SubjectsSubjects(version: 957)
Course, academic year 2023/2024
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Urban Anthropology - JSM124
Title: Urban Anthropology
Guaranteed by: Department of Sociology (23-KS)
Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences
Actual: from 2023
Semester: winter
E-Credits: 8
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT]
Capacity: unlimited / unknown (8)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: doc. PhDr. Zdeněk Uherek, CSc.
Teacher(s): doc. PhDr. Zdeněk Uherek, CSc.
Class: Courses for incoming students
The course aims to acquaint students with: how the city is defined and what is called urbanization; How does the
image of the urban man and the city change?
Last update: Frantál Daniel, Mgr. (04.12.2019)


Gottdiener, M., Budd, L., Lehtovouri, P. 2015. Key Concepts in Urban Studies. NY: Sage.

Hannerz Ulf, Exploring the City. Columbia University Press 1980.

Jaffe, R, , Koning, A. 2023. Introducing Urban Anthropology. NY, London: Routledge.

Sassen Saskia: The Global City: Introducing a concept. The Brown Journal of World Affairs XI, 2005, 2.

Uherek, Zdeněk: Antropologie města. In: Cichá Martina (ed.) Integrální antropologie. Praha: Triron 2014: 263 – 268.

Uherek Zdeněk, Město. In: Brouček, S. a kol. 2007. Lidová kultura. Národopisná encyklopedie Čech, Moravy a Slezska. Praha: Mladá fronta 550 – 553.



Bausinger, Hermann: Grundzüge der Volkskunde. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1978.

Brunt, Lodevijk. Coping with Urban Danger. In: Uherek, Z. (ed.) City in Supranational and Regional Networks. Praha, Institute of Ethnology 1992.

Cahiers du CEFRES no. 10. Antologie francouzských společenských věd – město. Praha, CEFRES 1996.

Douglas Mary, How Institutions Think. Syracuse University Press 1986.

Ek, Sven B. Nöden i Lund. Lund: Liber vörlag 1982.

Epstein, A. L. Senes from African Urban Life: Collected Copperbelt Papers. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press 1992.

Garreau Joel: Edge City: Life on the frontiers. New York, Doubleday 1991.

Goffman E.: Asylums. Essays on the social situations of mental patiens and other inmates. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books 1968.

Gottdiener, M., Hohle, R., King, C. 2019. The New Urban Sociology.  6ed., NY: Routledge.

Hannerz U.: Global Ecumene as a Network of Network. In: Conceptualizing society / edited by Adam Kuper. London, New York: Routledge 1992.

Lynch Kevin: Obraz města. The Image of the City. Praha, Polygon 2004.

Musil Jiří, Sociologie soudobého města. Praha, Svoboda 1967.

Park Robert Ezra, The City. Suggestions for the Investigation of Human Behavior in the Urban Environment. New York 1924.

Pradelle, Michéle De La: Několik poznámek k urbánní antropologii. Český lid 83, 1996, s. 189–195.

Redfield, R. The Primitive World and its Transformations. Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University Press 1953.

Salner Peter, Taká bola Bratislava. Bratislava 1991.

Sirovátka Oldřich, Město pod Špilberkem. Brno 1993.

Slova města. Cahiers du CEFRES No. 18. Praha, 2000.

Soukupová Blanka, Hroch Miroslav, Salner Peter, Godula-Weclawowict Róza (eds) Úvod do urbánní antropologie. Praha: FHS UK 2012.

Uherek Zdeněk: L'ethnologie urbaine en pays tchćques. Genèses.  Sciences sociales et histoire. Septembre 1997: 111 -  127.

Last update: Uherek Zdeněk, doc. PhDr., CSc. (06.11.2023)
Requirements to the exam

Conditions for completing the course:
1. participation in lessons
2nd activity in discussions on this topic
3. passing: the oral exam or a presentation during the teaching hours


100 - 91: A (excellent, excellent performance with small errors)
81-90: B (very good, above-average performance, but with some bugs)
71 - 80: C (good, overall good performance with some significant errors)
61-70: D (satisfactory, acceptable performance, but with significant shortcomings)
51-60: E (sufficient, performance meets minimum requirements)
50 - 0: F (did not meet the requirements for the course)

Last update: Uherek Zdeněk, doc. PhDr., CSc. (04.12.2023)

Themes of lectures (face to face).

1. How to learn the city; Definition of the city and urban settlement       

2. Chicago School and Theory of Social Ecology.

3. Manchester School and Research in African Urban Environment - British Colonial City, Concepts of Detribalization, Disqualification, Modernity, Social Network Research, Situational Analysis.

4. Globalization and global culture and the use of social networking theory to describe global culture. 

5. Erving Goffman and his concept of total institution.

6. Mary Douglas, How the Institution Thinks.

7. German approaches to the city, urban culture and nationalism, the concept of community and society, urban society as a tribal community metaphor, Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft, Baussinger's "third way", anthropology and mass media, German contemporaries.

8. Urban research in Central and Eastern Europe: cultural and historical probes into the urban environment, urban sociology of the interwar period, urban and working class research, Sallner ethnology of the city.

9.  a)  Kevin Lynch and his The Image of the City. 

      b) Amsterdam urban anthropology, concept of city danger and exploration of mental maps ..

10. Francouzská škola, sociální antropologie ve městě, město jako pluralita prostředí s odlišným sociálním klimatem, koncept kulturní konstrukce cizince, teorie ne-místa (Michelle de la Pradelle, Marc Augé, Gérard Althabe).

11. a) As explored postmodern city - morphology and consciousness, redefinition center of peripheral relations, research of edge cities, suburban fringe zones, exurban areas and recombinat cities.

      b) The global city.

Last update: Uherek Zdeněk, doc. PhDr., CSc. (19.09.2022)
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