Physiology and pathophysiology of function and movement control at different levels, its relation to different clinical symptoms
Clinical neurophysiology as theoretical basis of understanding the effect of different physiotherapy procedures nad methods/concepts
Last update: HERBENOV (02.06.2008)
Aplication of neurophysiology in clinical physiotherapy practice Last update: HERBENOV (02.06.2008)
1. Králíček, P.: Úvod do speciální neurofyziologie. Praha,Karolinum, 2004 2. Trojan S., Druga R., Pfeiffer J., Votava J.: Fyziologie a léčebná rehabilitace motoriky člověka.Praha Grada,1996 3. Basmajian, J. V., Deluca, C. J.: Muscule Alive. Williams & Wilkins, 1985
Last update: HERBENOV (02.06.2008)
lectures Last update: HERBENOV (02.06.2008)
credit, exam Last update: HERBENOV (02.06.2008)
Last update: HERBENOV (02.06.2008)
fulfiled study duties of the 2nd year Last update: HERBENOV (02.06.2008)