Instruction is mainly concentrated on pharmacopoeial evaluation of active ingredients, auxiliary pharmaceutical substances, and medicinal preparations. A stress is laid on control analytical methods from the standpoint of detection of accompanying impurities and stabilty studies of drugs. In the course of a two-year course in practical classes, each undergraduate has access to a pharmacopoeia in order to master quick orientation in a large number of data. The State Examinatuion of Drug Control is conceived in such a way so that the individual groups of topics may cover all important areas of the field. One of the member of the State Examination Committee is always an expert practising in the field.
Last update: ERUDIO (21.03.2006)
Český lékopis 2002. Praha : Grada Publishing, 2002 Český lékopis 2002 # Doplněk 2003. Praha : Grada Publishing, 2004 Klimeš J. a kol.: Kontrola léčiv I. Praha : Karolinum, 2002 Klimeš J. a kol.: Kontrola léčiv II. Praha : Karolinum, 2004 Roth H. J. a kol.: Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Drug Analysis. Ellis Hordwood, 1991 Last update: ERUDIO (21.03.2006)