SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Integrational Migration and Social Integration - JSM136
Title: Integrational Migration and Social Integration
Guaranteed by: Department of Sociology (23-KS)
Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences
Actual: from 2024
Semester: winter
E-Credits: 9
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT]
Capacity: unlimited / unknown (8)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: enabled for web enrollment
priority enrollment if the course is part of the study plan
Guarantor: PhDr. Marie Jelínková, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): doc. Mgr. Jakub Grygar, Ph.D.
PhDr. Marie Jelínková, Ph.D.
This course is primarily intended to (a) introduce participants to core migration issues and (b) open the key questions of social integration. Therefore, it is concerned with questions like why people migrate, how migrants become incorporated into receiving societies and what social and economic impact migrants have on both sending and receiving countries. Furthermore, the course is aimed at introducing several specific migration topics such as migration in CEE counties, how to evaluate migrant integration, or what is the relationship between migration and development. Another focus is on the types of migrants (such as economic migrants, family members, refugees and asylum seekers, undocumented migrants, etc.) and their participation in European societies. In some lectures, the course focuses on the migration experience viewed through the perspective of migrants themselves.
Last update: Vojanová Jana (06.03.2023)
Aim of the course

The course is designed to engage students in critical dialogue concerning various topics related to migration and migrant integration topics. In order to do this, the course will combine both lecture and seminar formats. The above-mentioned issues will be explored in weekly lectures and readings. Learning objectives of the course include: (a) a solid understanding of major debates in the study of migration and (b) the major issues addressed in migrant integration studies, (c) understanding and interpreting migration data and key concepts and (d) understanding theories of migration and integration processes.

Last update: Vojanová Jana (06.03.2023)
Course completion requirements

The course is mainly offered to MA students.

Language: All seminar presentations and discussions will be held in English. Essays may be submitted in English, Czech, Slovak or German.   

Participation: A high level of quality participation is expected. 

Readings: All students must prepare by reading the compulsory texts for every lesson. Without that, participation during lectures (see above) is not possible. Presentations will usually require reading several additional texts. All compulsory readings and most optional readings are accessible at the course webpage at:

Group PowerPoint Presentation: Students will be divided into four (or more) groups during the first lecture. Each group will deliver its presentation during the course (topics and dates of presentation see below). The presentation should: (a) take up to 15 min. (not more and preferably not much less), (b) be well structured, (c) keep the attention of the audience, (d) avoid too much detail and (e) sum up the key arguments in the conclusions. All members of the group should participate in preparing and presenting the presentation

 A PowerPoint presentation will be worth 20% of the total grade. 

Description of inspirational practice (project/activity). Each student should (1) find an inspirational activity/project/practice towards migrants and (b) describe it according to given structure. Length: 3 pages.

The description of inspirational practice must be uploaded before the final lecture. An application for deadline extension must be submitted in advance of the due date, and in writing to the lecturer, accompanied by a medical certificate or other appropriate evidence. All assignments submitted after the deadline (and without an approved extension) will be subjected to a penalty of 5 points for each late day, up to a maximum of three days. Papers submitted more than three working days after the due date will not be accepted for marking. The description of inspirational practice will be worth 30% of the total grade.

Filed trip: All students are expected to participate in the field trip. Participation will be worth 10% of the total grade.

Final test: A short test at the end of the course will test if the basic knowledge of the discussed topics during the lectures has been gained as well as the ability to show a critical view on selected migration issues. The test will be worth 40% of the total grade.

Grading: The overall grade will be calculated as follows: 20% presentation, 30% description of inspirational practice, 10% field trip, 40% final test. 

All students can receive 100% (points) maximum.

Final grades will be given according to the common scheme -

A:  100 - 91,

B: 90 - 81,

C: 80 - 71,

D: 70 - 61,

E: 60 - 51,

F:  50 and less, not passing the subject. 

Disability policy: Any student with a disability who may require alternative academic arrangements in the subject is encouraged to approach the lecturer after the first or second lecture or via e-mail at the beginning of the course. The lecturer is willing to find alternative solutions in case of special needs.

Last update: Vojanová Jana (06.03.2023)

Compulsory reading

Bauböck R. (ed.) Migration and Citizenship: Legal Status, Rights and Political Participation. Pp. 5-17 

Carrera S. et al. Labour Immigration Policy in the EU: A Renewed Agenda for Europe 2020. CEPS Policy Brief.

Castles, Stephen and Mark J. Miller. The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World, 4th ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2009, pp.  20 – 33. 

Jelínková M. Local Migrant Integration Policies and Their Structural Mechanisms. Karolinum. 2023. (selected chapters)

Local Integration Manual. Association for Integration and Migration 2021. (selected chapters)

Massey, D. International Migration at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century: The Role of the State. Population and Development Review, Vol. 25, No. 2 (Jun. 1999), pp. 303-322

Vertovec, S. 1999. Migration and Social Cohesion. Cheltenham: The International Library of Studies on Migration, Chapters 1 and 2.


