Obstetrics and Gynecology - EA0110038
Title: Obstetrics and Gynecology
Guaranteed by: Gynekologicko - porodnická klinika (14-480)
Faculty: Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Actual: from 2023
Semester: winter
Points: 6
E-Credits: 6
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:90/0, C [HS]
Extent per academic year: 12 [days]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: not taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Teaching methods: full-time
For type:  
Guarantor: doc. MUDr. Jiří Presl, Ph.D.
prof. MUDr. Jiří Bouda, Ph.D.
Interchangeability : EAP0105480
Is co-requisite for: EA0112038, EA0112138
Is incompatible with: EAP0105480
Is interchangeable with: EAP0105480
Opinion survey results   Examination dates   Schedule   Noticeboard   
Files Comments Added by
download OBGYN updates 20th April 2020.docx Teaching information - 2019/20 Pavlína Kotyková
Annotation -
Gynecology: Gynecologic examination. Menstruation cycle. Precancerosis of the uterine cervix and body. Gynecologic oncology. Malignant uterine and ovarian tumors, their prevention and treatment. Diseases of the vulva. Hysteroscopy, laparoscopy. Pediatrics and adolescent gynecology. Obstetrics: Process of physiological pregnancy. Antenatal care. Obstetrics examination. The course of the physiological labour, stages of the labour, management of the labour. Treatment of injury at the delivery. Puerperium (postpartum period). Newborn. High-risk and pathological pregnancy. Obstetrics operations and instrumental delivery.
Last update: LEBA (20.10.2005)
Course completion requirements

5th year (A4, A5)
Practicals are currently not possible and not likely until the end of semester
Credit will be given to those students, who successfully pass a computer test.
The test will be open in MOODLE platform. We expect to do it at the end of May and we will inform you at least two weeks before.
Study sources:
Gynaecology by Ten Teachers
20th Edition
Louise Kenny, Helen Bickerstaff
CRC Press, 2017
Obstetrics by Ten Teachers
20th Edition
Louise C. Kenny, Jenny E. Myers
CRC Press, 2017
(Obstetrics Illustrated
7th Edition
Authors: Kevin Hanretty
Churchill Livingstone, 2009)
(Gynaecology Illustrated
6th Edition
Authors: Catrina Bain Kevin Burton Jay McGavigan
Churchill Livingstone, 2011)

Lectures – will be at MOODLE platform since mid of April

Last update: Kotyková Pavlína (31.03.2020)
Literature - Czech


Gynaecology by Ten Teachers

20th Edition

Louise Kenny, Helen Bickerstaff

CRC Press, 2017

Obstetrics by Ten Teachers

20th Edition

Louise C. Kenny, Jenny E. Myers

CRC Press, 2017

(Obstetrics Illustrated)

7th Edition

Authors: Kevin Hanretty

Churchill Livingstone, 2009)

(Gynaecology Illustrated

6th Edition

Authors: Catrina Bain Kevin Burton Jay McGavigan

Churchill Livingstone, 2011)


Last update: Kotyková Pavlína (31.03.2020)
Syllabus - Czech


V. year, English, General Medicine

Bed-side teaching: 6 hours, 10 days

                Labor and delivery, postpartum care, postoperative care, high risk pregnancy,

                out patients, ultrasound, operative rooms, general gynecology

 Lectures  (2 hours - GPK  14.00 to 15.40 hours -  15 lectures):


Doc.MUDr. Vladimír Kališ, Ph.D.

 Urogynecology.    (2 hours)

 Khaled M.K. Ismail, FRCOG, Ph.D.MD

 Fetal Growth, IUGR     (2 hours)

 Doc. MUDr. Zdeněk Rokyta, CSc.:

 Gynaecological  infections.    (2 hours)

Pelvic  inflammatory  disease.    (2 hours)


 Doc.MUDr. Jiří Bouda, Ph.D.:

 Abnormal  uterine  bleeding.  Amenorrhoe.    (2 hours)

 Malignant  tumors  of  the  ovary.    (2 hours)

 Endometrial  cancer.     (2 hours)

 MUDr. Jiří Presl, Ph.D.

 Contraception.     (2 hours)

 MUDr. Vladimír Korečko

 Antenatal  care.     (2 hours)

 Ultrasound  in Obstetetrics Gynecology.    (2 hours)

 Prenatal genetic diagnostic.    (2 hours)

 MUDr. Zdeněk Rušavý, Ph.D.

 Physiology of pregnancy.     (2 hours)

 Labor delivery.     (2 hours)

 Menstrual cycle.   (2 hours)

 Test,  Credit




 Gynaecology by Ten Teachers

 20th Edition

 Louise Kenny, Helen Bickerstaff

 CRC Press, 2017


Obstetrics by Ten Teachers

 20th Edition

 Louise C. Kenny, Jenny E. Myers

 CRC Press, 2017


(Obstetrics Illustrated)

 7th Edition

 Authors: Kevin Hanretty

 Churchill Livingstone, 2009)


(Gynaecology Illustrated

 6th Edition

 Authors: Catrina Bain Kevin Burton Jay McGavigan

 Churchill Livingstone, 2011)


Last update: Kotyková Pavlína (31.03.2020)
Course completion requirements

5th year (A4, A5)
Practicals are currently not possible and not likely until the end of semester
Credit will be given to those students, who successfully pass a computer test.
The test will be open in MOODLE platform. We expect to do it at the end of May and we will inform you at least two weeks before.
Study sources:
Gynaecology by Ten Teachers
20th Edition
Louise Kenny, Helen Bickerstaff
CRC Press, 2017
Obstetrics by Ten Teachers
20th Edition
Louise C. Kenny, Jenny E. Myers
CRC Press, 2017
(Obstetrics Illustrated
7th Edition
Authors: Kevin Hanretty
Churchill Livingstone, 2009)
(Gynaecology Illustrated
6th Edition
Authors: Catrina Bain Kevin Burton Jay McGavigan
Churchill Livingstone, 2011)

Lectures – will be at MOODLE platform since mid of April

Last update: Kotyková Pavlína (31.03.2020)