course is intended for doctoral students only course can be enrolled in outside the study plan enabled for web enrollment can be fulfilled in the future
Along with the Doctoral Seminar, the Theoretical-Methodological Seminar, and Philosophy, this is the third study obligation of a key character. It aims to orient the PhD student to the latest scientific research findings and focus on their critical analysis in terms of content and methodology, and their comparison with similarly focused projects. It represents one of the opportunities to acquire important skills for scientific work, adequately reflecting psychological practice and its possibilities (diagnostics, interventions, etc.) The aim is to orient the doctoral student convincingly to the latest approaches and research results in the chosen field. This is evidenced by the preparation of a written thesis in the form of a review study of 15 NS presenting the results of new research findings relevant to the chosen area of psychology. The written paper is the first part of the exam, and the second, oral part is a professional discussion of the paper. The selection of research and approaches and their critical analysis from a substantive and methodological point of view are essential for the assessment of the attestation.
Last update: Nikolai Tomáš, doc. Mgr. et Mgr., Ph.D. (27.03.2024)
Course completion requirements - Czech
Board examination (chair and at least 2 members from among internal academics or external collaborators of the Department of Psychology): Part 1 - a written paper of at least 15 NS presenting new research findings and approaches in the chosen area/field and a critical analysis of their content and methodology; Part 2 - oral: debate and discussion of the written work.
Last update: Nikolai Tomáš, doc. Mgr. et Mgr., Ph.D. (27.03.2024)
Literature - Czech
Study literature (especially foreign professional journals) according to the doctoral student's choice concerning the focus of the written work and using consultation with the supervisor and possibly other experts.
Last update: Nikolai Tomáš, doc. Mgr. et Mgr., Ph.D. (27.03.2024)