The economic history as a field combining economics and history leads students to in-debt and better understanding of individual economic processes in connection with the political and social development of society. The course offers the modern method of global economic history - comparing the economic development throughout the 20th century across different cultural and geopolitical areas, in which various models of growth broke through and the everchanging global economic conditions had different effects. Economic proccesses in the national and transnational scope will be incorporated into lectures as well as some of the subdisciplines of economic history: the history of commerce, the history of industry and agriculture, the history of money and banking, the history of transport, the history of labour and the history of science, business history, social history and the historical demography. The seminar will introduce students to traditional and modern methods of economic history on the one hand and with classical and latest economic history texts on the other.
Last update: Doležalová Antonie, prof. doc. PhDr. Mgr. Ing., Ph.D. (20.03.2015)
The economic history as a field combining economics and history leads students to in-debt and better understanding of individual economic processes in connection with the political and social development of society. The course offers the modern method of global economic history - comparing the economic development throughout the 20th century across different cultural and geopolitical areas, in which various models of growth broke through and the everchanging global economic conditions had different effects. Economic proccesses in the national and transnational scope will be incorporated into lectures as well as some of the subdisciplines of economic history: the history of commerce, the history of industry and agriculture, the history of money and banking, the history of transport, the history of labour and the history of science, business history, social history and the historical demography. The seminar will introduce students to traditional and modern methods of economic history on the one hand and with classical and latest economic history texts on the other.
Last update: Bednařík Petr, PhDr., Ph.D. (15.02.2020)
2. 03/01 Historiography and Methodology of EconHist;
Methodology of EconHist Sem 1&3
3. 03/08 The Industrial Revolution and the Great Divergence
Methodology of EconHist Sem 2&4
4. 03/15 Data Analysis in EconHist
Data Analysis in EconHist. Sem 1&3
5. 03/22 Sources in EcoHist and Literature Review
Data Analysis in EconHist. Sem 2&4
6. 03/29 Good Friday
7. 04/05 Economic consequences of the First World War and the Russian Revolution
Reading and Discussion Sem 1&3
8. 04/12 From the Great War to the Second World War: Crises and Hopes
Reading and Discussion Sem 2&4
9. 04/19 Students's MT essays feedback
Students's MT essays feedback Sem 1&3; 2&4
10. 04/26 Division of the World after the Second World War
Reading and Discussion Sem 1&3
11. 05/03 Central European Transitions in the Global Context
Reading and Discussion Sem 2&4
12. 05/10 Challenges for EconHist Today
Reading and Discussion Sem 1&3
13. 05/17 Discussion in assigned groups
Reading and Discussion Sem 2&4
Last update: Doležalová Antonie, prof. doc. PhDr. Mgr. Ing., Ph.D. (22.02.2024)
Literature -
ALLEN, Robert C.. Global Economic History: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2011. 170 s. ISBN 978-0-19-959665-2
BEREND, Ivan T.. An Economic History of Twentieth-Century Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. 356pp. ISBN 13-978-0-521
BEREND, Ivan T.. An Economic History of Nineteenth-Century Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. 521pp. ISBN 978-1-107-68999-2
BOLDIZZONI, Francesco, HUDSON, Patricia (eds). Routledge Handbook of Global Economic History. Rutledge 2016
CAMERON, R., A Concise Economic History of the World… Oxford University Press 1989, 437pp.
NORTH, D. C.. Understanding the Process of Economic Change. Princeton University Press, 2010. 208 s. ISBN: 978-0-69-114595-2
PERSSON, Karl G., An Economic History of Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. 253pp. ISBN 978-0-521-54940-0
TEICHOVA, Alice - MATIS, Herbert (eds.). Nation, State and the Economy in History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. 450 s. ISBN 978-0-521-28313-7.
Last update: Bednařík Petr, PhDr., Ph.D. (06.06.2020)
ALLEN, Robert C.. Global Economic History: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2011. 170 s. ISBN 978-0-19-959665-2
BEREND, Ivan T.. An Economic History of Twentieth-Century Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. 356pp. ISBN 13-978-0-521
BEREND, Ivan T.. An Economic History of Nineteenth-Century Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. 521pp. ISBN 978-1-107-68999-2
BOLDIZZONI, Francesco, HUDSON, Patricia (eds). Routledge Handbook of Global Economic History. Rutledge 2016
PERSSON, Karl G., An Economic History of Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. 253pp. ISBN 978-0-521-54940-0
CAMERON, R., A Concise Economic History of the World… Oxford University Press 1989, 437pp.
NORTH, D. C.. Understanding the Process of Economic Change. Princeton University Press, 2010. 208 s. ISBN: 978-0-69-114595-2
TEICHOVA, Alice - MATIS, Herbert (eds.). Nation, State and the Economy in History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. 450 s. ISBN 978-0-521-28313-7.
Last update: Bednařík Petr, PhDr., Ph.D. (15.02.2020)
Requirements to the exam -
Grading policy:
B… 90-81
C… 80-71
D… 70-61
E… 60-51
F… 50 - 0
Total grade will depend on:
Activity and engagement in discussions during the seminars (30 points max., 6 points per week max.; 5 weeks evaluated)
Mid-term essay (3600 characters, 10 points, deadline 03/28/24; must be submitted in time)
Final disputation (60 points max.)
