The Diploma Seminar I prepares students for developing their own diploma thesis. The students will receive counseling in how to formulate a research question and develop a project for their diploma thesis. They will receive insights in tools for gathering information and literature, and get experience with academic writing techniques.
In the diploma thesis the student must demonstrate the ability to work independently in keeping with academic standards, a knowledge and understanding of the relevant scholarly literature and the ability to analyze the issue under study. Diploma Seminar I is intended only for students of the Sociology of Contemporary Societies programme. Its purpose is to develop the thesis project and to direct the student to an appropriate thesis supervisor with whom to will discuss and refine the project at the end of the semester. The course should be taken in the first year of LS studies for SCS students and in the second year for double-degree students of the partner university. Its aim is to formulate and develop the thesis project into a form that can be entered into the SIS database, and, together with the supervisor, this project can be started. Last update: Uherek Zdeněk, doc. PhDr., CSc. (04.02.2024)
Active participation in the course seminars and delivery of all assigments. Elaboration of diploma project and i.e. parts of the diploma thesis. Rating: Maximum 100 %; minimum for passing 50%; A = 100 – 91 B = 90 – 81 C = 80 – 71 D = 70 – 61 E = 60 – 51 F = 50 – 0 Last update: Uherek Zdeněk, doc. PhDr., CSc. (18.09.2021)
RULES Citation, Filing, Submitting and Publishing of Final Theses, Formal Structure • bibliographiccitation.pdf • Deans_provision_no_29_2010 (1).doc • template_thesis (1).doc • measuresagainstplagiarism.pdf • Thesis_Rules_Sociology.pdf• THESES EXAMPLES • Thesis_Stiburek (1).pdf • Thesis-Angela NivandraneePerinpanayagam.pdf https://iss.fsv.cuni.cz/en/study/final-thesis-and-state-final-examination/masters-thesis What should be included in a master’s thesis exposé in sociology? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwin_oOkgayCAxXkiP0HHRLhAZwQFnoECCUQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.oei.fu-berlin.de%2Fsoziologie%2Fstudiumlehre%2Fhandreichungen_zum_studium%2FHow-to-write-an-expose.pdf&usg=AOvVaw33OtHgrZt2C7J2abkNhgRL&opi=89978449 Last update: Uherek Zdeněk, doc. PhDr., CSc. (05.11.2023)
In order to be awarded the credit, it is necessary to compile a diploma thesis project and contact a potential supervisor. Last update: Uherek Zdeněk, doc. PhDr., CSc. (18.09.2021)
The aim of diploma seminar 1 is to formulate the basic topic of the diploma thesis, to sketch the basic outlines of the solution of this topic, to find the supervisor of the diploma thesis and to prepare the project of the diploma thesis. These tasks will be addressed through collective discussion, written preparations and individual consultations. Students are required to actively participate in seminars, perform written and oral assignments, and complete the seminar by submitting a diploma project in a structure that would allow its transfer to the SIS. The seminar is online. Ususally, the seminar has a form of a one-to-one consultation. In case of more students working on a similar topic, small seminar groups will be established. Students will present and comment on each other’s project descriptions, revise these with regards to the feedback from fellow students and teacher, before it is submitted for final approval. Completing the diploma thesis and prepare for its successful defence is the main goal of the course. Last update: Bednařík Petr, PhDr., Ph.D. (21.09.2023)