The objective of the State Doctoral Exam is to verify the readiness of students of doctoral studies to solve bioanalytical problems by instrumental methods. Emphasis is focused on the optimal choice of method and procedure due to the nature of the sample, based on deep knowledge of the nature, possibilities and limitations of instrumental methods.
In the field of chromatographic methods, it is mainly the deepening of knowledge in the field of instrumentation to HPLC, application of new types of stationary phases, new trends in liquid chromatography (UPLC), modern types of detection (mass spectrometry, etc.). In the area of electrophoretic methods, attention is paid to the current trends in miniaturization of electrophoretic methods and their automation.
It is also the subject aim to verify the knowledge of the biological sample for analysis, the current trends in the automation of methods in the clinical laboratory, to solve the problems of interpreting the results obtained and to validate the methods for the analysis of biologically active substances.
The graduate should also have basic knowledge in the area of analyzes of substances influencing the environment, food analysis, toxicological analysis and basic hematology from the point of view of bioanalysis.
Last update: Neznámá Renáta (19.08.2019)
Last update: Neznámá Renáta (19.08.2019)
• Overview of the selected instrumental-analytical methods in bioanalytical chemistry • Ppreparation of biological materials for analysis • Use of chromatographic methods and analysis of biologically active substances • Use of electrophoretic methods and analysis of biologically active substances • Mass spectrometry in the analysis of biologically active substances • Flow methods in the analysis of biologically active substances • Methods of toxicological analysis • Modern detection techniques in analytical procedures • Modern trends in liquid chromatography • Bioanalytical procedures in clinical laboratories • The approaches of bioanalytical evaluation of metabolites of biologically active substances • Food analysis and analysis of substances affecting the environment • Development, optimization and validation of bioanalytical methods • Methods of the environmental analysis • Laboratory hematological methods from the perspective of bioanalysis Last update: Neznámá Renáta (19.08.2019)