The course serves to deepen selected texts and topics of the Old and New Testaments with emphasis on their theological message.
Last update: Brož Jaroslav, doc. ThLic., Th.D. (31.08.2023)
The goal is to introduce students to a comprehensive exegetical method using selected biblical texts from the Old and New Testaments. Last update: Brož Jaroslav, doc. ThLic., Th.D. (05.09.2023)
Study of the assigned materials and literature Last update: Brož Jaroslav, doc. ThLic., Th.D. (13.10.2023)
Learning support (login: n464frp). New American Bible Revised Edition. Philadelphia, PA: American Bible Society, 2019. La sacra Bibbia CEI. Cittá del Vaticano: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2008. For the Old Testament theology: COMMISSION BIBLIQUE PONTIFICALE. Le peuple juif et ses Saintes Écritures dans la Bible chrétienne. Cittá del Vaticano: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2001. NOBILE, Marco. Teologia dell'Antico Testamento. Logos. Corso di studi biblici 8/1. Leumann TO: ELLe Di Ci, 1998. For the exegesis some of the big commentary series can be consulted: Anchor Bible Word Biblical Commentary Biblischer Kommentar. Altes Testament Herders theologischer Kommentar zum Alten Testament Last update: Brož Jaroslav, doc. ThLic., Th.D. (10.10.2023)
1) Lecture combined with a seminar reading of selected biblical texts Last update: Brož Jaroslav, doc. ThLic., Th.D. (05.09.2023)
The course concludes with a written test, which includes six questions (three Old Testament and three New Testament) from the material covered in the contact classes. Last update: Brož Jaroslav, doc. ThLic., Th.D. (13.10.2023)
1. Literary and Theological Characteristics of the Psalter 2. How to understand and interpret the "Imprecatory" Psalms? 3. Exegesis of the Psalm 131 4. Literary and Theological Characteristics of the Wisdom Books of the Old Testament 5. An Exegetical Introduction into the Book of Job 6. Literary and Theological Characteristics of the Prophetical Books of the Old Testament 7. An Exegetical Introduction into the Book of Jonah 8. The Ethical Teaching in Early Letters of the Apostle Paul 9. Christ as the Head and the Bridegroom of the Church in the Epistle to Ephesians 10. The Old Testament Priesthood and the New Priesthood of Jesus Christ in the Epistle to the Hebrews 11. The Apocalypse: Exegesis 21:1-8 Last update: Hřebík Josef, doc. ThLic., Th.D. (01.10.2023)
Knowledge appropriate to the content of the courses of introduction to the Old and New Testaments in undergraduate studies. Last update: Brož Jaroslav, doc. ThLic., Th.D. (05.09.2023)