Czech Media: Modern History - JMO003
Title: Czech Media: Modern History
Czech title: Moderní dějiny českých médií
Guaranteed by: Department of Media Studies (23-KMS)
Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences
Actual: from 2022
Semester: summer
E-Credits: 6
Examination process: summer s.:combined
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: yes / unlimited
Key competences: critical thinking, 4EU+ Flagship 2
State of the course: not taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: distance
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: prof. MgA. Martin Štoll, Ph.D.
Mgr. Jan Miessler
Class: Courses for incoming students
Incompatibility : JJM007, JJM180, JJM237, JPM326
Examination dates   Schedule   Noticeboard   
The course is focusing on key events and developments in modern history of the Czech media after WWII. It introduces student to the social, political and cultural context of the historical developments of the media, key media organizations and important figures. The classes should help students to understand the Czech media as a product but also a force of the Czech history.

Last update: Miessler Jan, Mgr. (30.11.2021)
Aim of the course

The course focuses on the character of journalism under the Communist rule, establishment of television broadcasting in Czechoslovakia in the 1950, the role of media and journalists during 1968 Prague Spring, mainstream and alternative culture in the 1970-80s, the role of media during the 1989 regime change, post-1989 developments of private and public service broadcasting, the role of foreign media owners, changes in journalism influenced by the internet and on selected important media projects.

Last update: Miessler Jan, Mgr. (30.11.2021)
Course completion requirements
100 % Academic paper (8+ pages) on a topic covered in lectures

Final grade spectrum:
A: 91-100 B: 81-90 C: 71-80 D: 61-70 E: 51-60 Fail: <51
Last update: Miessler Jan, Mgr. (30.11.2021)

Course literature:

BREN, P. (2010) The greengrocer and his TV: The culture of Communism after the 1968 Prague Spring. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

CELOVSKY, B. (2002) Konec ceskeho tisku. [The end of the Czech press] Senov: Tilia.

DOWNEY, J. & MIHEJL, S. (2012). Central and Eastern European media in comparative perspective. Farnham: Ashgate.

GULYAS, A. (1999) "Structural changes and organisations in the print media markets of post-communist East Central Europe" Javnost/The Public, 6(2), 61-74.

HOLY, L. (1996) The little Czech and the great Czech nation: National identity and the post-communist social transformation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

JAKUBOWICZ, K. (1995) "Media as agents of change" in Paletz, D., Jakubovicz, K., & Novosel, P. eds. Glasnost and after. Media and change in Central and Eastern Europe. Creskill: Hampton Press, 19-48.

JAKUBOWICZ, K. (2007) Rude awakening: Social and media change in Central and Eastern Europe. Cresskill: Hampton Press

KETTLE, S. (1996). The development of the Czech media since the fall of communism. The Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 12(4), 42-60.

KOPPLOVA, B. & JIRAK, J. (2008) "Brave new journalism: The attitudes of Czech journalists towards their own profession" in: Dobek-Ostrowska, B. and Glowacki, M. eds. Comparing media systems in Central Europe: Between commercialization and politicization, 197-208.

KUNCZIK, M. (1984). Communication and social change. Bonn: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

LINZ, J. & STEPAN, A. (1996) Problems of democratic transition and consolidation: Southern Europe, South America and post-communist Europe. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press.

METYKOVA, M., & WASCHKOVA CISAROVA, L. (2009) "Changing journalistic practices in Eastern Europe The cases of the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia" Journalism, 10(5), 719-736.

PAVLIK, P., & SHIELDS, P. (1999) "Toward an explanation of television broadcast restructuring in the Czech Republic" European Journal of Communication, 14(4), 487-524.

SIEBERT, F.S., PETERSON, T. & SCHRAMM, W. (1956) Four theories of the press. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

SPARKS, C. (2008) "Media systems in transition: Poland, Russia, China" Chinese Journal of Communication, 1(1), 7-24.

SPARKS, C. & READING, A. (1998) Communism, capitalism, and the mass media. London: Sage.

SPLICHAL, S. (1994). Media beyond socialism. Theory and practice in Central Europe. Boulder: Westview Press.

STETKA, V. & KOURIL, V. (2005) "Vlastnicka struktura ceského mediálního trhu s ohledem na globalizacni procesy" [Ownership structure of the Czech media market in the view of globalization] Brno: Institut demokracie pro vsechny.

STETKA, V. (2010) "Between a rock and a hard place? Market concentration, local ownership and media autonomy in the Czech Republic" International Journal of Communication, 4, 865–885.

STETKA, V. (2012) "From multinationals to business tycoons media ownership and journalistic autonomy in Central and Eastern Europe" The International Journal of Press/Politics, 17(4), 433-456.

STOLL, M. (2018) Television and totalitarianism in Czechoslovakia from the first democratic republic to the fall of Communism. London: Bloomsbury.

VOLEK, J. & JIRAK, J. (2007) "Professional self-image of the Czech journalists: Selected attributes" Medialni Studia, 4, 358-375.

VOLEK, J. (2010) Czech journalists after the collapse of the old media system: looking for new professional self-image" in: Dobek-Ostrowska, B., Glowacki, M., Jakubowicz, K. & Sukosd, M. eds. Comparative media systems. European and global perspectives. Budapest: Central European University Press, 171-194.

VOLEK, J. (2012) "Between quality/tabloid press strategies: Czech journalism twenty years after the collapse of the centralized non-market media system" in: Dobek-Ostrowska, B. & Glowacki M. eds. (2012). Making democracy in 20 years: Media and politics in Central Europe. Wroclaw: University of Wroclaw Press, 249-273.

WASCHKOVA CISAROVA, L. (2008) "The development of the Czech local and regional press: Impact of foreign owners on the local and regional press markets in the Czech Republic" in: Dobek-Ostrowska, B. & Glowacki, M. eds. Comparing media systems in Central Europe: between commercialization and politicization. Wroclaw: University of Wroclaw Press, 185-96

WASCHKOVA CISAROVA, L. & METYKOVA, M. (2015) "Better the devil you don't know: Post-revolutionary journalism and media ownership in the Czech Republic" Media Studies, 6(18), 8-18.

Last update: Miessler Jan, Mgr. (30.11.2021)
Requisites for virtual mobility

The course will take place via ZOOM. Study materials will be distributed electronically to the students enrolled to the course before the start of the first class. In order to pass the course, students need to submit electronically a final paper (8+ pages) on topic covered in the course. The grade spectrum is: A: 91-100 B: 81-90 C: 71-80 D: 61-70 E: 51-60 Fail: <51. The course does not require prior knowledge of Czech media, history, politics or culture.

Last update: Miessler Jan, Mgr. (11.01.2022)

SUMMER 2022 (preliminary):

1 Introduction
2 History of Czech journalism until WWII
3 Media and Communism: Czechoslovakia in 1948 and after
4 Czechoslovak Television: its origins and developments
5 Media, journalism, the Prague Spring and after
6 Mainstream and alternative popular culture in 1970s-1980s
7 Media and regime change in 1989
8 Private and public service broadcasting after 1989
9 Changes of media owenrwhip after 1989
10 Internet and changes in Czech journalism
11 Key media projects I
12 Key media projects II
13 Final class

Last update: Miessler Jan, Mgr. (09.12.2021)