Syllabus. Further files and details are available in Moodle.
Ing. Vilém Semerák, M.A., Ph.D.
Annotation -
This course covers, with a focus on both theory and empirics, basic topics in international (interregional) trade at undergraduate level. The course does not deal with international business methods (logistics, use of letters of credits etc.); instead it focuses on trade theory and trade policy analysis and attempts to provide some insight into the following questions:
• Why do countries (regions) trade?
• What determines which goods will be exported/imported by particular countries?
• How does trade influence welfare?
• How do trade policies influence effects of trade on economies, can they improve effects of trade on welfare?
In short, we will analyze the benefits of trading and the causes (and effects) of specialisation, and development of theoretical opinions on these issues. Next, we will review the policy instruments (tariffs, quotas, subsidies, anti-dumping measures, as well as very popular schemes for preferential treatment, i.e. customs unions, free trade areas) and options available to those who would want to analyze the effects of trade policies.
While the course resembles standard courses in International Trade Theory as taught at many other undergraduate economic programmes, we are trying to provide a bit deeper insight by including more recent advances in trade theory (models with heterogenous firms or New Economic Geography) as well as emphasis on methods useable for empirical analysis (introduction into the correct use of gravity models, brief introduction into trade policy modelling).
Please check the Moodle web for all additional information on the course (as well as for handouts and additional reading for all the lectures and seminars). The Moodle access details will be shared with all registered students at the beginning of the semester.
Last update: Semerák Vilém, Ing., M.A., Ph.D. (30.09.2023)
Tento kurz svým obsahem i hloubkou záběru odpovídá standardním kurzům International Trade, tak jak jsou vyučovány v kvalitních českých i zahraničních bakalářských programech. Cílem kurzu je seznámit studenty s vývojem teorie mezinárodního obchodu a poskytnout jim dostatečné základy k pochopení logiky nejdůležitějších modelů mezinárodního obchodu a intuici nutnou k orientaci v současných mezinárodních obchodních vztazích. Kurz je vyučován v angličtině.
Bližší informace ke kurzu, stejně jako materiály k jednotlivým přednáškám a seminářům, jsou dostupné na Moodle stránkách. Informace o přístupu na Moodle stránky budou zaregistrovaným studentům distribuovány na začátku semestru emailem.
Last update: Semerák Vilém, Ing., M.A., Ph.D. (30.09.2023)
Aim of the course -
At the end of the course its students should:
(i) Understand main factors which determine trade flows and effects of trade on economic structures and welfare according to mainstream economic theories.
(ii) Understand traditional models describing effects of tariffs and quotas on national economies.
(iii) Gain at least basic insight into the logic of latest development in trade theory (heterogenous firms).
(iv) Know basic methods of analysis of trade flows and trade policies
Last update: Semerák Vilém, Ing., M.A., Ph.D. (18.10.2015)
At the end of the course its students should:
(i) Understand main factors which determine trade flows and effects of trade on economic structures and welfare according to mainstream economic theories.
(ii) Understand traditional models describing effects of tariffs and quotas on national economies.
(iii) Gain at least basic insight into the logic of latest development in trade theory (heterogenous firms).
(iv) Know basic methods of analysis of trade flows and trade policies
Last update: Semerák Vilém, Ing., M.A., Ph.D. (24.10.2019)
Course completion requirements -
Continuous work during the course, active and honest participation in the teamwork, and successful participation in both midterm and final exams are expected from all participants.
Evaluation will be based on a midterm and final exam (in traditional "on-site" written form), two team assignments and online Moodle quizzes. The final exam will include a short (on-site) essay.
The contribution of all the components to the final grade is as follows:
Midterm exam: 15 points
Final exam: 50 points
Team assignments: 20 points
Quizzes and in-class activities during the semester: 10 points
Online Moodle quizzes: 5 points
Extra additional points for very active participation in discussion seminars: up to 5 points that can compensate for the points not obtained from quizzes and assignments.
The final grade
Grading scale (based on the weighted average score):
A … 91 – 100 points
B … 81 – 90 points
C … 71 – 80 points
D … 61 – 70 points
E … 51 – 60 points
F … 50 points and less
The final exam (compulsory for all enrolled) will be scheduled for January 2025 and February 2025 (at least three options to take the exam will be provided). The dates of the exams will be announced during the first lecture. The exam will consist of a written test (sample questions are provided on Moodle website) and a brief essay. The test will include a quiz (multiple choice questions) + solution of problem sets, mainly by means of models and graphs. The creative thinking and understanding of the problem (e.g. described by a model), will be graded higher than mere memorization of facts or formulas.
