The course is focused on the realia of the Spanish-speaking world. Its aim is to get acquainted with selected customs, traditions and culture of Spain and some Latin American countries.
The seminar assumes a very active participation of students, who participate in its creation. Emphasis is also placed on practicing academic skills (speaking, reading comprehension and listening, oral presentation, professional discussion on the assigned topic). The course is intended for students with good knowledge of general Spanish at the B1 / B2 level (see the annotations of the Spanish courses B1.2, B2.1 and B2.2). The requirement to enrol in the course is pass the test and write an essay on level B1.2. Check your level at: http://pruebadenivel.cervantes.es/exam.php?id=17 or: Test de nivel online en español - ProfeDeELE This is a one-semester course, 1x2 lessons per week. Last update: Králová Jana, Mgr. (20.01.2024)
Cílem kurzu je seznámit se ve španělštině s vybranými zvyklostmi, tradicemi a kulturou Španělska a některých států Latinské Ameriky. Dalším cílem kurzu je zejména prohloubení znalosti slovní zásoby a osvojení si nové slovní zásoby spojené s vybranými tématy probíranými v kurzu
Last update: Králová Jana, Mgr. (20.01.2024)
The course ends with a credit. To obtain the attestation it is necessary to meet the following requirements: o regular attendance (max. 3 absences) o active participation in the course o regular work during the semester o presentation of a specific topic related to Hispanic realia o interview or test at the end of the semester
Last update: Králová Jana, Mgr. (20.01.2024)
Authentic documents, professional texts and additional study materials according to the teacher's choice. Recommended literature: · España contemporánea, C. López Moreno, SGEL, Madrid: 2008 · España siglo XXI, S. Quesada Marco, Edelsa, Madrid: 2004 · En el mundo hispánico, F. J. Uriz, B. Harling, Chancerel, London: 2000 · Descubrir España y Latinoamérica, A. Ribas Casasayas, Black Cat - Cideb 2005 · Guía de usos y costumbres de España, M. Cortés Moreno, Edelsa, Madrid: 2003 · Cultura española, A. Balea, P. Ramos, enCLAVE - ELE, 2006 · Reálie španělsky mluvících zemí, J. Carrasco Montero, L. Solé Bernardino, Fraus, Plzeň: 2001 · Literatura španělsky mluvících zemí, J. Fenclová, J. Carrasco Montero, L. Solé Bernardino, Fraus, Plzeň: 2000 · Španělsko - Stručná historie států, Jiří Chalupa, Libri, Praha: 2005 · Dějiny Španělska, A. Ubieto, J. Reglá, J. Jover, C. Seco, nakl. Lidové noviny, 1995 · Amerika v proměnách staletí, Josef Opatrný, Libri, Praha: 1998 · Historia y geografía de América Latina, Jiří Chalupa, Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc: 2000 · Španělské umění od Altamiry po Picassa, Pavel Štěpánek, Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc: 2002 · Historia del Arte de España e Hispanoamércia, S. Quesada Marco, Edelsa, Madrid: 2005 · ¿Qué pasa?, kolektiv autorů, Lingea, Brno: 2011 · Aula internacional 1 - Curso de español, J. Corpas, E. García, A. Garmendia, C. Soriano, Difusión, 2005 · Sueña 4 - Libro del alumno, A. Blanco, M. Fernández, M. Torrens, Anaya, Universidad de Alcalá, 2001 · ¡Habla y opina!, C. Ferrer, S. Fariña, K. Sýkorová, Edika, Brno: 2014
www.profedeele.es Last update: Králová Jana, Mgr. (20.01.2024)
Selected topics: - Spanish speaking countries - Spanish language and its variants - the influences of foreign languages on Spanish and the influence of Spanish on contemporary language - nonverbal communication - Spanish traditions and holidays - Spanish customs - famous personalities of the Spanish-speaking world - the contribution of Spain and Latin America to the world - and more
Course strategy: - reading texts selected by the teacher, listening to recordings, watching videos - subsequent oral analysis and debate - practice of oral presentation: presentation of a professional topic, argumentation, summary, conclusion etc.
Last update: Králová Jana, Mgr. (20.01.2024)