The subject of pathological physiology II follows on from the subject of pathological physiology I. Pathological physiology II includes in the all knowledge and skills that are the content of the subject of pathological physiology I. Pathological physiology II adds other areas of general and special pathophysiology. General pathophysiology deals with the general principles of origin, development and course of diseases and pathological conditions and pathological phenomena of a general nature. The subject of special pathophysiology is the etiology and pathogenesis of diseases and disorders of specific organs, organ systems and particular diseases. Practical skills related to basic medical procedures and their pathophysiological aspects in the context of theoretical knowledge are also taught. Prerequisites are knowledge from the fields to which pathological physiology follows, i.e. anatomy, histology, embryology, biology, genetics, chemistry and biochemistry, biophysics, physiology and microbiology. The subject includes practicing and extending knowledge and skills from the subject pathological physiology I and explaining them in the context of new knowledge and skills.
Last update: Cendelín Jan, doc. MUDr., Ph.D. (26.09.2023)
For the practical exercises, the student must be theoretically prepared for the topic of the given class and is obliged to acquaint himself with the guideline for the given experiment or task (see study literature). Students, who did not attend the class in time, will be not admitted to the class.
Prerequisites are knowledge from the fields to which the subject pathological physiology follows, i.e. anatomy, histology, embryology, biology, genetics, chemistry and biochemistry, biophysics, physiology, microbiology, and pathological physiology I. Last update: Cendelín Jan, doc. MUDr., Ph.D. (26.09.2023)
The subject pathological physiology II is completed with a credit and an exam. The required knowledge includes also the full content of the course pathological physiology I.
Conditions for the credit – pathological physiology II:
1. Active attending practical exercises – 2 absences per semester are allowed. For the practical exercises, the student must be theoretically prepared for the topic of the given class and is obliged to acquaint himself with the guideline for the given experiment or task (see study literature). Prerequisites are knowledge from the fields to which the subject pathological physiology II follows, i.e. pathological physiology I, anatomy, histology, embryology, biology, genetics, chemistry and biochemistry, biophysics, physiology and microbiology. Students, who did not attend the class in time, will be not admitted to the class.
2. Submitting of correctly elaborated protocols of all experiments and practical exercises to the teacher, who assesses their correctness and confirms them as fulfilled, or returns them for revision.
The conditions of the credits for students having an individual study plan, who enrolled pathological physiology II for the second time, will be appointed individually in dependence on study duties passed in the previous academic year. These conditions will not exceed the range of above specified general duties. These students are required to contact the teacher of the relevant study group at the beginning of the semester. Last update: Cendelín Jan, doc. MUDr., Ph.D. (26.09.2023)
Mandatory literature: Sobotka et al.: Pathophysiology – Laboratory Exercises. 2013, Karolinum, 2013 McPhee, Hammer et al.: Pathophysiology of Disease: An Introduction to Clinical Medicine. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 6th Edition 2010 (or later issues) Educational materials of the Department of Pathophysiology published on educational portals of the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University or the webpage of the department or provided to students in printed or electronic form.
Recommended literature: Hueher et al.: Understanding Pathophysiology. Elsevier, 2017 McCance and Huether: Pathophysiology, the Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children. Elsevier, 2019 Banasik and Copstead: Pathophysiology. Elsevier, 2019 Hulín et al.: Pathophysiology. Slovak Academic Press, 1997 (or later issues) Silbernagl and Lang: Color Atlas of Pathophysiology. 3rd edition, Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2016 Price and Wilson et al.: Pathophysiology – Clinical concepts of disease processes. Mosby, Inc., 2003 Guyton: Human physiology and mechanisms of disease. W. B. Saunders Company, the latest issue Last update: Cendelín Jan, doc. MUDr., Ph.D. (26.09.2023)
The condition for registration for the exam is to obtain a credit in pathological physiology I and pathological physiology II, if not set differently for a specific term. The student is obliged to register for the exam before the deadline using SIS (other ways of registration will not be accepted). Registration is necessary for the regular term as well as for potential 1st re-examination or 2nd re-examination.
The required knowledge contains curriculum of both subjects pathological physiology I and pathological physiology II. Knowledge of other subjects to which pathological physiology follows is also necessary (see syllabus).
The exam consists of a practical exam and oral exam. The required knowledge is based on the list of exam questions and the syllabus of the subjects pathological physiology I and pathological physiology II (for detailed syllabus and list of questions for the practical exam and oral exam see webpage of the department of pathophysiology: http://patofyziologie.lfp.cuni.cz/
Practical exam consists of 1 question and ECG record analysis. Failure in the practical exam means classification of the exam “fail”.
Oral exam consists of 4 questions. To pass the oral exam, the student must show sufficient knowledge in each of these 4 questions.
Final classification takes into consideration not only the performance in the oral exam but also the classification of the practical exam.
