Neurology - C2FY010
Title: Neurologie I. Obecná část
Guaranteed by: Department of Neurology 3FM CU and UHKV (12-NEUR)
Faculty: Third Faculty of Medicine
Actual: from 2021
Semester: summer
Points: 3
E-Credits: 3
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:30/15, C [HS]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Guarantor: prof. MUDr. Ivana Štětkářová, CSc., MHA
Classification: Health Care > Clinical Overview
Is pre-requisite for: C3FY005
Examination dates   Schedule   
Annotation -
This course is being taught in bachelors' programme "Specialization in health care - Physiotherapy. It brings a review in symptoms, diagnostics and possibilities of physical therapy in neurological diseases. The subject is treated in the 2nd study year with 30 hours and continues in the 3rd year, where finishes by an exam.
Last update: Ploc Marek, Mgr. (08.11.2021)
Aim of the course -

The course will make the student acquainted with neurological clinical examination technics and with the assessment of anatomic localization of neurological disorders. Students will learn to evaluate the strength, sensitivity, sensoric disorders, tendon reflexes, spastic and paretic signs.

Last update: Ploc Marek, Mgr. (08.11.2021)
Literature -

Jedlička, P., Nebudová, J.: Neurologie, Avicenum, 1989

Opavský, J.: Neurologické vyšetření v rehabilitaci pro fyzioterapeuty. UP v Olomouci, 2003

Lenský, P.: Roztroušená skleróza mozkomíšní (nemoc, nemocný a jeho problémy). Roska, 1996

Janda, V., Kraus, J.: Neurologie pro rehabilitační pracovníky.Avicenum, Praha, 1987

Janda, V., a kol.: LTV u hemiparetiků. IDVPZ, Brno, 1982, skripta

Obrda, K., Karpíšek, J.: Rehabilitace nervově nemocných. Avicenum, Praha, 1968

Kolektiv autorů.: Léčení poliomyelitidy. SZdN, Praha, 1961

Vojta, V.: Mozkové hybné poruchy v kojeneckém věku. Grada Avicenum, Praha, 1993

Wendsche, P. a kol.: Poranění páteře a míchy. IDVPZ, Brno, 1993, skripta

Rehabilitace po cévní mozkové příhodě, publikace WHO, Grada Publ. 2004

Last update: Ploc Marek, Mgr. (08.11.2021)
Teaching methods -

Demonstrations at seminars, active neurological examinations by students - partly on themselves mutually, partly on patients. Interactive reviews at platform lectures.

Last update: Ploc Marek, Mgr. (08.11.2021)
Requirements to the exam -

To get a credit the student needs to participate out of 30 hours tution within 2 weeks minimally in 24 hours, meaning 8 study days. Of the required answers in the final test 75% success is the mandatory minimum.

Last update: Ploc Marek, Mgr. (08.11.2021)
Syllabus -

Examinations of cranial nerves, of upper and lower extremities. Examinations of stance, gait and of motricity in general. Checking of the vertebral column and spinal cord. Assessment of the anatomic localization of the particular disorders.

Last update: Ploc Marek, Mgr. (08.11.2021)