Seminar of Biblical Science 1 - KBIB126
Title: Seminář biblických věd 1
Guaranteed by: Department of Biblical Sciences and ancient languages (26-KBV)
Faculty: Catholic Theological Faculty
Actual: from 2022
Semester: winter
E-Credits: 5
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:0/2, C [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unlimited (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: you can enroll for the course repeatedly
course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
priority enrollment if the course is part of the study plan
Guarantor: doc. ThLic. Jaroslav Brož, Th.D.
Teacher(s): doc. ThLic. Jaroslav Brož, Th.D.
Co-requisite : KJAZ021
Incompatibility : KBIB106
Is incompatible with: KBIB106
Examination dates   WS schedule   Noticeboard   
Annotation -
Jesus' Farewell Discourse in the Gospel of John (John 13-17).
Last update: Brož Jaroslav, doc. ThLic., Th.D. (15.10.2024)
Aim of the course -

The aim of the seminar is:

1) to learn exegetical commentary on the Greek Gospel text;

2) to interpret the text in the context of the whole Gospel of John;

3) to interpret the theological and spiritual content of significant concepts in a broad biblical context.

Last update: Brož Jaroslav, doc. ThLic., Th.D. (15.10.2024)
Literature -

Exegetical commentaries

Beasley-Murray, G. R. John. Word Biblical Commentary 36. Nashville (TN): Nelson, 1999 (2. ed.)

Beutler, J. Das Johannesevangelium. Freiburg: Herder, 2013

Brown, R. E. The Gospel According to John. AB 29, 29A. Garden City (NY): Doubleday, 1966, 1970

Neyrey, J. H. The Gospel of John. New Cambridge Bible Commentary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006

Schnackenburg, R. Das Johannesevangelium. HThK 4/1-3, Freiburg: Herder, 1986 (6. ed.), 1977 (2. ed), 1986 (5. ed.) + Ergänzende Auslegungen und Exkurse, HThK 4/4, Freiburg: Herder, 1994 (3. ed.)

Simoens, Y. Selon Jean. I. Une traduction. II.-III. Une interprétation. Collection 17. Bruxelles: Institut d'Études Théologiques, 1997


Becker, J. Aufbau, Schichtung und theologiegeschichtliche Stellung des Gebetes in Johannes 17. In: Becker, J. - Mell, U. (ed.). Annäherungen zur urchristlichen Theologiegeschichte und zum Umgang mit ihren Quellen. BZNW 76. Berlin: Wlater de Gruyter, 1995, s. 99-126

Beutler, J. Habt keine Angst. Die erste johanneische Abschiedsrede (Joh 14). SBS 116. Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1984

Dietzfelbinger, Ch. Der Abschied des Kommenden. Eine Auslegung der Johannesishen Abshiedsreden. WUNT 1.95. Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1997

Hoegen-Rohls, Ch. Der nachösterliche Johannes. Die Abschiedsreden als hermeneutischer Schlüssel zum vierten Evangelium. WUNT 2.84. Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1996

López Barrio, M. Juan 17. Una expresión de deseos. Gregorianum 88/1, 2007, s. 49-65

Simoens, Y. La Gloire d'aimer. Structure stzlistiques et interprétatives dans le Discours de la Cène (Jn 13-17). Analecta Biblica 90. Rome: Biblical Institute Press, 1981

Thüsing, W. Die Erhöhung und Verherrlichung Jesu im Johannesevangelium. NTA 21/1-2. Münster: Aschendorf, 1979 (3. ed.)


Further bibliography will be recommended during the seminar.

Last update: Brož Jaroslav, doc. ThLic., Th.D. (15.10.2024)
Teaching methods -

Seminar exercises:

1) introduction to the topic by the teacher

2) presentation of prepared texts and their interpretation by students

3) joint discussion of the texts

4) preparation of the written work

Last update: Brož Jaroslav, doc. ThLic., Th.D. (15.10.2024)
Requirements to the exam -
At least 80% attendance at seminar hours is required. Each participant will elaborate and present a paper on one selected text, which he/she chooses from the menu in the syllabus. He/she will present his/her presentation into a written work; its submission is a condition for granting credit.  
Last update: Brož Jaroslav, doc. ThLic., Th.D. (15.10.2024)
Syllabus -
  1. Introduction, presentation of the method, division of tasks
  2. Jesus' departure and Jesus as the way to the goal (John 14:1-11)
  3. The promise to the disciples and the statement about the Paraclete (John 14:12-17) 
  4. Figurative speech about the vine (John 15:1-11) 
  5. The commandment of love and the hatred of the world (John 15:12-17, 18-25) 
  6. The Activity of the Paraclete (John 16:4b-24) 
  7. Jesus' departure and return in joy (John 16:16-24) 
  8. Jesus' High Priestly Prayer I (John 17:1-8)
  9. Jesus' High Priestly Prayer II (John 17:9-19) 
  10. Jesus' High Priestly Prayer III (John 17:20-26) 
Last update: Brož Jaroslav, doc. ThLic., Th.D. (15.10.2024)
Entry requirements -
See set requirements; good knowledge of Biblical Greek.
Last update: Brož Jaroslav, doc. ThLic., Th.D. (15.10.2024)