Minimal number of 51 points to successfully pass the subject is divided as follows:
15 points activity in seminars
5 points mid-term essay
31 points final discussion
Required seminars' attendance: 5/6
Last update: Doležalová Antonie, prof. doc. PhDr. Mgr. Ing., Ph.D. (01.02.2024)
B…... 90-81
C…... 80-71
D…... 70-61
E….... 60-51
F… .....50 - 0
Celkový počet bodů zavisí na:
1) Aktivitní účast na diskusi během seminářů, znalost povinné literatury do každého semináře (30 bodů max, 6 bod/týden, 5 týdnů hodnoceno))
2) Mid-term esej (3600znaků, 10 bodů, deadline 04/14/23;pro hodnocení musí být odesláno včas)
3) Závěrečný esej (18 000 znaků max, 60 bodů max., deadline: 06/30/23; 1bod dolů za každý den zpoždění)
Minimální počet bodů vyžadovaný pro splnění předmětu: 51:
15 bodů za aktivní účast
5 body zamid-term esej
31 bodů za závěrečnou esej
Eseje budou hodnoceny za splnění následujících podmínek:
A (60- 51) velmi dobře napsaný, dobře strukturovaný a dobře zaměřený text, široký záběr literatury a zdrojů, plné porozumění problému, schopnost formulovat vlastní myšlenky a analyzovat problém, kritické myšlení
B (50-41) jasný styl psaní, dobře strukturovaný a dobře zaměřený text, zahrnuta veškerá povinná literatura a zdroje, dobré porozumění problému, využití kritického myšlení
C (40-31) popisný styl psaní, soudržná struktura a zaměření textu, minimální relevantní literatura, částečné porozumění problému, využití kritického myšlení v některých oblastech
D (30-21) slabý popisný styl psaní, logická struktura a zaměření textu, nerelevantní literatura, obecné znalosti a slabé kritické myšlení
E (20-11) částečně zmatený styl, slabě strukturovaný i zaměřený text, demonstrace určitých znalostí nedostatečně odkázaných na literaturu, nejasné pasáže, kritické myšlení chybí
F (10-0) špatně a nejasně napsaný, nízká úroveň znalostí, nepochopení problému
Povinná účast na seminářích: 5/6
Last update: Doležalová Antonie, prof. doc. PhDr. Mgr. Ing., Ph.D. (12.05.2023)
Syllabus -
1. 02/17. Introduction
2. 24/02 Historiography and Methodology of EconHist
3. 03/03 Challenges for EconHist Today
4. 03/10 The Industrial Revolution and the Great Divergence
5. 03/17 Economic concesquences of the First World War and the Russian Revolution
6. 03/24 Data Analysis in EconHist (B.Hladká)
7. 03/31 The Second World War and the Division of the World
8. 04/07 Good Friday
9. 04/14 EconHist and Social Sciences: History of Art Market online (S.Kumorowski)
10. 04/21 Ten Centuries of Czech History online (A.Doležalová, S.Kumorowski)
11. 04/28 MTE feedback online (M.Malá)
12. 05/05 Behind the Iron Curtain 1: A Short History of Capitalism
13. 05/12 Behind the Iron Curtain 2: A Short History of Socialism
1. 02/17 Introduction, Final Essay Assignment 1&2&3&4
2. 24/02 Methodology of EconHist. 1&3
3. 03/03 Methodology of EconHist. 2&4
4. 03/10 Data collection in EconHist. 1&3
5. 03/17 Data collection in EconHist. 2&4
6. 03/24 Data Analysis in EconHist. 1&3. (B.Hladká)
7. 03/31 Data Analysis in EconHist. 2&4 (B.Hladká)
8. 04/07 Good Friday
9. 04/14 The Art of the Literature Review 1&3 online (S.Kumorowski)
10. 04/21 The Art of the Literature Review 2&4. online (S.Kumorowski)
11. 04/28 MTE feedback online (M.Malá)
12. 05/05 Students essays’ discussion. 1&3
13. 05/12 Students essays’ discussion. 2&4
Last update: Doležalová Antonie, prof. doc. PhDr. Mgr. Ing., Ph.D. (18.04.2023)
1. 02/17. Introduction
2. 24/02 Historiography and Methodology of EconHist
3. 03/03 Challenges for EconHist Today
4. 03/10 The Industrial Revolution and the Great Divergence
5. 03/17 Economic concesquences of the First World War and the Russian Revolution
6. 03/24 Data Analysis in EconHist (B.Hladká)
7. 03/31 The Second World War and the Division of the World
8. 04/07 Good Friday
9. 04/14 EconHist and Social Sciences: History of Art Market online (S.Kumorowski)
10. 04/21 Ten Centuries of Czech History online (A.Doležalová, S.Kumorowski)
11. 04/28 MTE feedback online (M.Malá)
12. 05/05 Behind the Iron Curtain 1: A Short History of Capitalism
13. 05/12 Behind the Iron Curtain 2: A Short History of Socialism
1. 02/17 Introduction, Final Essay Assignment 1&2&3&4
2. 24/02 Methodology of EconHist. 1&3
3. 03/03 Methodology of EconHist. 2&4
4. 03/10 Data collection in EconHist. 1&3
5. 03/17 Data collection in EconHist. 2&4
6. 03/24 Data Analysis in EconHist. 1&3. (B.Hladká)
7. 03/31 Data Analysis in EconHist. 2&4 (B.Hladká)
8. 04/07 Good Friday
9. 04/14 The Art of the Literature Review 1&3 online (S.Kumorowski)
10. 04/21 The Art of the Literature Review 2&4. online (S.Kumorowski)
11. 04/28 MTE feedback online (M.Malá)
12. 05/05 Students essays’ discussion. 1&3
13. 05/12 Students essays’ discussion. 2&4
Last update: Doležalová Antonie, prof. doc. PhDr. Mgr. Ing., Ph.D. (18.04.2023)