All papers/essays worked out in this course (by teams or individuals) must be original and subject to specific rules. Plagiarism will be severely punished.
Note on seminar participation and workload:
Seminar sessions play a key role in this effort, many of the issues discussed during the seminar can be crucial for the successful completion of the assignments as well as for maximizing the chances of succeeding in the exam. Regular attendance of the seminar sessions is therefore strongly recommended. Attendance is not strictly compulsory, but if you miss the seminar sessions during which quizzes or other evaluated in-class activity will take place, your chances for a better grade will worsen.
The course workload corresponds to its weight (8 credits), which implies the calculated average time load to students of 242 hours (this includes lectures, seminars, work on assignments, final team papers as well as studying for the final exam).
Last update: Semerák Vilém, Ing., M.A., Ph.D. (28.09.2024)
Continuous work during the course, active and honest participation in the teamwork, and successful participation in both midterm and final exams are expected from all participants.
Evaluation will be based on a midterm and final exam (in traditional "on-site" written form), two team assignments and online Moodle quizzes. The final exam will include a short (on-site) essay.
The contribution of all the components to the final grade is as follows:
Midterm exam: 15 points
Final exam: 50 points
Team assignments: 20 points
Quizzes and in-class activities during the semester: 10 points
Online Moodle quizzes: 5 points
Extra additional points for very active participation in discussion seminars: up to 5 points that can compensate for the points not obtained from quizzes and assignments.
The final grade
Grading scale (based on the weighted average score):
A … 91 – 100 points
B … 81 – 90 points
C … 71 – 80 points
D … 61 – 70 points
E … 51 – 60 points
F … 50 points and less
The final exam (compulsory for all enrolled) will be scheduled for January 2025 and February 2025 (at least three options to take the exam will be provided). The dates of the exams will be announced during the first lecture. The exam will consist of a written test (sample questions are provided on Moodle website) and a brief essay. The test will include a quiz (multiple choice questions) + solution of problem sets, mainly by means of models and graphs. The creative thinking and understanding of the problem (e.g. described by a model), will be graded higher than mere memorization of facts or formulas.
All papers/essays worked out in this course (by teams or individuals) must be original and subject to specific rules. Plagiarism will be severely punished.
Note on seminar participation and workload:
Seminar sessions play a key role in this effort, many of the issues discussed during the seminar can be crucial for the successful completion of the assignments as well as for maximizing the chances of succeeding in the exam. Regular attendance of the seminar sessions is therefore strongly recommended. Attendance is not strictly compulsory, but if you miss the seminar sessions during which quizzes or other evaluated in-class activity will take place, your chances for a better grade will worsen.
The course workload corresponds to its weight (8 credits), which implies the calculated average time load to students of 242 hours (this includes lectures, seminars, work on assignments, final team papers as well as studying for the final exam).
Last update: Semerák Vilém, Ing., M.A., Ph.D. (28.09.2024)
Literature -
Basic text:
KRUGMAN, P.R., OBSTFELD M., MELITZ M.J. International Economics - Theory and Policy. 10th edition. Pearson. 2014. ISBN 978-0133423648 or newer editions.
Alternative texts or texts useable for specific topics:
HELPMAN, E. Understanding Global Trade. Belknap Press, 2011. ISBN-10: 0674060784, ISBN-13: 978-0674060784
PUGEL, T.A.: International Economics. 14th edition. McGraw-Hill Irwin, ISBN 978-0-07-3375757-5
Following online textbook is also relevant for our course:
S. Suranovic - International Economics Study Center:
Please check the Moodle website of the course for latest details. It also contains handouts and links to other materials.
Last update: Semerák Vilém, Ing., M.A., Ph.D. (18.10.2015)
Basic text:
KRUGMAN, P.R., OBSTFELD M., MELITZ M.J. International Economics - Theory and Policy. 10th edition. Pearson. 2014. ISBN 978-0133423648 or newer editions.
Alternative texts or texts useable for specific topics:
HELPMAN, E. Understanding Global Trade. Belknap Press, 2011. ISBN-10: 0674060784, ISBN-13: 978-0674060784
PUGEL, T.A.: International Economics. 14th edition. McGraw-Hill Irwin, ISBN 978-0-07-3375757-5
Following online textbook is also relevant for our course:
S. Suranovic - International Economics Study Center:
Please check the Moodle website of the course for latest details. It also contains handouts and links to other materials.