Optional reading

Bosswick, W., Heckmann, F. Social integration of immigrants: Contribution of local and regional authorities. Dublin: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2006.  (Pp. 1-8, preferably pp. 1 – 20) 

Collett E., Ahad A. EU Migration Partnerships: A Work in Progress. Migration Policy Institute. 2017.

Massey et al., 1993. Theories of International Migration: A Review and Appraisal. In: Population and Development Review. Volume 19, n. 3,s. 431 – 466.

Merlino M., Carrera S. Undocumented Immigrants and Rights in the EU: Addressing the Gap between Social Sciences Research and Policy-making. CEPS. 2009.

Scholten P., Entzinger H., Penninx R. (2015) Research-Policy Dialogues on Migrant Integration in Europe: Comparison and Conclusions. In: Scholten P., Entzinger H., Penninx R., Verbeek S. (eds) Integrating Immigrants in Europe. IMISCOE Research Series. Springer, Cham

Wallace Goodman S., Naturalisation Policies in Europe: Exploring Patterns Of Inclusion And Exclusion. EUDO Citizenship Observatory. 2010.

Last update: Grygar Jakub, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (08.03.2023)

Lecture No. 1.

Main topic: Course information

                      Introduction & Basic framework

Optional reading:

Vertovec, S. 1999. Migration and Social Cohesion. Cheltenham: The International Library of Studies on Migration, Chapters 1 and 2.

Lecture No. 2.

Main topic: (a) Theories of migration & the role of the state, migration policies

                      (b) How to write the essay

Compulsory reading:

Massey, D. International Migration at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century: The Role of the State. Population and Development Review, Vol. 25, No. 2 (Jun. 1999), pp. 303-322

Castles, Stephen and Mark J. Miller. The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World, 4th ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2009, pp.  20 – 33. 

Optional reading:

Massey et al., 1993. Theories of International Migration: A Review and Appraisal. In: Population and Development Review. Volume 19, n. 3,s. 431 – 466.

Lecture No. 3.

Main topic: Integration of migrants

Compulsory reading:

Migrant Integration Policy Index (the lasts version) – leaf through this publication, think about the indicators, read carefully about one indicator at least (

Optional reading:

Bosswick, W., Heckmann, F. Social integration of immigrants: Contribution of local and regional authorities. Dublin: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2006.  (Pp. 1-8, preferably pp. 1 – 20) 

 Scholten P., Entzinger H., Penninx R. (2015) Research-Policy Dialogues on Migrant Integration in Europe: Comparison and Conclusions. In: Scholten P., Entzinger H., Penninx R., Verbeek S. (eds) Integrating Immigrants in Europe. IMISCOE Research Series. Springer, Cham

Lecture No. 4.

Main topic:  An introduction to EU migration policies + the challenges of the current development

Compulsory reading:

Carrera S. et al. Labour Immigration Policy in the EU: A Renewed Agenda for Europe 2020. CEPS Policy Brief.

Optional reading:

Collett E., Ahad A. EU Migration Partnerships: A Work in Progress. Migration Policy Institute. 2017.

Lecture No. 5.

Main topic:  Undocumented migration

Compulsory activity:

Pick one country and find out what are the rights of undocumented migrants in this country, particularly look at their rights to: housing, employment, social benefits, education, healthcare, family life.  Some of the information you need can be found at:, also look at the literature used by Merlino and Carrera (see optional reading)

Optional reading:

Merlino M., Carrera S. Undocumented Immigrants and Rights in the EU: Addressing the Gap between Social Sciences Research and Policy-making. CEPS. 2009.

Lecture No. 6.

Main topic:  Czech migration policy

Compulsory reading: a set of up-to-date articles ad studies is provided every year

Lecture No. 7.

Main topic:  Migration in Central and Eastern Europe

Compulsory reading: there is not optional reading for this lecture, students are supposed ot watch suggested videos before the lecture

Lecture No. 8.

Main topic:  Migrant Integration in Central and Eastern Europe

Compulsory reading: Jelínková M. Local Migrant Integration Policies and Their Structural Mechanisms. Karolinum. 2023. (selected chapters)

Lecture No. 9.

Main topic:  Migrant Integration and the local level

Compulsory reading: Local Integration Manual. Association for Integration and Migration 2021. (selected chapters)

Lecture No. 10.

Main topic: Migrants in contemporary societies

Compulsory reading:

Bauböck R. (ed.) Migration and Citizenship: Legal Status, Rights and Political Participation. Pp. 5-17 

Optional reading:

Wallace Goodman S., Naturalisation Policies in Europe: Exploring Patterns Of Inclusion And Exclusion. EUDO Citizenship Observatory. 2010.

In class video: The Tree Workers Case (2012, 53 min. we will watch only part of it)

Lecture No. 11.

Main topic: Actual migration topics and the selected challenges of migrant integration

There is no compulsory reading for this lecture, however, students are expected to search for information on the current migration issues before the lecture.

This lecture is a field trip (if the situation allows)

Lecture No. 12.

Main topic: (a) Students’ presentations

                     (b) Final test (approx. 30 minutes)

In class video: A Better Life (26 minutes, 2011, we will watch only a part of it)

There is no compulsory reading for this lecture.

Last update: Vojanová Jana (06.03.2023)
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