Curriculum of Paediatrics before State Examination - B81057 (General Medicine)
During the 7-weeks training course in Pediatrics the students will have the opportunity to participate in lectures,
seminars and wards and learn all aspects of paediatric propedeutics in childhood since neonatal period till
adulthood and on the pregraduate level most aspects of natural course of most common acquired or inherited
diseases in childhood. The students will attend neonatal department, neonatal and pediatric intenzive care units,
several wards for infants and toddlers and wards for older children, they will have the opportuinity to visit several
out-patients departments for pediatric gastroenterology, pediatric cardiology, pediatric alergology, imunology and
pneumology, pediatric neurology, pediatric rheumatology, social medicine, pediatric metabolic medicine etc.
Last update: Kolářová Jana (05.03.2021)
Behrman E., Kliegman R.M.: Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics, Saunders, 19. ed. Kovács L., Babinská K.: Pediatric Propedeutics (Workbook for Medical Students),
Last update: Albrechtová Blanka (15.07.2024)