], Stuttgart : Arnoldsche Verlagsanstalt 2005. Morris Carra M. – Foulds Diane E. (eds.), A guide to Czech and Slovak glass, Prague : European Community Imports [1993]. Langhamer Antonín, Legenda o českém skle = The legend of Bohemian glass = Legende vom böhmischen Glas, Zlín : Tigris 1999.
Libraries http://www.udu.cas.cz/en/library/ - Library of the Institute of Art History at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic http://udu2.ff.cuni.cz/?q=node/18 - Library of Instute of Arth History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague http://www.ngprague.cz/knihovna-1 - Library of the National Gallery in Prague https://www.umprum.cz/en/library/ - Library of Academy of Arts, Architecture and Desing in Prague http://www.avu.cz/eng/library - Library of the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague http://www.techlib.cz/en/ - National Library of Technology http://www.en.nkp.cz/ - National Library of the Chech Republic
Websites http://art.jib.cz/vyhledavac/vyhledavac/view?set_language=en – Czech Art Libraries Database http://artlist.cz/?id=25&lang=1 http://www.artmap.cz/en http://vvp.avu.cz/en/idatum/search http://artycok.tv/lang/en-us/ http://www.monumenttotransformation.org/atlas-transformace/ http://cz.tranzit.org/en/about
Last update: Pech Milan, PhDr., Ph.D. (12.12.2024)
The exam requires a basic overview of the development of Czech and foreign art in the period 1780 - 1980 (basic terms, chronology of development, key personalities, and artworks). Last update: Pech Milan, PhDr., Ph.D. (11.12.2024)
A) Art before the First World War (birth of modernism, abstract tendencies in art, etc.) B) Art in the interwar period (Dada, Surrealism, Poetism, Constructivism, abstraction, art of totalitarian regimes, etc.) C) Art after World War II (Abstract Expressionism, Socialist Realism, Art Brut, Pop Art, Conceptualism, etc.) D) Contemporary art Last update: Pech Milan, PhDr., Ph.D. (22.01.2024)