The subject Organic and bioorganic chemistry I explains nomenclature and structure of organic compounds (including natural products), the relationships between their structure, physical properties and their reactivity. The subject deals with physical and physical-chemical properties important for pharmacy.
Last update: ERUDIO (21.03.2006)
Waisser K.: Nové české názvosloví organické chemie. Karolinum, 2004, 80-246-0910-X Waisser K.: Struktura a reaktivita organických sloučenin. Karolinum, 2004, 80-246-0792-1 Waisser K., Pour M.: Organická chemie II. Karolinum, 2003, 80-246-0703-4 Waisser K., Palát K.: Bioorganická chemie. Karolinum, 2001, 80-246-0382-0 Hrabálek A. a kol.: Chemická laboratorní technika pro farmaceuty. Karolinum, 2000 Vinšová J.: Laboratory Manual for Organic Chemistry. Karolinum, 1995 Silveman R. B.: The Organic Chemistry of Drug Design and Drug Action. Academic Press, 1992 Solomons G. T. W.: Organic Chemistry. Wiley, 1996 Last update: ERUDIO (21.03.2006)