Practical and oral exams constitute one complex and cannot be separated into two examination terms. In the case of classification of any part of the exam "failed", the student is subjected to both the practical and oral exam again in the 1st or 2nd reexamination.
Due to capacity reasons, the exam can be divided into several days within the given exam date. Students are required to attend the appropriate stage of the exam according to the schedule or examiner's instructions.
Standardly, the exam is on-site. In the case of the remote form of examination (if the circumstances do not allow for a standard examination and in accordance with the rules in force at the time of the exam), an interview will be conducted by Zoom, MS Teams or similar tool. It is therefore necessary for the student to be equipped with an internet connection, a computer with a camera and a microphone. In the case of remote examination, the questions will be selected by the teacher, the exam will start immediately after the questions have been asked and the student will not have time to prepare.
See also teaching goals: http://patofyziologie.lfp.cuni.cz/
Last update: Cendelín Jan, doc. MUDr., Ph.D. (26.09.2023)
Pathological physiology II: Syllabus of the subject - General medicine The subject pathological physiology II includes in full extent knowledge and skills of the subject pathological physiology I (see syllabus of Pathological Physiology I). Individual topics can be moved between the subjects pathological physiology I and pathological physiology II. General pathophysiology II Stress, stress diseases, psychosomatic interactions Special pathophysiology II Pathophysiology of the excretory system Anuria, oliguria, polyuria, proteinuria, hematuria, urolithiasis, excretory system inflammations Disorders of kidney perfusion, glomerular, tubular and endocrine functions of the kidneys Acute and chronic renal failure, uremic syndrome, nephrotic and nephritic syndromes Methods of substitution of renal functions Pathophysiology of the respiratory system Hypoxia, hypoxemia, asphyxia, hypercapnia, hypocapnia, dyspnea, orthopnea, cyanosis Respiratory insufficiency Disorders of pulmonary ventilation, diffusion, perfusion, disorders of breathing control Disorders of particular diseases of the respiratory system Pathophysiology of the pleural cavity, pathophysiology of symptoms of respiratory diseases Pathophysiology of metabolism Pathophysiology of energetic metabolism, basal metabolism, obesity, emaciation Pathophysiology of metabolism of proteins, lipids, saccharides, minerals, trace elements Disorder of glycaemia regulation, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance Pathophysiology of nutrition Pathophysiology of the liver Causes, mechanisms and manifestation of hepatic disorders, hepatic insufficiency Liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, portal hypertension, ascites, hyperbilirubinemia and icterus Pathophysiology of the bile tract Pathophysiology of the nervous system General causes and mechanisms of diseases and disorders of function of the nervous system Pathophysiology of the cerebrospinal fluid, synaptic and non-synaptic transmission Pathophysiology of individual anatomical parts of the peripheral and central nervous system Pathophysiology of vegetative nervous system, motor function, behavior, affectivity, learning, memory, phatic, gnostic, practic functions, sleep and biorhythms, disorders of consciousness Developmental disorders, injuries, inflammation in the nervous system, neurodegenerative, demyelinating, cerebrovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, secondary brain injuries Pathophysiology of the epilepsy, intracranial hypertension, brain edema Pathophysiology of the sensory systems Pathophysiology of vision, hearing, vestibular system, somesthesia, olfaction and taste, pain Practical knowledge and skills II Assessment of body fitness and cardiovascular response to load, examination of pulmonary ventilation, electroencephalography, stereotaxis Varia Practicing, extension of knowledge and skills in the topics of pathological physiology I and their explanation in the context of new knowledge Detailed syllabus: http://patofyziologie.lfp.cuni.cz/ Last update: Cendelín Jan, doc. MUDr., Ph.D. (26.09.2023)
The subject pathological physiology II is completed with a credit and an exam. The required knowledge includes also the full content of the course pathological physiology I.
Conditions for the credit – pathological physiology II:
1. Active attending practical exercises – 2 absences per semester are allowed. For the practical exercises, the student must be theoretically prepared for the topic of the given class and is obliged to acquaint himself with the guideline for the given experiment or task (see study literature). Prerequisites are knowledge from the fields to which the subject pathological physiology II follows, i.e. pathological physiology I, anatomy, histology, embryology, biology, genetics, chemistry and biochemistry, biophysics, physiology and microbiology. Students, who did not attend the class in time, will be not admitted to the class.
2. Submitting of correctly elaborated protocols of all experiments and practical exercises to the teacher, who assesses their correctness and confirms them as fulfilled, or returns them for revision.
The conditions of the credits for students having an individual study plan, who enrolled pathological physiology II for the second time, will be appointed individually in dependence on study duties passed in the previous academic year. These conditions will not exceed the range of above specified general duties. These students are required to contact the teacher of the relevant study group at the beginning of the semester. Last update: Cendelín Jan, doc. MUDr., Ph.D. (26.09.2023)