SubjectsSubjects(version: 962)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Interdisciplinary course on palliative and end of life care - CCOCB0087
Title: Interdisciplinary course on palliative and end of life care
Guaranteed by: Department of Nursing 3FM CU (12-UOS)
Faculty: Third Faculty of Medicine
Actual: from 2023
Semester: winter
Points: 3
E-Credits: 3
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:0/54, C [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (6)
Min. number of students: 1
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
Guarantor: Mgr. Jana Heřmanová, Ph.D.
Comes under: BVO-PVK-2 (ZÁPIS)
Examination dates   Schedule   
Annotation -
29.1.2017 - 3.2.2017 The course in palliative and of-life-care is coordinated by Artevelde Hogeschool Gent, Belgium. The aim of the course is that the students will gain knowledge on palliative care in international and interdisciplinary perspective, will learn how to communicate with terminally ill patients and will practice some of the complementary therapy techniques.
Last update: Maternová Kateřina, Bc. (02.02.2024)
Aim of the course -

The aim of the course is that the students will gain knowledge on palliative care in international and interdisciplinary perspective, will learn how to communicate with terminally ill patients and will practice some of the complementary therapy techniques.

Last update: Maternová Kateřina, Bc. (02.02.2024)
Literature - Czech

1. O. Connor, M., Aranda, S.: Paliativní péče pro sestry všech oborů. Grada. Praha 2005
2. Haškovcová, H.: Thanatologie - Nauka o umírání a smrti, 2. přepracované vydání. Galén. Praha 2007
3. Kübler-Ross, E.: O smrti a umírání. Arita. Turnov 1993

4. Marková, M.: Sestra a pacient v paliativní péči. Grada Publishing. Praha 2010

Last update: Maternová Kateřina, Bc. (02.02.2024)
Teaching methods -

Lectures, seminars, excursion, workshop.

Last update: Maternová Kateřina, Bc. (02.02.2024)
Requirements to the exam -

Prezentations during the course, reflective diary, report of the course.

Last update: Maternová Kateřina, Bc. (02.02.2024)
Syllabus - Czech

1. Koncept paliativní péče

2. Komunikace v paliativní péči

3. Rozhodování o péči na konci života, specifika péče na konci života v Belgii

4. Komplementární terapie - workshopy

5. Paliativní péče v zařízeních pro seniory a osoby s poruchami kognice, denní stacionář - exkurze

6. Práce s klienty zařízení dlouhodobé péče - workshop a samostatná práce studentů

7. Interdisciplinární a interkulturní přístupy


Last update: Maternová Kateřina, Bc. (02.02.2024)
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