SubjectsSubjects(version: 957)
Course, academic year 2023/2024
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Radiology and Nuclear Medicine - EA0108035
Title: Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
Guaranteed by: Klinika zobrazovacích metod (14-440)
Faculty: Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Actual: from 2022
Semester: winter
Points: 3
E-Credits: 3
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:2/2, C+Ex [HS]
Extent per academic year: 15 [hours]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: not taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Teaching methods: full-time
For type:  
Additional information:
Note: deregister from the exam date if a requisite was not fulfilled
Guarantor: prof. MUDr. Jiří Ferda, Ph.D.
Co-requisite : EA0106013, EA0106014
Interchangeability : EAP0104440
Is co-requisite for: EA0110023, EA0110026, EA0110019, EA0110024, EA0110029, EA0110116, EA0110030, EA0110057
Is incompatible with: EAP0104440
Is interchangeable with: EAP0104440
Annotation -
Radiology and Nuclear Medicine.WS. The essentials of conventional
radiological methods.-contrast media-radiation protection.Modern
radiodiagnostic methods-computed tomography-ultrasonography-digital
subtraction angiography.Radiodiagnostic of kidney and excretory urinary
system.Radiodiagnostic of liver,spleen and pancreas.Radiodiagnostic of heart
and vessels.Neuroradiology of brain diseases.Neuroradiology of spinal cors
and vertebral column.Radiology of diseases of lung.Radiology of pleura and
mediastinum.Radiodiagnostic of suprarenal glands and
retroperitoneum.Radiodiagnostic in obst
Last update: BURIANKO (28.07.2003)
Literature - Czech

Blažek a spol. : Radiologie a nukleární medicina. Praha Avicenum 1989

Chudáček Z.: Radiodiagnostika pro mediky. Praha SPN 1986

Nekula J., Heřman V., Köcher M.: Radiologie. UP 2001

Last update: BURIANKO (30.07.2003)
Requirements to the exam


The requests for studying -at practical exercises  good knowledge of actual problematic (according to the sylabus)


The student could obtain the winter and summer semester credits under the condition of sufficient  attendance at practical excersises (one absence in the semester possible) and having successful result from the test.The test contains the items from the lectures and practical exercises from relevant semester


The exam-both credits necessary.


Last update: Kasalová Lenka (24.05.2018)
Syllabus -


Syllabus for practical excercises in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine for winter semester 2021/2022



The order of the practicals are not the same for all groups and students, the students will attend all practicals, but in different sequence, changing the attendance between groups is not allowed



1.      Basic evaluation of the radiological examinations

Viewing of CT and MRI images, multi-planar reconstructions, practical examples

2.      Advances evaluation of the radiological examinations

3D imaging, CT angiography, fusion of the images in hybrid imaging

3.      Differential diagnosis of  lung diseases in imaging

Pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, chronic obstructive lung disease, interstitial lung fibrosis 

4.      Acute abdomen – differential diagnosis  in imaging

Gastrointestinal tract perforation, bowel obstruction, bowel ischemia, acute appendicitis. 

5.      Acute central nervous system diseases

Brain ischemia, intracerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage, interventional therapy of stroke and subarachnoid bleeding

6.      Interventional  radiology

Basic instrumentation, instruments, indications and contraindications

7.      Visit of CT suite

Indications, contraindications, patient preparation, use of the contrast material, imaging technique 

8.      Visit of MR suite

Indications, contraindications, patient preparation, use of the contrast material, imaging technique 

9.      Visit of interventional cath-lab suite

Indications, contraindications, patient preparation, use of the devices and contrast material, imaging technique 

10.  Ultrasonography 1

Ultrasound practice – base of the imaging concepts

11.  Ultrasonography 2

Ultrasound practice – abdominal

12.  Ultrasonography 3

Ultrasound practice – head and neck, Doppler-ultrasonography



Practical exercises take place at  The Department of Imaging Methods, Faculty Hospital Lochotín, entrance C, IV. Floor.  Paired numbers of groups start from practicals 1, un-paired numbers of groups start from practicals 7





Prof. MUDr. Jiří Ferda, Ph.D.

                                                                                   Head of The Department of Imaging Methods



Pilsen, 24th September 2021





List of lectures on Diagnostic Imaging - IV. year – General Medicine

Winter Semester 2021/2022


1.      Diagnostic methods of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine

4/10/2021 lecture in presence at the lecture hall   Prof. MUDr. Jiří Ferda, Ph.D.

