you can enroll for the course repeatedly course is intended for doctoral students only course can be enrolled in outside the study plan enabled for web enrollment
This doctoral course focuses on the presentation and discussion of research conducted by doctoral students. While we are open to various topics, the seminar primarily studies the nature and effects of various macroeconomic policies in relation to the recent global financial crisis and related financial stability issues. The group focuses on issues such as monetary policy, financial stability and macro-finance interactions using various macroeconometric, general equilibrium or meta-analytical tools. Occasionally, we held the presentations by external speakers.
The students will be required to present their ongoing research and serve as the discussant to the presentation. The requirement is one presentation and one discussion during Quantitative Methods I and Quantitative Methods II. The students are invited to all seminars (especially those with topics similar to your area of interest). There is no formal sign-in at the seminars but regular attendance is expected (particularly to topics similar to the students' dissertation topic).
We meet every second week.
Last update: Ehrenbergerová Dominika, Mgr., Ph.D. (06.02.2020)
This doctoral course focuses on the presentation and discussion of research conducted by doctoral students. While we are open to various topics, the seminar primarily studies the nature and effects of various macroeconomic policies in relation to the recent global financial crisis and related financial stability issues. The group focuses on issues such as monetary policy, financial stability and macro-finance interactions using various macroeconometric, general equilibrium or meta-analytical tools. Occasionally, we held the presentations by external speakers.
The students will be required to present their ongoing research and serve as the discussant to the presentation. The requirement is one presentation and one discussion during Quantitative Methods I and Quantitative Methods II. The students are invited to all seminars (especially those with topics similar to your area of interest). There is no formal sign-in at the seminars but regular attendance is expected (particularly to topics similar to the students' dissertation topic).
We meet every second week.
Last update: Ehrenbergerová Dominika, Mgr., Ph.D. (06.02.2020)
Aim of the course -
Students will develop their presentation skills as well as the ability to discuss the research of their colleagues.
Last update: Horváth Roman, prof., Ph.D. (07.01.2019)
Students will develop their presentation skills as well as the ability to discuss the research of their colleagues.
Last update: Horváth Roman, prof., Ph.D. (07.01.2019)
Course completion requirements -
Presentations and discussion either during the Quantitative Methods I or Quantitative Methods II is required in order to pass these two courses. Attendance is expected, too.
Last update: Ehrenbergerová Dominika, Mgr., Ph.D. (06.02.2020)
Presentations and discussion either during the Quantitative Methods I or Quantitative Methods II is required in order to pass these two courses. Attendance is expected, too.
Last update: Ehrenbergerová Dominika, Mgr., Ph.D. (06.02.2020)
Requirements to the exam -
Presentations and discussion either during the Quantitative Methods I or Quantitative Methods II is required in order to pass these two courses. Attendance is expected, too.
Last update: Ehrenbergerová Dominika, Mgr., Ph.D. (06.02.2020)
Presentations and discussion either during the Quantitative Methods I or Quantitative Methods II is required in order to pass these two courses. Attendance is expected, too.
Last update: Ehrenbergerová Dominika, Mgr., Ph.D. (06.02.2020)
Syllabus -
This doctoral course focuses on the presentation and discussion of research conducted by doctoral students. While we are open to various topics, the seminar primarily studies the nature and effects of various macroeconomic policies concerning the recent global financial crisis and related financial stability issues. The group focuses on monetary policy, financial stability, and macro-finance interactions using various macroeconometric, general equilibrium, or meta-analytical tools. Occasionally, we held presentations by external speakers.
The students will be required to present their ongoing research and submit their research papers at the end of the course. They will be required to serve as the discussant of the presentation. The students are invited to all seminars (especially those with topics similar to their area of interest). There is no formal sign-in at the seminars, but regular attendance is expected (particularly on topics similar to students' dissertation topics).
The seminar will take place in person during the summer semester 2024/2025 on the following dates (Mondays from 06:30 PM):
April 28 - Students presentations (Tomáš Havránek present) ----------- presenter / topic / discussant: Dominika Špolcová / Gender difference in the student‘s grants application success: A case study from the Czech Republic / - ----------- presenter / topic / discussant: - / - / -
The students will be required to present their ongoing research (Quantitative Methods I and Quantitative Methods II). The students are also required to serve as a discussant to the presentation of some other students.
Last update: Kantová Klára, Mgr. (06.02.2025)
This doctoral course focuses on the presentation and discussion of research conducted by doctoral students. While we are open to various topics, the seminar primarily studies the nature and effects of various macroeconomic policies concerning the recent global financial crisis and related financial stability issues. The group focuses on monetary policy, financial stability, and macro-finance interactions using various macroeconometric, general equilibrium, or meta-analytical tools. Occasionally, we held presentations by external speakers.
The students will be required to present their ongoing research and submit their research papers at the end of the course. They will be required to serve as the discussant of the presentation. The students are invited to all seminars (especially those with topics similar to their area of interest). There is no formal sign-in at the seminars, but regular attendance is expected (particularly on topics similar to students' dissertation topics).
The seminar will take place in person during the summer semester 2024/2025 on the following dates (Mondays from 06:30 PM):
April 28 - Students presentations (Tomáš Havránek present) ----------- presenter / topic / discussant: Dominika Špolcová / Gender difference in the student‘s grants application success: A case study from the Czech Republic / - ----------- presenter / topic / discussant: - / - / -
The students will be required to present their ongoing research (Quantitative Methods I and Quantitative Methods II). The students are also required to serve as a discussant to the presentation of some other students.
Last update: Kantová Klára, Mgr. (06.02.2025)
Entry requirements -
Registration in the SIS is necessary.
Last update: Horváth Roman, prof., Ph.D. (30.12.2014)
Registration in the SIS is necessary.
Last update: Horváth Roman, prof., Ph.D. (30.12.2014)
Registration requirements -
The doctoral students are required to contact the teaching assistant to schedule their presentation of their research and discussion of somebody else's research.
Last update: Kurka Josef, Mgr. (11.02.2019)
The doctoral students are required to contact the teaching assistant to schedule their presentation of their research and discussion of somebody else's research.
Last update: Horváth Roman, prof., Ph.D. (23.10.2019)