ASC courses support ongoing development of MA level English and the skills required to produce MA academic papers and publishable texts through explicit study of in-field language and genre. The RW2 course includes specialized workshops on articles (a, an, the), punctuation, and writing abstracts. Students practice and process their writing through continuing revision of their draft work from the idea stages to the final version, in response to peer and instructor feedback via discussion and on draft texts. Instructors provide individual consultations and extended written feedback in student texts, aimed to support each student in developing his/her individual English writing skills.
A peer feedback process is applied to all written submissions on the course, and the peer review of the final paper draft comprises a significant portion of the final grade.
Building upon the work in Research Writing 1, each student will research, plan, and write an academic Position Paper on a topic of his or her choice. The paper should both analyze the work of others and present the students’ own distinct position on the topic. This paper may form a basis or thought exercise for a practice research proposal in spring 2023, which can be a part of an MA thesis. These papers can also be submitted to the RMS competition.
MAER students will be offered optional consultations on any sections of their MA thesis that they are working on across the semester. Last update: Papariga Anna, Mgr. (16.09.2022)
In addition to the marked assignments below, expect a range of smaller writing tasks beginning with production of a professional biography. The peer feedback step applies to all works.
Four Marked Assignments: First Summary Task 10% Due October 9 Abstract of the Final Paper 10% Due November 25 Peer Review of Position Paper 20% Due December 5 Final Position Paper 60% Due December 9
Students are evaluated according to their ability to produce graduate-level written academic texts in English.
100% attendance is mandatory, including at workshops and plenary sessions. Any necessary absences must be discussed with your instructor, preferably in advance, and any work missed must be made up. Missing more than three classes (unexcused) will result in a one-letter-grade penalty on the final course grade. The ASC forgives absences and late submissions of graded tasks in cases when the SAO informs us that the absence/s is/are officially excused. Any unexcused late submission will be automatically graded 0. Last update: Papariga Anna, Mgr. (16.09.2022)