The position of the imaging in the diagnostics algorithms and in the follow up of the disease evolution. How to indicate diagnostic imaging?  The comparison of the general indications of radiological and nuclear medicine imaging methods. Radiation burden, special problems of the indications of the imaging methods in childhood and pregnancy. Current indications of the X-rays – diseases of the lungs, skeleton, special problems of mammography. The main indications of the ultrasound – imaging of the abdominal organs, cardiovascular imaging, including Doppler ultrasound, special ultrasound applications – transcranial, endosonography, ultrasound elastography. Main indications of computed tomography – urgent imaging, lung imaging, cardiovascular imaging. Main indications of the magnetic resonance imaging – imaging of the brain, spinal cord and musculoskeletal system. Diagnostic radionuclide methods, therapeutic radionuclide methods. Radiopharmaceutical selections, tissue behavior displayed by radiopharmaceutical – distribution, metabolic activity, receptor-principle, ligand binding, blood-element labeling. The selection of the imaging technique – planar scintigraphy, dynamic scintigraphy, gated-SPECT, hybrid imaging. Application of the radiopharmaceutical, radiation burden, care of the patient with the applied radiopharmaceutical, special problems of radiopharmaceutical application in childhood.  General symptoms in scintigraphy evaluation – positive and negative scintigraphy, dynamic scintigraphy evaluation. Quantification of the accumulation. Hybrid methods – SPECT/CT, PET/CT, PET/MRI.


2.      Therapy in radiology and Nuclear medicine

11/10/2021 lecture in presence at the lecture hall             Prof. MUDr. Jiří Ferda, Ph.D.

Principal of the mini-invasive therapy under imaging control. Endovascular interventions, non-vascular interventions. Seldinger catheterization principle, percutaneous transluminal angioplasty, stent implantation, stent-graft implantation, embolization technique – coiling, chemoembolization, radio-embolization, percutaneous vascular recanalization, implantation of the permanent vascular access, vena cava filters. Non-vascular interventions – biopsy, drainage of the fluid collections, nephrostomy, biliary drainage, radio-frequency ablation. Therapy in nuclear medicine using radionuclide application, radioiodine applications, therapy of the bone metastases, therapy using radioembolisation, theranostics.


3.      Lung diseases

18/10/2021 lecture in presence at the lecture hall             Doc. MUDr. Hynek Mírka, Ph.D.

Differential diagnosis of the inflammatory lung diseases, inflammatory diseases in immunocompetent and immunocompromised patients, lung tuberculosis. Differential diagnostic of the interstitial lung diseases – interstitial lung fibrosis, exogenous allergic alveolitis, sarcoidosis, pneumoconiosis, carcinomatous lymphangiitis. Chronical obstructive lung disease, bronchiectasies, cystic fibrosis. Differential diagnostic of focal lung diseases - chondrohamartoma, lung carcinoma, granulomatous diseases, lung metastases. Newborn´s lung diseases


4.      Imaging in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, biliary system and pancreas 

25/10/2021 lecture in presence at the lecture hall             Doc. MUDr. Hynek Mírka, Ph.D.

Imaging of the esophageal diseases.  Imaging of the tumors of the stomach and their staging. Differential diagnosis of the bowel obstruction. Imaging in Crohn disease, differential diagnosis of the small bowel diseases. Detection, staging and restaging of colorectal carcinoma using imaging. Liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Imaging of the hepatocellular carcinoma and its differential diagnosis. Differential diagnosis of the cholestasis. Differential diagnosis of the focal pancreatic lesions. Acute and chronic pancreatitis.


5.      Imaging in cardiovascular diseases

1/11/2021 lecture in presence at the lecture hall               Prof. MUDr. Jan Baxa, Ph.D.

Deep venous thrombosis and its detection by the imaging methods, differential diagnoses of lower extremity swelling. A role of imaging in differential diagnosis of the chest pain – pulmonary embolism, acute coronary syndrome, aortic dissection. Coronary arteries´diseases – stress induced ischemia and its diagnostics using radiology and nuclear medicine. Diseases of the myocardium – myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, amyloidosis, hemosiderosis. Valvular cardiac disorders. Aortic aneurysms   and their complications. Chronic and acute limb ischemia and its diagnostic imaging, differential diagnosis of the acute and chronic arterial occlusion.


6.      Imaging in trauma

8/11/2021 lecture in presence at the lecture hall               Prof. MUDr. Jan Baxa, Ph.D.

Imaging strategy in monotrauma and polytrauma. Imaging strategy in musculoskeletal trauma – fractures of skeleton – their types and types of dislocations. Imaging in suspected life threatening injuries – brain injury, injuries of thoracic and abdominal organs. Ultrasound imaging using FAST protocol. CT imaging in polytrauma. Strategy in imaging in spine and spine cord injury. Diffuse axonal injury. Interventional radiology in injuries of the aorta and peripheral arteries.


7.      Imaging of the head and neck diseases 

15/11/2021 E-lecture available on Moodle since date of lecture             Prof. MUDr. Jiří Ferda, Ph.D.

