The course covers the time range of 1945-2010 (or, more precisely, from the end of the WWII to the World Financial Crisis). Its main aim is to explore political economy of the area, divergencies and convergencies in the countries' developments. It should not be a history of the region. Territorially, it deals with the East Central European countries excluding former Yugoslavia (the country will be covered only to the extent of its interaction with other socialist countries. The course applies general concepts to the reality of the Central and Eastern Europe. Thematically, the course is divided into two parts, with the relations and conditions within the socialist bloc being tehe first part and the post-socialist reality as the second. The course should give to the students the ability to apporach the affairs in the Central Europe in their complexity, critically evaluate the differences and common points of the countries within the region. Last update: Svoboda Karel, Mgr., Ph.D. (12.09.2017)
Please, note that any instance of plagiarism (use of other people's thoughts, ideas without referencing them etc.) leads instantly to the "fail" mark in the whole course and the case is sent to the Disciplinary board of the Faculty of Social Sciences (or your home university). Using your own paper for more than one course is regareded as self-plagiarism. Last update: Svoboda Karel, Mgr., Ph.D. (19.09.2016)
We are not on the high school, therefore, lecturing should be a minor part of our work. Students are expected to read asserted papers and be able to discuss them. Everyone has to be able to say something, critically assert what was read and bring his own ideas. There are no silly questions (except for "What's the time?"), so, do not hesitate to ask about anything. There are also not silly remarks or questions. There are no prerequisities for previous economic training or any particular knowledge of the central Europe events in the past. The papers will be chosen to be accessible also for non-economists. Only your ability to read, think and ask questions is expected. On the contrary, contribution from other fields might be especially enriching. Last update: Svoboda Karel, Mgr., Ph.D. (03.10.2016)
Reading will be the first and foremost obligation. The course should help you to understand what happened in Central Europe after WWII from the political economy point of view. Therefore active participation in the discussions will be essential. As stated above, everybody should be able to say something (nothing like "I do not know..."), because our classes may be only as good as active you are. Furthermore, oral presentation on the topic chosen from the list provided by the instructor. The presentation should be 10-15 minutes, built on solid data. It should support author's view. The form (powerpoint or not) is on the author's prefernece. The final exam is based on open answer questions that aim at understanding the topic in a broader perspective. Therefore, the questions will not be "who was Janos Kadar", but "how would you characterize "normalization in Czechoslovakia".
Grading from the total result is determined as follows: • 91 and more = A • 81 - 90 % = B • 71 - 80 % = C • 61 - 70 % = D • 51 - 60 % = E • 0 - 50 % = F In case of any uncertainty, please, do not hesitate and contact me via email (svobodak@fsv.cuni.cz) or come and see me during my office hours (will be specified).
Berend, Ivan, From the Soviet Bloc to the European Union The Economic and Social Transformation of Central and Eastern Europe since 1973, Cambridge, 2009. Brown, Archie, The Rise and Fall of Communism, London, 2009. Drahokoupil Jan, Myant Martin, Transition Economies: Political Economy in Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, John Wiley and son, 2011. Eichengreen, Barry, The European Economy since 1945 (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2008). Judt, Tony, Postwar, London, 2006. Kornai, Janos, The Socialist System: Political Economy of Communism (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992). Kovács, János, Tardos, Marton, Reform and transformation in Eastern Europe, London and New York, 2005. Rotschild, Joseph, Wingfield, Nancy, Return to Diversity, A Political History of East Central Europe Since World War II, Oxford, 2000. Stone, Randall, Satellites and Commissars, Strategy and Conflict in the Politics of Soviet Bloc trade, Princeton, 2002. Turnock, David, The Economy of East Central Europe, 1815-1989, London and New York, 2006. Wagener, Hans Jurgen (ed.), Economic Thought in Communist and Post-Communist Europe, London, 1998. Last update: Svoboda Karel, Mgr., Ph.D. (12.10.2018)
Last update: Svoboda Karel, Mgr., Ph.D. (19.09.2018)
As already mentioned, there are no entrance prerequsities, except for sufficient command of English, as we will read and discuss papers in English. Furthermore, oral presentations are also made in English. Economic training (or training in political economy) is a plus, but not necessity. Nevetheless, the course should analyze such topics as a daily life, culture and habits, mentalities, so anybody interested is invited. Last update: Svoboda Karel, Mgr., Ph.D. (04.09.2016)