The purpose of the course is to help students to develop critical approach to reflections on mass and network media in their lives and in contemporary societies. The course is designed mostly as a seminar with strong active participation of students (the “media news” every meeting and “project” at the end of the course). The course requires only some basic knowledge of sociology, social theory and communication science on introductory level, some basic knowledge of world (American and European) history and popular culture. The aim of the course is to offer an interpretation of mass and network media and their - real as well as desired or feared - role in society, with focus on media in Europe and the Czech Republic. the course is strengthening the quality of media literacy among students
Last update: Jirák Jan, prof. PhDr., Ph.D. (15.09.2024)
The aim of the course is to offer an interpretation of mass media and their - real as well as desired or feared - role in society, with focus on media in Europe and the Czech Republic. the course is strenghening the quality of media literacy among students. Last update: Jirák Jan, prof. PhDr., Ph.D. (15.09.2024)
Grading policy (100 points max.) * Media news (50 points max.): "Media News" is a presentation focused on analysis of chosen mediated events related to media as they appear in the world daily press or other public media between two sessions of the class. Each student will prepare one piece of media news for meetings from Oct 7th till Nov 25th). The dates of presentation of media news will be decided during the first session on Oct 9th. Students will present their media news in the classroom (ppt!). If not (due to lack of time), student is obliged to handle the hand-out the presentation to the lecturer on given date.
* Team project (50 points max): Research and presentation based on survey of literature and analysis of interviews with chosen respondents. The topic is Being old in the age of digital communication. The respondent should be born between 1948-1958. The project is done by teams of 3-4 students from various countries. Teams will present their findings in the classroom (ppt!). If not (lack of time purpose), team is obliged to handle presentation to the lecturer.
Last update: Jirák Jan, prof. PhDr., Ph.D. (15.09.2024)
Required readings CHALKLEY, T. – HOBBS, M. – BROWN, A. – CINQUE, T. – WARREN, B. – FINN, M. (2015): Communication, Digital Media and Everyday Life, Oxford University Press CURRAN, J. – FENTON, N. – FREEDMAN, D (2012): Misunderstanding the Internet. London: Routledge MEIKLE, G. (2016): Social Media. London: Routledge
Complementary readings CARAH, Nicolas (2021). Media and Society: Power, Platforms, and Participation. Sage. CROTEAU, David et al. (2022). Media/Society: Technology, Industries, Content, and Users. Sage CURRAN, J. (2011): Media and Democracy. London: Routledge POSTER, M. (1995): The Second Media Age. Cambridge: Polity Press POSTMAN, N. any book Last update: Jirák Jan, prof. PhDr., Ph.D. (15.09.2024)
Grading policy (100 points max.) * Media news (50 points max.): "Media News" is a presentation focused on analysis of chosen mediated events related to media as they appear in the world daily press or other public media between two sessions of the class. Each student will prepare one piece of media news for meetings from Oct 7th till Nov 25th). The dates of presentation of media news will be decided during the first session on Oct 9th. Students will present their media news in the classroom (ppt!). If not (due to lack of time), student is obliged to handle the hand-out the presentation to the lecturer on given date.
* Team project (50 points max): Research and presentation based on survey of literature and analysis of interviews with chosen respondents. The topic is Being old in the age of digital communication. The respondent should be born between 1948-1958. The project is done by teams of 3-4 students from various countries. Teams will present their findings in the classroom (ppt!). If not (lack of time purpose), team is obliged to handle presentation to the lecturer.
Grades: 100-91 points = A 90-81 points = B 80-71 points = C 70-61 points = D 60-51 points = E 50-0 points = F (failure) Last update: Jirák Jan, prof. PhDr., Ph.D. (15.09.2024)
01. Course description (30. 09.) 02. Media news + discussion (07. 10.) 03. Media news + discussion (14. 10.) 04. Media news + discussion (21. 10.) 05. Course cancelled (National holiday) (28. 10.) 06. Media news + discussion (04. 11.) 07. Media news + discussion (11. 11.) 08. Media news + discussion (18. 11.) 09. Media news + discussion (25. 11.) 10. Project presentations (02. 12.) 11. Project presentations (09. 12.) 12. Project presentations (16.12.) Last update: Jirák Jan, prof. PhDr., Ph.D. (15.09.2024)