Differential diagnosis of diseases of paranasal sinuses – acute and chronic sinusitis, mukokele, tumors. Differential diagnosis of the diseases in the region of temporal bone – neurinoma of the cranial nerves, chronic otitis media, cholesteatoma, paraganglioma. Differential diagnosis of the eye ball diseases – chorioideal melanoma, retinal detachmentDetection of the eye ball and orbital injuries using imaging. Imaging of the head and neck tumors in childhood. Hybrid imaging in tumors of the tumors of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx; evaluation of the staging and therapy response. Diseases of the teeth, jaw and temporomandibular joint. Detection of the inflammatory processes of the head and neck using imaging.


8.      Diseases of the brain and spinal cord 

22/11/2021 E-lecture available on Moodle since date of lecture             Prof. MUDr.  Jiří Ferda, Ph.D.

Cerebral ischemia and hemorrhage, interventional therapies of the brain ischemia and hemorrhage. Intracranial space occupying lesions and their differential diagnosis – intra-axial and extra-axial involvement. Differential diagnosis of the ring-like enhanced lesions in brain tissue. Differential diagnosis of the newborn´ encephalopathies. Differential diagnosis of the white matter diseases. Differential diagnosis of the neurodegenerative diseases using hybrid imaging. Differential diagnosis of the epilepsy.


9.      Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and soft tissues

29/12/2021 E-lecture available on Moodle since date of lecture             Prof. MUDr. Jiří Ferda, Ph.D.

Basic symptoms of skeletal diseases on plain X-ray – osteolysis, osteosclerosis, periosteal reaction, distribution of changes within skeleton, focal and diffuse disorders.  Basic symptoms of the skeletal diseases in radionuclide imaging – scintigraphy, PET/CT and PET/MRI. Joint diseases – hip dysplasia, aseptic necrosis, osteoarthritis. Imaging of joint injury and cartilage diseases by magnetic resonance imaging. Imaging of the joint endo-prosthesis and its failure including radionuclide methods. Tumors of the bones and soft tissues – primary tumors and their staging, metastatic bone involvement, multiple myeloma


10.  Oncological diseases

6/12/2021 E-lecture available on Moodle since date of lecture               Prof. MUDr. Jiří Ferda, Ph.D.

Detection and screening of oncologic disease using imaging, functional imaging of tumorous tissue – perfusion, glycolytic activity and Warburg´s effect, proliferation, microstructural changes. TNM staging, imaging of the tumorous spread: dissemination in lymph nodes (sentinel node detection), metastatic involvement of lungs, bones, liver, peritoneum and brain. Detection, staging, therapy response evaluation and restaging in model tumors: bronchogenic carcinoma, breast carcinoma, prostate carcinoma, Hodgkin lymphoma, glioblastoma multiforme.


11.  Endocrinology,  metabolic and systemic diseases 

13/12/2021 E-lecture available on Moodle since date of lecture             Prof. MUDr. Jiří Ferda, Ph.D.

Diseases of the hypophysis – detection of the adenohypophyseal adenoma. Diseases of the thyroid gland – differential diagnostic of thyroidal nodes, thyreotoxicosis including endocrine orbithopathy, thyroideal carcinoma, medullary thyroidal carcinoma – ultrasound, radionuclide diagnostic and therapeutic methods. Hyperparathyroidism – detection of the active parathyroid body, changes related to hyperparathyroidism on skeleton. Differential diagnosis of the diffuse skeletal disorders – osteoporosis, osteomalatia, rachitis, renal osteodystrophy. Tumors of adrenal glands and their imaging, selective blood sampling. Neuroendocrine tumors of APUD and paraganglioma line including hybrid imaging. Hybrid imaging in fever, bacteremia and sepsis of unknown origin. Imaging in systemic autoimmune diseases – progressive polyarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, systemic lupus erythematodes and systemic vasculitis.  


12.  Diseases of the urogenital tract  

3/1/2022 E-lecture available on Moodle since date of lecture                 Prof. MUDr. Jiří Ferda, Ph.D.

Urolithiasis and its complications. Differential diagnosis of the obstructive uropathies. Inflammatory kidney diseases. Failing kidney function and a role of the renal scintigraphy. Differential diagnosis of the cystic renal masses.  Differential diagnosis of solid renal masses. Staging and restaging of renal carcinoma. Tumors of urinary bladder. Tumors of the uterus – cervical carcinoma, endometrial carcinoma. Ovarian carcinoma.  Endometriosis. Diagnostic of the testicular and penile tumors. 









Prof. MUDr. Jiří Ferda, Ph.D.

                                                                                               Head of The Department of Imaging Methods




Pilsen, 24 th September 2021

Last update: Kasalová Lenka (24.09.2021)
Learning resources

lectures - Moodle course 

Last update: Kasalová Lenka (12.10.2020)
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