The course is based on the way Israel considered at different times about its history how much it is captured in the books of Scripture enriched with other information sources. It is a specific action and dialogue of a unique human culture with God that leads the people, has given him his promises, covenant, and sends prophets, kings, leaders and other characters to remind him of the uniqueness of Israel and later of Judas. From the point of view of the composition of biblical books, it is primarily two larger units, namely Deuteronomist history (Joz, Sd, 1 and 2 Sam, 1 and 2 King) and so-called Chronist history (1 and 2 Chron, Ezd, Neh); there are several minor didactic-pareinetic stories (Ruth, Tob, Jdt, Est) and a historiographical work from the Seleucus period (1 and 2 Mak). Introductory passages focused on the origins, literary and theological aspects of individual books alternate with examples of exegesis of specific texts.
Last update: Větrovec Pavel, Mgr. Ing., Th.D. (29.11.2018)
The aim of the course is to acquire a basic knowledge of the historical books of the Old Testament, both in introductory questions and in the exegesis of significant passages. Last update: Matějec Tomáš, ThLic. Mgr. et Mgr., Ph.D. (06.10.2024)
Active participation in classes (max. 3 absences during the semester), including successful completion of ordinary tests, preparation and presentation of a paper (about 9000-10000 characters), concluding oral and written examination of the subject matter covered in in the winter and summer semesters. Last update: Matějec Tomáš, ThLic. Mgr. et Mgr., Ph.D. (06.10.2024)
Editions and translations of the Old Testament: Basic literature: Supplementary literature: Commentary series: Last update: Matějec Tomáš, ThLic. Mgr. et Mgr., Ph.D. (06.10.2024)
Lecture combined with seminar - reading and interpretation of texts. Last update: Matějec Tomáš, ThLic. Mgr. et Mgr., Ph.D. (06.10.2024)
Active participation in lessons (max. 3 absences), successful passing of ordinary tests and preparation and presentation of a paper (ca. 9000-10000 characters) are required for admission to the examination. The examination has a written and an oral part; both of them check the knowledge acquired during the semester. Last update: Matějec Tomáš, ThLic. Mgr. et Mgr., Ph.D. (06.10.2024)
1. Historiography in general, the specific character of biblical historiography, Deuteronomistic history. 2. Joshua (title and contents of the book, origin, literary and theological characteristics). 3. Exegesis of Josh 6 (the conquest of Jericho). 4. The Book of Judges (title and contents of the book, origin, literary and theological characteristics). 5. Exegesis of Judg 3:12-30 (the story of Judge Ehud). 6. The Book of Samuel (title and contents, origin, literary and theological characteristics). 7. Exegesis of 1 Sam 16-31 (dramatic relationship of Saul and David); 2 Sam 7 (Nathan's prophecy). 8. The Books of Kings (contents, origin, literary and theological characteristics). 9. Exegesis of 2 Kings 4:8-37 (Elisha raises up the son of the Shunammite woman). 10. The Books of Chronicles (title and contents, origin, literary and theological characteristics). 11. Ezra and Nehemiah (title and contents, origin, literary and theological characteristics). 12. Didactic and Parenetic Stories - Ruth (title and place in the canon, contents, structure and formation, theological message). 13. Esther (text, its formation and contents, message). 14. Tobias (title and contents, formation, literary and theological characteristics). 15. Judith (introduction, contents, literary type, message). 16. The Books of the Maccabees (contents and intention; characteristics, history and significance of the Maccabean Revolt). Last update: Matějec Tomáš, ThLic. Mgr. et Mgr., Ph.D. (06.10.2024)
No specicific. Last update: Matějec Tomáš, ThLic. Mgr. et Mgr., Ph.D. (06.10.2024)