Last update: Semerák Vilém, Ing., M.A., Ph.D. (13.09.2021)
Requirements to the exam -
Continuous work during the course, active and honest participation in the teamwork, and participation in both midterm and final exams are expected from all participants.
Evaluation will be based on a midterm and final exam (in traditional "on-site" written form), two team assignments, in-class activity and online Moodle quizzes. The final exam will include a short (on-site) essay.
Midterm exam: 15 points
Final exam: 50 points
Team assignments: 20 points
Quizzes and in-class activities during the semester: 10 points
Online Moodle quizzes: 5 points
Extra additional points for very active participation in discussion seminars: up to 5 points that can compensate for the points not obtained from quizzes and assignments.
Last update: Semerák Vilém, Ing., M.A., Ph.D. (28.09.2024)
Continuous work during the course, active and honest participation in the teamwork, and participation in both midterm and final exams are expected from all participants.
Evaluation will be based on a midterm and final exam (in traditional "on-site" written form), two team assignments, in-class activity and online Moodle quizzes. The final exam will include a short (on-site) essay.
Midterm exam: 15 points
Final exam: 50 points
Team assignments: 20 points
Quizzes and in-class activities during the semester: 10 points
Online Moodle quizzes: 5 points
Extra additional points for very active participation in discussion seminars: up to 5 points that can compensate for the points not obtained from quizzes and assignments.
Last update: Semerák Vilém, Ing., M.A., Ph.D. (28.09.2024)
Syllabus -
More detailed information, as well as handouts, data files or additional materials for the lectures and seminars, will be gradually published via the Moodle system. Basic introduction to the use of the Moodle system will be provided during the first session.
Topics that will be discussed during the lectures/seminars:
Introduction. Trade data and trends.
Model of comparative advantage (Ricardo) and its extensions.
Neoclassical models - the role of differences in factor endowments. Specific factor model.
Heckscher-Ohlin model: derivation of the Leamer diagram. Stolper-Samuelson theorem. Factor Price equalization. Rybczynski theorem.
Empirical tests of trade theory. Leontief paradox. Intra-industry trade. Alternative theories of international trade (Product cycles, Linder's overlapping demands).
New theory of international trade: Krugman model with monopolistic competition and increasing returns to scale.
Introduction to the "New new" theory - models with heterogeneous firms (Melitz).
Trade policy: general equilibrium, large country issues.
Economic integration: customs unions and free trade areas. Trade creation and trade diversion effects.
Models with mobility of factors of production.
Current issues in international trade.
Last update: Čuprová Michaela, Mgr. (20.11.2019)
More detailed information, as well as handouts, data files or additional materials for the lectures and seminars, will be gradually published via the Moodle system. Basic introduction to the use of the Moodle system will be provided during the first session.
Topics that will be discussed during the lectures/seminars:
Introduction. Trade data and trends.
Model of comparative advantage (Ricardo) and its extensions.
Neoclassical models - the role of differences in factor endowments. Specific factor model.
Heckscher-Ohlin model: derivation of the Leamer diagram. Stolper-Samuelson theorem. Factor Price equalization. Rybczynski theorem.
Empirical tests of trade theory. Leontief paradox. Intra-industry trade. Alternative theories of international trade (Product cycles, Linder's overlapping demands).
New theory of international trade: Krugman model with monopolistic competition and increasing returns to scale.
Introduction to the "New new" theory - models with heterogeneous firms (Melitz).
Trade policy: general equilibrium, large country issues.
Economic integration: customs unions and free trade areas. Trade creation and trade diversion effects.
Models with mobility of factors of production.
Current issues in international trade.
Last update: Čuprová Michaela, Mgr. (20.11.2019)
Entry requirements -
The course was designed as a course that students should ideally take in their third or second year. The discussion of the models will require at least basic knowledge of microeconomics (i.e. you should have passed at least a good course in “Principles of Economics”). You should not be afraid of quantitative methods and of working with numbers.
Last update: Semerák Vilém, Ing., M.A., Ph.D. (28.09.2024)
The course was designed as a course that students should ideally take in their third or second year. The discussion of the models will require at least basic knowledge of microeconomics (i.e. you should have passed at least a good course in “Principles of Economics”). You should not be afraid of quantitative methods and of working with numbers.
Last update: Semerák Vilém, Ing., M.A., Ph.D. (28.09.2024)