The course deals with issues of economic transformation in Central and South East European countries after the end of the communist regimes. It builds on an overview of historical and political context, and by case studies it details key problems of economic development of the CSEE countries in the 1990s. It summarizes the commonalities and specifics of different countries in the region. Attention is paid to current economic situation of the countries in focus as well.
Last update: Jeřábek Petr, Mgr. (26.09.2023)
The aim of the course is to explain and discuss the topics and methods of economic transformation in East Central and Southeastern Europe. At the end, students should be able to understand general aspects of economic transformation of the selected countries. Last update: Jeřábek Petr, Mgr. (26.09.2023)
Grading is based on the Dean's Measure no. 20/2019: https://fsv.cuni.cz/deans-measure-no-20/2019
Last update: Lochmanová Sára, Bc. (05.10.2023)
POZNÁMKA:Všechna dostupná literatura v sylabu slouží pouze ke studijním účelům v tomto kurzu. Je chráněna autorským právem a nesmí být tak dále šířena. Class readings: will be specified on the first lesson
Course book: IMF, 25 Years of Transition Post-Communist Europe and the IMF. Regional Economic Issues, Special Report, Washington DC 2014
Recommended general readings: Åslund, A. The Transformation of Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia. Cambridge University Press, 2007. Bohle, D. and B. Greskovits. Capitalist Diversity on Europe´s Periphery. Cornell University Press, 2011. Gros, D. and A. Steinherr. Economic Transition in Central and Eastern Europe: Planting the Seeds. Cambridge University Press, 2004. Lane, D. and M. Myant (ed.) Varieties of Capitalism in Post-Communist Countries. Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. Myant, M. and J. Drahokoupil. Transition Economies: Political Economy in Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Wiley, 2011. Piketty, T. Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Harvard University Press, 2013. Rose, R. Understanding Post-Communist Transformation: A bottom up approach. Routledge, 2009. (political and economic transformation) Sobják, Anita. From the Periphery to the Core? Central Europe and the Economic Crisis. The Polish Institute of International Studies, No.7 (55), April, p. 10, Warsaw 2013 Last update: Jeřábek Petr, Mgr. (26.09.2023)
Teaching methods are the combination of lectures and seminars. Based on the lectures, students should receive general information about history of central-planned economies in Central Eastern and Southeastern Europe and then about processes of transformations. Seminars are focused on students presentations and reading of the texts which are followed discussed to help students with better understanding of the subject.
MS Teams link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3AAiDapy9ldgYv16FCcZzwILeve0ZdvETOnbwncfSuzgA1%40thread.tacv2/1665697098609?context=%7B%22Tid%22%3A%22e09276da-f934-4086-bf08-8816a20414a2%22%2C%22Oid%22%3A%2289e828ff-18f6-497e-b650-173a76971f61%22%7D Last update: Jeřábek Petr, Mgr. (26.09.2023)
* Assessment:
* Final mark:
Due to the Covid-19 disease and on-line teaching, the e-exam will be carried out via Moodle or Turnitin. Students will answer open questions. Last update: Jeřábek Petr, Mgr. (26.09.2023)
For updated syllabus see attachments. * Topics covered by the course: 1. Commonalities and specifics of Central and South East European economies in the period until the end of WWII Last update: Bartůšek Jaroslav, Bc. (24.09.2024)